On Oct 16, 2011, at 10:00 PM, Tudor Girba wrote:
> Ok. We did it. Now, the whole Moose is unbuildable :)
> The issue is that it tells us that:
> *** Warning: Warning: You are about to load new versions of the following packages that have unsaved changes in the image. If you continue, you will lose these changes.
> Refactoring-Tests-Core
> We are loading ConfigurationOfRB stable.
We really need to make a version of everytthing based on 13315.
[View More]Marcus
Marcus Denker -- http://marcusdenker.de
[View Less]
Btw, you can download a ready-made image with the GlamorousToolkit from:
On 15 Oct 2011, at 23:32, Tudor Girba wrote:
> Hi,
> On 15 Oct 2011, at 23:13, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
>> On Oct 15, 2011, at 10:58 PM, Tudor Girba wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> On 15 Oct 2011, at 22:36, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
[View More]> Hi Tudor. Today I wanted to give it a try to 'GT-Inspector' 'GT-Playground' hence I did:
>>> I am happy you decided to give them a try :). But, the Playground is not yet ready :).
>>>> (ConfigurationOfGlamoroust project version: #bleedingEdge) load: #('GT-Inspector' 'GT-Playground' ).
>>>> In a Pharo 1.3 release. To my surprise, it took like half an hour to install, and it even was broken because it installed a different version of refactoring browser that is not working in 1.3.
>>> This is due to a broken ConfiguraitonOfRB. I would actually be very interested in a fix in this area.
>> what is broken? because I spent one full sprint to fix it.
> Actually it is not broken. Something else is broken by loading an older version somewhere in the Moose configuration. I did not have time yet.
>>>> So..can I ask.. are all of those projects really needed just for 2 simples things like a cool inspector and a cool workspace?
>>>> do you need Nile, Grease, RefactoringBrowser, EyeSee, Magritte ???
>>>> can I somehow just load a minimal core for those things I need ?
>>> These projects are loaded by the full default ConfigurationOfGlamour. The ConfigurationOfGlamour offers groups, but the GlamorousToolikt one does not yet. If someone can tell me how to do something like this, I would be happy to accommodate the solution.
>> in the chapter on metacello groups are explained. I can send you the latest version if you want.
> I know how they work. I was actually referring to the actual code :). It is such a big mess to deal with the explosion of combinations.
> Doru
>>> Cheers,
>>> Doru
>>>> Thanks
>>>> linear load :
>>>> linear load : baseline-0.1 [ConfigurationOfGlamoroust]
>>>> load : ConfigurationOfGlamour
>>>> atomic load : baseline-0.1 [ConfigurationOfGlamoroust]
>>>> linear load : default [ConfigurationOfGlamour]
>>>> load : ConfigurationOfEyeSee
>>>> linear load : default [ConfigurationOfGlamour]
>>>> load : ConfigurationOfGrease
>>>> linear load : default [ConfigurationOfGlamour]
>>>> load : ConfigurationOfMondrian
>>>> linear load : default [ConfigurationOfGlamour]
>>>> load : ConfigurationOfShout
>>>> atomic load : default [ConfigurationOfGlamour]
>>>> load : CollectionExtensions
>>>> load : Glamour-Announcements
>>>> load : Glamour-Helpers
>>>> load : Glamour-Core
>>>> load : Glamour-Presentations
>>>> load : Glamour-Browsers
>>>> load : Glamour-Tests-Core
>>>> load : Glamour-Morphic-Theme
>>>> load : Glamour-Examples
>>>> load : Glamour-Tools
>>>> load : Glamour-Morphic-Widgets
>>>> load : Glamour-Morphic-Renderer
>>>> load : Glamour-Tests-Morphic
>>>> linear load : default [ConfigurationOfMondrian]
>>>> load : ConfigurationOfProfStef
>>>> linear load : default [ConfigurationOfMondrian]
>>>> load : ConfigurationOfHealthReportProducer
>>>> linear load : default [ConfigurationOfMondrian]
>>>> load : ConfigurationOfShapeST80
>>>> atomic load : default [ConfigurationOfMondrian]
>>>> atomic load : 0.2-baseline [ConfigurationOfHealthReportProducer]
>>>> load : HealthReportProducer
>>>> load : CollectionExtensions
>>>> load : Nile-Base
>>>> load : Mondrian-ComplexShape
>>>> load : Mondrian-Core
>>>> load : Mondrian-Layouts
>>>> load : Mondrian-Help
>>>> load : Mondrian-Easel
