Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-High Component-Hismo
New issue 727 by alexandr...(a) Hismo and classhistories
In the MooseModel root I have a number of Smalltalk models.
Consider the following script:
histories:=MooseModel root allModels asArray.
history:=HismoModelHistory new.
histories do:[:model| history addLastVersionForMooseModel: model].
history allClassHistories class
The script prints HismoHistoryGroup, where I expected
In the Moose panel, I see the item 'All Class Histories'. But inspecting it
reveals it is an instance of HismoHistoryGroup.
I am building a wizard and I am stopped on something that looks trivial.
Consider the following script:
| control firstPane lastPane part1 dropListPart part2 |
control := WizardControl new.
firstPane := WizardFirstPane new.
lastPane := WizardLastPane new.
control addPane: firstPane; addPane: lastPane.
"First pane: picking the configuration we are interested in"
part1 := TextPart new inGroupboxNamed: 'Select the configuration you want to load versions from'.
firstPane addPart: part1 associatedTo: #selectedConfiguration.
dropListPart := DropListPart new
inGroupboxNamed: 'Configurations';
list: self listOfConfigurations;
useLatePopulateContents: false;
firstPane row: dropListPart associatedTo: #selectedConfiguration2.
"Second pane"
part2 := MultiSelectionItemSelectorPart new initialList: ([:input | {input at: #selectedConfiguration2}]).
lastPane addPart: part2 associatedTo: #selectedVersions.
"Open the controler"
control open.
^ control
The problem is that I do not know how to initialize the MultiSelectionItemSelectorPart in the second pane since I need the result of what I selected in part1. I tried to inspire myself from the merlin example #itemsSelectorPartUsing: , but without success.
So, how part2 can refer to the result selected in part1 ?
Alexandre Bergel
I am working on porting an FCA library from VW to Pharo.
In VW, classes LatticeNode and Lattice inherit from a class: Pimon.Figure.
The corresponding classes in pharo, already ported, inherit from
My question: Is there an easy workaround (that is inheriting from a similar
class in pharo doing the work of Pimon.Figure) or do I need to rewrite these
Lattice and LatticeNode classes?
For your information, the Moose build is broken apparently due to a mismatch between ConfigurationOfGrease and the image.
Any help in this direction would be appreciated.
"Be rather willing to give than demanding to get."
Hi Cyrille,
Thanks for your help. This goes indeed in the right direction, however I have the impression I am now bumping into a bug.
Consider the following code:
-=-=-= -=-=-= -=-=-= -=-=-= -=-=-=
| wizardControl wizardPane1 wizardPane2 itemsSelectorsPart listPart aRenderer |
aRenderer := MerlinMorphicWizardRenderer new .
wizardControl := WizardControl new.
wizardControl renderer: aRenderer.
wizardPane1 := WizardFirstPane new.
wizardPane2 := WizardLastPane new.
itemsSelectorsPart := MultiSelectionItemSelectorPart new
initialList: #(item1 item2 item3 item4);
listPart := MultiSelectionItemSelectorPart new
initialList: [:requiredInputs |
(requiredInputs at: #selectedItems)
wizardPane1 row: itemsSelectorsPart associatedTo: #selectedItems.
wizardPane2 row: listPart requiring: {#selectedItems}.
addPane: wizardPane1;
addPane: wizardPane2.
wizardControl open.
-=-=-= -=-=-= -=-=-= -=-=-= -=-=-=
This throws an error.
Shall I open an issue?
On 17 Oct 2011, at 14:45, Cyrille Delaunay wrote:
> Hello alex,
> 2011/10/17 Alexandre Bergel <alexandre.bergel(a)>
> Hi!
> I am building a wizard and I am stopped on something that looks trivial.
> Consider the following script:
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> | control firstPane lastPane part1 dropListPart part2 |
> control := WizardControl new.
> firstPane := WizardFirstPane new.
> lastPane := WizardLastPane new.
> control addPane: firstPane; addPane: lastPane.
> "First pane: picking the configuration we are interested in"
> part1 := TextPart new inGroupboxNamed: 'Select the configuration you want to load versions from'.
