Status: New
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Glamour Milestone-4.6
New issue 718 by Glamour editor should provide a
wrapping browser in preview
Currently, we cannot refer properly to the outside pane from a glamour
script in the editor. The reason is because the outer pane is also the pane
that receives the script, and thus is not like the default pane that will
surround the browser when opened normally.
The solution is to wrap the preview in another browser that only forward
the entity without the script.
[context: I am reviving CAnalyzer. My goal is to have it part of Moose for good. ]
At the time I worked on it, we had mooseName that return the fully qualified name (e.g., 'file2.hunit.recGlobal'). This was quite handy to lookup value. For example, I could write:
mooseModel entityNamed: 'file2.hunit.recGlobal'
this will return the definition of recGlobal defined in the file2.h.
Apparently, mooseName now returns the name (a String) as a symbol.
The method printOn: return the fully qualified name.
We had some discussion some times ago, but I kind of forgot what the motivation was for that change.
Should't we have a way to fully quality entities?
Alexandre Bergel
I have a browser with this form:
| browser |
browser := GLMTabulator new
title: 'Game Viewer';
row: #galaxy;
row: #status size: 25;
browser transmit
to: #galaxy;
andShow: [ :presenter |
presenter morph
title: [ :aGame | aGame name ];
display: [ :aGame | (HGUIGalaxyMorph on: aGame galaxy) ].
browser transmit
to: #status;
from: #galaxy;
andShow: [ :presenter |
presenter text
display: [ :aStar | aStar asString ] ].
problem is that HGUIGalaxyMorph is a very complex morph (well... it will be ;) )... and it updates some status around the "stars"... and I need to transmit that information to other panes... and I don't know how...
so... that's the question: how I trigger an event? is that possible? if not... how it is supposed to do something like that?
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
New issue 664 by jannik.l...(a) MooseMenu - export GML graph
It should be cool to specify the place of the new file.
For now, it is saved just near the image.