Hi guys
"Returns an unique identifier of this entity. This method is mandatory, and must
return a Symbol or Integer that uniquely identifies this entity within its model (but
not within the entire Moose enivronment, see MooseElement>>mooseID). The return
value must not be nil, and must never change. The implementation should be fast,
as this key may be used extensivley by the MooseModel or similar facilities."
^self mooseID asString "asSymbol -- check if this really works with Integers
as well, else change sender!"
was like that
and now MooseEntity>>mooseName
| stream |
^ self privateState
propertyAt: #mooseName
[ stream := (String new: 64) writeStream.
self mooseNameOn: stream.
^ stream contents asSymbol ]
so why the comment got lost?
The other week I was at GOTO Aarhus. This was a great conference. And I got to talk about humane assessment with Moose.
The presentation seemed to have captured some attention:http://martinfowler.com/bliki/gotoAarhus2011.html
I think it's great that a project that was built mostly on the research side of the world can capture industry attention. This shows what can be achieved when innovation is married with long-term engineering effort. And it's not that we did not publish anything in the meantime either -- some more than 200 publications stand witness that science was not neglected.
Even if I was the one presenting, the value of the work comes from many contributors. If we were to count, the effort around Moose totals more than 200 man-years of research and development. Moose has long passed the research prototype state.
The philosophy behind Moose is to reinvent software and data analysis by making it accessible and tailorable. We lived this philosophy in one way or another, but it was never quite explicit. Now we have name for it: humane assessment. This is a new approach in the software engineering arena, and it can have a significant practical impact.
So, here is my call. Invest in Moose. Let's change the status quo. Again from Smalltalk.
• Just play with it. Take an afternoon and load your system into Moose, build a browser, play with a visualization. And get back to us with questions, suggestions, documentation or code.
• Take an hour to read through humane-assessment.com. And get back to us.
• Help us reshape the http://moosetechnology.org webpage.
• Just get involved. There is always room for a contribution. You do not have to be a specialist. In fact, given that we aim to invent what does not yet exist, none of us are.
"Don't give to get. Just give."
I was not able to download inFamix. Apparently, it says that I need to accept the license before doing so. But no idea how to accept it...
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
Hi all,
There is a small bug in the MooseMonticelloHTTPImporter>>#onURL: method.
This method recursively calls itself.
(self new onURL: 'http://www.squeaksource.com/PersonalSetting')
importFileNamed: 'PersonalSetting-simon_denier.16.mcz'
^ (self onURL: anHTTPURL) import
The fix would be to change it to something like:
* ^self new onURL: anHTTPURL; import*
University of Brest
phone: (+33)(0) 6 08 54 73 48
mail: ciprian.teodorov(a)univ-brest.fr
No celebration just yet. The errors appear randomly. We need to take a look at them.
Andre, would you have time?
On 20 Oct 2011, at 22:26, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
> Yahhoo!!!
> Alexandre
> On 20 Oct 2011, at 17:26, admin(a)moosetechnology.org wrote:
>> See <http://hudson.moosetechnology.org/job/moose-latest-dev/662/>
> --
> _,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:
> Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
> ^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;.
"From an abstract enough point of view, any two things are similar."
As part of testing and removing bug #728 (placing methods in the wrong class), I migrated to Eclipse 3.7.
For VerveineJ, this implies that the org.eclipse.* jars (in the "lib" subdir) have been updated to the corresponding new versions
Still as part of this bug, I stumble on the fact that in Java, enums are implicit subtype of the "java.lang.Enum<E>" class.
VerveineJ now reflect this in the exported model (although more work is still required on this)
Finally, after all these changes, one test was red and has been commented out for now.
Hopefully I will be able to correct it soon.
A short while ago I upgraded the CompositePresentation to be able to use it as an entry point to a Glamour script.
The idea here is that we can now use Glamour like we use Mondrian: we instantiate the GLMCompositePresentation once and then we always pass it to other methods.
For example:
| browser |
browser := GLMTabulator new.
browser ...
buildIn: composer
composer tabulator with: [:t |
t ...
The old way still works, of course. The nice thing about this solution is that it works better with the editor (you are given the composer).
For a live example, see:
Let me know what you think.
"Sometimes the best solution is not the best solution."
Hi Usman,
I saw that you added the port code to the MooseAlgos repo. Thanks.
Now, during your changes, you inherited the Lattice and the Node from MONode.
This caused Moose to be unloadable and it is wrong from two points of view:
1. MONode is not meant to be inherited at all. You are supposed to use Mondrian as a transformation from your domain into the internal Mondrian model.
2. MooseAlgos is a basic set of algorithms with no dependencies. Mondrian is higher level. Thus, MooseAlgos cannot depend on Mondrian.
For these reasons, I now removed the inheritance from MONode.
Furthermore, we also need tests for FCA.
"No matter how many recipes we know, we still value a chef."