A new version of Mondrian is available
- the lower pane may now be freely resized.
- following lint hints, MOSugiyamaLayout has now some code in cleanUp
- added MOLayoutTest>>testFlowInLayout
- added MOLayoutTest>>testEllipseShape
- dead code commented in MOFormsShape>>translateBoundsForFigure:
aFigure by: aPoint context: aDictionary
- MOViewRenderer>>decreaseZoom and increaseZoom removed since not used
- Removed MOReadme>>jajaDSM
- minor fix in MOReadme>>exportingAsFile
- Removed MOMatrixShape : This class is empty and is used nowhere
- Updated methods in MOLineshape: apply:bounds:, computeExtentFor:
- Canceled MOLineShape>>heightFor:
- added convenient methods in MOGraphElement (hasInteraction,
- clean in MOCanvas>>keyStroke:
- Cleaning in MOEasel (added numberOfPreviousScripts and
- clean in the test MOEventHandlerTest
- clean in MOAnnouncer (popupText: popupView:delay:)
- Added delegating methods in MOFormsAdaptor (heightFor: and widthFor:)
- Added convenient methods in MOEvent
- Refactor of MOFormsBuilder>>boundsOf:
- Push up of MONIdentityNormalizer>>command: This is better since
MONAbstractNormalizer defines the variabe command
- better arguments names
- a number of 'self flag: ' have been removed
- 'size = 0' replaced by isEmpty
- a lot of code cleaning
- removed MOCanvas>>mouseLeave: and addCustomMenuItems: aMenu hand:
- removed MOLabelShape>>apply: anElement bounds: aBounds
- Removed unused variables in MOViewRenderer
-renamed a lot of "aFigure" into "anElement"
- a lot of rewrite
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
I am currently cleaning Mondrian by following Lint.
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
I'm trying to describe how the new Moose Finder based on Glamour works
here. All for those people which are not Glamour-savvy (like me) :)
Especially interesting if you want to use the search field on
MooseGroups or the Evaluator pane
I went through the issues again and labeled them with the component in
which they belong:
"Problem solving should be concentrated on describing
the problem in a way that is relevant for the solution."
I see some cycles between packages in Moose.
So, I propose some fixes:
- in ImportingTask>>initialize, we should not specify importerClass as
SmalltalkImporter. This should be specified in
- method MooseAbstractGroup>>allModelHistories should be extended in
- MooseModel>>lanSampleModel and MooseModel>>historySampleModel in
What are your opinion about these potential fixes ?
Jannik Laval
PhD Student - Rmod Team - INRIA
Certified Project Management Associate (IPMA)
Due to multiple requests, the deadline for submissions to the FAMOOSr
workshop at WCRE 2009 has been extended to September 4. Notification
will be sent September 21 and workshop is scheduled on October 14.
After notification, authors will have the opportunity to send a
polished version of their paper for publications in the proceedings.
So do not hesitate to write and send your idea even if it is still a
bit rough!
Simon & Doru
FAMOOSr 2009 - 3rd Workshop on FAMIX and Moose in Reengineering
Co-located with WCRE 2009, Lille, France
We solicit experience reports and position papers (2-4 pages, IEEE
format). Experience reports will be expected to discuss meta-modeling
and software analysis using, but not limited to, FAMIX or Moose.
Position papers will be expected to describe new directions and
challenges for software analysis infrastructures, like FAMIX or Moose.
Papers may address issues along general themes, including but not
limited to:
• Analysis specific meta-models for evolution data, dynamic traces,
bug entries, etc...
• Meta-modeling in reengineering tools
• Visualization techniques.
• Analysis techniques: clustering, data mining, machine learning,
pattern matching, probabilistic approaches, etc...
• Mechanisms for tool composition and rapid tool prototyping.
• Reusability of research: making research results and tools
available to and reusable by the community.
• Persistency and manipulation of models and meta-models.
Submissions are not limited to FAMIX and Moose or to their active
users. We welcome any related ideas.
During the workshop, authors are expected to present their ideas using
a short format, lasting 3 to 7 minutes, in order to spawn vivid
discussions between participants. More information about this format
can be found at:http://moose.unibe.ch/events/famoosr2008/presenterskit
Submissions should be made via Easychair at
Important dates
• submission: September 4
• notification: September 21
• workshop: October 14
• Simon Denier, INRIA Lille, France
• Tudor Girba, University of Bern, Switzerland
I separated classes that rely on the moose browser into a different
package (CAnalyzerOBCommands). CAnalyzer should now be loaded without
having MooseOBBrowser installed. I am trying it now.
On 27 Aug 2009, at 02:23, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
> Then?
> should we load it?
> how?
> Stef
> On Aug 27, 2009, at 12:34 AM, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
>> Yes, MB* classes are part of Moose-OBBrowser, which is not loaded
>> per default I think. However, I need it until the Glamour version
>> of the browser is usable.
>> Alexandre
>> On 26 Aug 2009, at 08:44, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
>>> This package depends on the following classes:
>>> MooseBrowser
>>> MBListModelUpdateCommand
>> --
>> _,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:
>> Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
>> ^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;.
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
Dear All,
When I try to load Moose in a Pharo image, I have a rollback. The
message baseTraitName:classTraitComposition:category: is not defined.
baseTraitName: self baseTrait name
classTraitComposition: self traitCompositionString
category: self category
Only MCClassTraitDefinition>>baseTraitName:classTraitComposition: is
For some reason, MCClassTraitDefinition does not know about the
category in which the trait should be defined.
Isn't that odd?
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu