What would be the nice way to represent a generic type in Famix?
It seems to me that subclassing FAMIXAbstractScopable into a
FAMIXGenericType is the way to go.
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
Dear List,
Let's imagine that a class B is imported into a FAMIX Model, and A,
the superclass of B, has _not_ been imported. Should the superclass
of the B FAMIXClass refers to a FAMIXUnknownVariable?
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
I wanted to import a model from a stream
I did the following:
m := SCG.Moose.MooseModel new.
loader SCG.Moose.MooseImporter withActiveMetamodel.
loader importSTream: NameMatchingTest lanModel readStream.
Now I do not know how I can specify in which model the resulting
entities should be added.
When I use an SmalltalkImporter I usually do it that way:
m := SCG.Moose.MooseModel new.
PundleImporter new
model: m ;
addPundleNamed: 'xxx' ;
and m is populated.
So Importer is not following the same pattern or I'm stupid and in
both cases this is annoying.
I saw that name: is depreacted in moose model. However it does not
give me any hints of the solution.
It would be nice to use the deprecated method to help the reader to
understand what is the alternative.
Apparently this is the problem.
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Stefan Schmiedl <s(a)xss.de>
> Date: April 21, 2008 11:50:25 PM CEDT
> To: vwnc(a)cs.uiuc.edu
> Subject: Re: [vwnc] Did RBParser changed in 7.6
> Hi Stef,
> that's my bug, I saw it first :-)
> On Mon, 21 Apr 2008 22:36:01 +0200
> stéphane ducasse <ducasse(a)iam.unibe.ch> wrote:
>> Then the bug is fishy because we get a NonBoolean receiver but when I
>> inspect and executed each of the statement
>> of
>> patchLiteralArrayToken
>> (self patchLiteralArrayEmbeddedAssignmentToken
>> or:
>> [self patchLiteralArraySpecialToken
>> or:
>> [self patchLiteralArrayDottedNameToken
>> ifFalse: [self patchLiteralArraySymbolToken ]]])
>> ifFalse:
>> [^self parserError: #InvalidToken << #browser >> 'Invalid token']
>> I get booleans.
>> and patchLiteralArraySymbolToken is returning boolean.
> The problem is one line above: #patchLiteralArrayDottedNameToken
> might return true, and 'true ifFalse: [0]' evaluates to nil.
> There is an AR open for this already, #54201 or #54202.
> s.
> _______________________________________________
> vwnc mailing list
> vwnc(a)cs.uiuc.edu
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This is strange
I'm loading in ***7.5*** the following
self loadingSpecs: #(#(PKG '1.13' 'VisualWorksFoo' '')
#(#PKG '38b.kuhn.2' 'SUnitToo' '')
#(#PKG '33.tgriggs' 'ExtraRBForSUnitToo' '')
#(#PKG '7.4.kuhn.3' 'AutoComplete' '')
#(#PKG '1.1' 'RBrowserHistory' '')
#(#PKG '66' 'RBCodeHighlighting' #setColors)
#(#PKG '1.2' 'RB_Tabs' '')
#(#PKG '1.45' 'MagicKeys' '')
#(#PAR '' 'RBSUnitExtensions' '')
#(#PKG '1.0' 'Tools-Speed patches' '')
#(#PKG '1.1' 'Store-Speed patches' '')
#(#PKG '1.0' 'Store-LogginSpeedUp' ''))
and I get an error SUnitToo(ls) (RB4xx - 27, triggs)
I do not understand why when I load old packages with the old 7.5
version I get errors.
Did someone change something?
Am I getting stupid?
To know how up to date the Moose Config from your image is, you now
can spawn a Mondrian visualization from Tools/Moose Utilities/Moose
The visualization will show all the prerequisite packages/bundles of
Moose Config.
Red means there are newer versions in Store, and blue means the local
package is changed.
"We cannot reach the flow of things unless we let go."
Dear list,
I wish to color some nodes according using a metric. Ideally, I would
love to use something like:
view nodes: each classes forEach: [:node| node setColor: (...)].
But setColor:, color: are not defined on Mondrian.NodeFigure.
Each node may potentially have a different color.
I tried to use "view node: ... forIt: ..." and "view nodes:
aCollection using: aShape " but this was not successful.
I found a way to color all nodes contained in a view with:
view nodes: packages forEach: [:each |
view blueRectangleShape.
view nodes: each classes.
view gridLayout.].
i am nearly there :-)
Any help?
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
Because we had all sorts of problems with the Setup scripts in 7.6, I
extended the Setup package to also deal with the VW version.
So, now in your setup method you should both add the <user: yourname>
pragma and the <vwVersion: '7.x'> pragma.
I went over the existing setups and added the correct vwVersion: to
all setups. Please check if it works for you.
"There are no old things, there are only old ways of looking at them."