>>>> load : Mondrian-Pharo-Tests
>>>> load : Mondrian-Shapes
>>>> load : Mondrian-Events
>>>> load : Mondrian-Visitor
>>>> load : Mondrian-Util
>>>> load : Mondrian-Normalizers
>>>> load : Mondrian-Example
>>>> load : Mondrian-ShapeVisitor
>>>> load : Mondrian-Pharo-Morphic
>>>> load : Mondrian-Tests
>>>> load : Mondrian-FADELayout
>>>> load : Glamour-Mondrian-Presentations
>>>> load : Glamour-Tests-Mondrian
>>>> atomic load : default [ConfigurationOfEyeSee]
>>>> load : EyeSee-Events
>>>> load : EyeSee-Axis
>>>> load : EyeSee-Tests-Core
>>>> load : EyeSee-Support
>>>> load : EyeSee-Core
>>>> load : Glamour-EyeSee-Presentations
>>>> load : Glamour-Tests-EyeSee
>>>> linear load : [ConfigurationOfGrease]
>>>> load : ConfigurationOfRefactoringBrowser
>>>> linear load : [ConfigurationOfGrease]
>>>> load : Grease-Slime-lr.13
>>>> load : Magritte-Model
>>>> load : Magritte-Pharo-Model
>>>> load : Magritte-Morph
>>>> load : Glamour-Magritte-Presentations
>>>> load : Magritte-Tests-Model
>>>> load : GT-Playground
>>>> load : GT-Inspector
>>>> --
>>>> Mariano
>>>> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com
>>> --
>>> www.tudorgirba.com
>>> "Every successful trip needs a suitable vehicle."
> --
> www.tudorgirba.com
> "One cannot do more than one can do."
"Obvious things are difficult to teach."
[View Less]
just that you know I'm improving system announcement and hope to get done with the bug that freezes my image with RPackage. So that I can continue to
work on the integration of rpackage.
The integration is a pain.
Do we have some MSE generator to analyze Cobol sources? I remember in ESUG
people presenting a work related to the analysis of Cobol sources in Moose,
but I am not sure if their work is available for us.
If we don't have one, do you know a good parser / ast generator to Cobol
sources? Just to the case if we want to implement something one day...
Andre Hora
Hi all,
i found this very interesting page:
http://worrydream.com/LadderOfAbstraction/ on Twitter. This is
something that we could envision in future versions of Mondrian: be
able to explore/visualize systems and data in a more interactive way
at multiple levels of abstraction.
I also like the paragraph at the end "Appendix: Tools &
Implementation" with sentences like: "Unfortunately, development
environments generally don't support this process." and "Perhaps IDE
makers will focus on …
[View More]dynamic exploration instead of static analysis,
rich visualization instead of line debugging. Perhaps language
theorists will stop messing around with arrows and dependent types,
and start inventing languages suitable for interactive development and
The animation in this page are done with the help on an js library
called Tangle : http://worrydream.com/Tangle/
One nice idea could be use it from Amber Smalltalk in order to have
this kind of exploration and at the same time the IDE suitable to
modify algorithms and parameters.
Serge Stinckwich
UMI UMMISCO 209 (IRD/UPMC), Hanoi, Vietnam
Every DSL ends up being Smalltalk
[View Less]
Hi guys. The question is simple, I know that you are using Fuel to
import/export moose models. I know there is also a way to do it with MSE. My
question is, is there another way already implemented and working or that's
I have a text pane in a Glamour browser :
browser transmit from: #A; to: #B; andShow: [ :a |
a text
title: [ :c | c name, ' source'];
display: [ :c | c sourceText ] .
is it possible to programatically highlight a given line in this text?
May be by selecting it?
How can it be done?
I will start to work on a parser to parse git logs. For now i will parer the info generated by "git log --stat". A full diff parser will came later.
If you have any suggestion or comment please ping me.
Hi !
Yesterday I spent about 30 minutes with a guy from microsoft to generate .mse from C#. We were able to extract the data and generate the mse. I was happy to have a blueprint complexity after such a short amount of time.
Usman, we use http://ccimetadata.codeplex.com for extracting the data. I can share the code if you wish.
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu