I'm not sure how to answer the forwarded email. At list i have an idea but without using PPExpressionParser. Someone has an answer that rely on PPExpressionParser?
Begin forwarded message:
> Hi Fabrizio,
> How are you? Its Friday, its me again :D.
> I realized some stuff but still don't really get the Expressions. Let me give you an example:
> exp := PPExpressionParser new.
> exp term: (($$ asParser trim , #letter asParser star) flatten / ($" asParser trim, $" asParser negate star, $" asParser trim) flatten);
> group: [ :g |
> g right: '=' asParser trim do: [:a :op :b | {a. op. b.}].
> ].
> exp parse: '$var = "dings"'. "this is valid code"
> exp parse: '"dings" = $var'. "this is invalid code"
> How do i tell the expression parser to make a constrain on one side? Or a better question could be: How do i combine expression parsers to achieve a similar behavior? Do i even have to? Or am I to assume that the programmer just knows the order...? I could do something like:
> group: [ :g |
> g right: '=' asParser trim do: [:a :op :b |
> { (LeftAssignmentSideExpressionParser new parse: a.) op. (RightAssignmentSideExpressionParser new parse: b.) }
> ].
> ].
> Do you see my Problem?
> Cheers Michael
do you know if the library of adrian for FCA has been ported to Pharo?
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Usman Bhatti <usman.bhatti(a)gmail.com>
> Date: October 13, 2011 5:28:18 PM GMT+02:00
> To: gabriela.b.arevalo(a)gmail.com
> Cc: Stéphane Ducasse <stephane.ducasse(a)inria.fr>, Nicolas Anquetil <nicolas.anquetil(a)inria.fr>
> Subject: looking for a FCA library in Smalltalk
> Hello Gabriella,
> I am working with Stephane and Marianne on a paper related to FCA patterns. The idea is to identify a few patterns in FCA lattices that would reduce lattice exploring task to searching and looking at a few of these patterns. We describe the combination of nodes and subgraphs in the lattices as patterns. When identifying patterns, we took care of the following things:
> 1. the patterns should be generic (i.e. not related to a particular context)
> 2. the patterns should produce little false-positives (that is the nodes that are not important in lattices should not appear in candidates for evaluation)..
> we presented our paper in wcre 2011 but it got rejected. Now, we are reviewing the paper to present it in CSMR 2012.
> The purpose of the mail is that we are looking for a tool (specifically in Smalltalk) that would automate the process of patterns identification in FCA. So, I am looking for a library in FCA that:
> - extracts program info from smalltalk (if possible)
> - calculates lattices based on program info
> - permits to do queries on lattices (top, bottom, a concept with objects, attributes, etc.)
> - find horizontal decomposition and modules in lattices.
> Would you have a knowledge of such a library?
> If you wish I can send you the paper to have a look at it. There is a tool in Java called Colibri that allows to do some of these queries on lattices:
> http://code.google.com/p/colibri-java/
> but its written in Java and I am looking for something in Smalltalk.
> thanx in advance,
> Usman
Hi guys,
so by loading the latest AST-Core package 4 errors and 6 failures of PetitSmalltalk-Tests get green. So can we load AST-Core-lr.89 in Moose? or we have to wait that the Pharo-dev image includes that version?
If we can include that version in Moose, where should i add it? in ConfigurationOfMoose>>>version44beta1: ?
Status: New
Owner: andreho...(a)gmail.com
Labels: Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Component-EyeSee Milestone-4.6
New issue 725 by andreho...(a)gmail.com: EyeSee Pie Charts
We should have pie charts in EyeSee.
I worked a bit to implement pie charts in EyeSee. I am developing
(slowly..), but for now we can have some charts like the ones attached.
Andre Hora
Hi guys
we are cleaning the design of systemAnnouncement (removing the internalAnnouncement).
So that after I can work on RPackage again... (agrh). Now a question, do you have an idea of the impact of change on Moose.
Because once we change systemAnnouncement (normally the public anonucement stays the same) I will have to update RPackage and
this may impact moose.
Hi guys
I ask because I published some changes related to the comments of FAMIX Classes and they are not in the latest image.
So what is the process because I would like to avoid to lose time and energy there.
I saw a presentation of an inria team Graphite and their tool is cool (of course we cannot compete) but may be looking at ome of their work
or use it could be cool.
Status: New
Owner: andreho...(a)gmail.com
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Famix Milestone-4.6
New issue 724 by andreho...(a)gmail.com: <MSEClass:superclass:> should not
contain the package name in MSEClass, just the Fame name
I created concern OnMooseUsagesOfPackagePrefixInMSEClassInMetaAnnotations
in OnMoose-Report to test that.
25 problems were found basically in Hismo.
HismoClassHistory class>>annotation
<MSEClass: #HismoClassHistory super: #HismoAbstractHistory>
<package: #Hismo>
And the correct pattern should be:
HismoClassHistory class>>annotation
<MSEClass: #ClassHistory super: #HismoAbstractHistory>
<package: #Hismo>
So should I change that?