Status: New
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Glamour Milestone-4.6
New issue 722 by CompositePresentation should be
usable as a starting point
We should be able to write something like this:
composer := GLMCompositePresentation new.
composer tabulator with: [:t | t column: #one. t transmit to: #one;
andShow: [:a | a text ]].
composer openOn: 42.
In this way, the composer can be instantiated somewhere else.
someone can tell me if there is some Moose related tool that i can use to map the expertise of the developers to the source code entities? Kumpel maybe is suitable? Thanks.
Fabrizio Perin
Institut fuer Mathematik und Informatik
University Bern, IAM-SCG
Neubrueckstrasse 10
CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland
Tel: +41 31 511 76 36
FAX: +41 31 631 33 55
Today, I gave a Moose training to three developers, and I had the opportunity to see the new Mondrian and Glamour editors being used by novices.
They worked well. In particular it is cool to see Glamour being edited and rendered using a Glamour browser :). Seriously, the instant feedback you get from playing in the editor improves the learning curve.
There are still a couple of things to be improved, but all in all, I am rather satisfied.
"Reasonable is what we are accustomed with."
hello all,
I am trying to import machine fonts in Moose.
I am doing
world menu -> system -> settings -> appearance -> standard fonts ...
There is an option to "update fonts from system". However, this option does
not bring machine fonts in Moose. When I perform the same manipulation in
Pharo environment, it provides me a long list of all machine fonts.
Any ideas regarding how import all system fonts in Moose?
I want to ask if there is a elegant solution for the following problem:
In my grammar there are references (symbols/names that reference entities somewhere). One is
^ self failOnReservedWords: (
#uppercase asParser,
(#word asParser plus separatedBy: $- asParser) optional
) flatten
These typeReferences can be standalone tokens (parsed with a token parse class that parses whitespaces and comments)
^ typeReference asn1Token / valueReference asn1Token / ...
^ (ASN1TokenParser on: self) ==> [:node| node value]
or embedded in another type
^ $& asParser, typeReference
If have two classes, one for the syntax and for the parsing into model objects. Every typeReference should be parsed in the parser class to
^ super typeReference ==> [:node|
ASN1ReferenceNode new name: node ]
The problem is that it is hard to have the typeReference be tokenized or not and make sure they are all parsed to the ASNReferenceNode. The example above
^ typeReference asn1Token / valueReference asn1Token / ...
does not work because typeReferences result is transformedd to the model class but the asn1Token applied afterwards gives back a string again. I tried having a second parser typeReferenceToken but that only works if I double the code of typeReference in syntax and parser class. And as I am running short of instance variables I would prefer a solution without having the need for creating new instance variables.
Any ideas?
I hope I could explain the problem enough to get you the context you need,
Apparently these method are used in Moose but are defined nowhere.
As a quick hack:
String compile: 'asEnglishPlural ^ self'.
String compile: 'removePrefix: v ^ (self beginsWith: v) ifTrue: [ self copyFrom: v size + 1 to: self size ] ifFalse: [ self ]'.
String compile: 'removeSuffix: v ^ (self endsWith: v) ifTrue: [ self copyFrom: 1 to: (self size - v size)] ifFalse: [ self ]'.
Any idea what happened? Shall I open an issue?
Alexandre Bergel
I have just watched video of Tudor's great hands on PettitParder tutorial on
ESUG, and few questions poped up to me.
1. in PPMSEGrammar, start is encoded ad ^elements end
is that a good habit to include end in start method? Somehow this is counter
intuitive to me since it seems it would make such grammar non embeddable in
another parser, or I am mistaken?
2. can ==> be cascaded in a sense that if we have parser A, its subclass
parser B which calls supper and then adds ==>. Can we then have C which is
subclass of B, and adds its ==> on top of the one added by B?
3. What do you think, could PettitParser be reasonably used to de-marshal
some (binary) network protocol. By reasonably I mean that it would not be an
order of magnitude slower than some code hacked from the scratch (but not
terribly optimized).
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The Monticello FAMIX model importer is not creating the following items:
- All famixattributes
- All famixglobalvariables
- All famiximplicitvariables
- All famixinheritances
- All famixnamespaces
- All famixpackages
- All model namespaces
- All model packages
This bug creates some additional problems. For example, the properties
numberOfStatements and weightedMethodCount for a class are negative.
When I imported the same version of a package using the "ST" option the
items were created.
Any idea on how to solve it?
Santiago Vidal
a point: why dont you use the space on the right because there is only one line fr the binding and nobody use it: so having three lines and the rest
for actionners would be good.
for the examples I discussed with andre and having the examples in front of the nos of people is important
not in yet another browser
finally there was a menu to install a script in a class long time ago.
I think that this feature is important because it shows that scripting is not the end of the path but a nice way to improve and enhance the system.