> firstPane addPart: part1 associatedTo: #selectedConfiguration.
> dropListPart := DropListPart new
> inGroupboxNamed: 'Configurations';
> list: self listOfConfigurations;
> useLatePopulateContents: false;
> yourself.
> firstPane row: dropListPart associatedTo: #selectedConfiguration2.
> "Second pane"
> part2 := MultiSelectionItemSelectorPart new initialList: ([:input | {input at: #selectedConfiguration2}]).
> lastPane addPart: part2 associatedTo: #selectedVersions.
> I think that here you should specify something like:
> lastPane addPart: part2 associatedTo: #selectedVersions requiring: #selectedConfiguration2.
> Like that the input of the MultiSelectionItemSelectorPart get populated with output of the dropListPart. That means that the line:
> part2 := MultiSelectionItemSelectorPart new initialList: ([:input | {input at: #selectedConfiguration2}]).
> will work corectly.
> Does it answer to your question?
> "Open the controler"
> control open.
> ^ control
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> The problem is that I do not know how to initialize the MultiSelectionItemSelectorPart in the second pane since I need the result of what I selected in part1. I tried to inspire myself from the merlin example #itemsSelectorPartUsing: , but without success.
> So, how part2 can refer to the result selected in part1 ?
> Cheers,
> Alexandre
> --
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> Alexandre Bergel
> ^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;.
Alexandre Bergel
In the MooseModel root I have a number of Smalltalk models.
Consider the following script:
histories:=MooseModel root allModels asArray.
history:=HismoModelHistory new.
histories do:[:model| history addLastVersionForMooseModel: model].
history allClassHistories class
The script prints HismoHistoryGroup, where I expected HismoClassHistoryGroup.
In the Moose panel, I see the item 'All Class Histories'. But inspecting it reveals it is an instance of HismoHistoryGroup.
Am I missing something obvious?
Alexandre Bergel
FAMIXAssociations being SourcedEntities have a 'sourceAnchor' instance variable.
However it redefines the method sourceAnchor :
^ self from sourceAnchor
I am sure there was some good reason to do this, but to me this is counter intuitive and something should probably be corrected.
(in practice I spent from 11pm to 1am yesterday looking for a bug that did not exist :-( )
That is cool Simon. If you can make it public I will surely play with it :)
On 17 Oct 2011, at 16:30, Simon Denier wrote:
> On 14 oct. 2011, at 12:47, Fabrizio Perin wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I will start to work on a parser to parse git logs. For now i will parer the info generated by "git log --stat". A full diff parser will came later.
>> If you have any suggestion or comment please ping me.
> Hi Fabrizio
> Just wanted to tell you that I wrote such a parser this summer, part time because I wanted to learn Petit Parser. However, it's still in the context of my work, so I have to check with my boss whether I can release it in the wild first.
> --
> Simon Denier
On Oct 15, 2011, at 11:13 PM, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
> On Oct 15, 2011, at 10:58 PM, Tudor Girba wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On 15 Oct 2011, at 22:36, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
>>> Hi Tudor. Today I wanted to give it a try to 'GT-Inspector' 'GT-Playground' hence I did:
>> I am happy you decided to give them a try :). But, the Playground is not yet ready :).
>>> (ConfigurationOfGlamoroust project version: #bleedingEdge) load: #('GT-Inspector' 'GT-Playground' ).
>>> In a Pharo 1.3 release. To my surprise, it took like half an hour to install, and it even was broken because it installed a different version of refactoring browser that is not working in 1.3.
>> This is due to a broken ConfiguraitonOfRB. I would actually be very interested in a fix in this area.
> what is broken? because I spent one full sprint to fix it.
the fixed version needs a new Core (13315), while the Full image right now is 13307.
The RB between the two is not compatible.
We need to fix the Metacello of Shout to load the latest version so we can build a Full image based
on 13315, this should solve some of the problems.
Marcus Denker --
On Oct 16, 2011, at 10:07 PM, Tudor Girba wrote:
> Hi,
> If you give me the script, I build one based on the Core.
Husdon does:
Gofer new
squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
package: 'ConfigurationOfPharo';
Marcus Denker --