Le groupe Génie Logiciel de l'Université de Fribourg a le plaisir de vous inviter à un séminaire:
RFID (Radio Frequency Identification)
Applications, Outils Logiciels et Vision Future
Managers, économistes, ingénieurs et informaticiens intéressés par les problèmes de logistique au sens large : gestion de stock, traçabilité des produits, identification, contrôle d'accès, ...
Le séminaire présente une composante "grand public", à savoir une présentation de projets concrets déjà existants et une discussion sur les possibilités et contraintes de la technologie RFID. Il comporte aussi une composante plus technique, par exemple un exposé sur le type de solution informatique à mettre en place pour intégrer la RFID dans un système d'information au niveau de l'entreprise.
Les technologies d'identification par fréquences radio (RFID) et leur standardisation avec l'architecture EPC connaissent un développement rapide.
Des étiquettes électroniques, ou "tags", ont déjà commencé à remplacer les traditionnels codes barres. Ces étiquettes créent un lien entre les objets du monde physique et leurs contreparties dans le monde digital.
Les applications sont nombreuses et les perspectives prometteuses. Que ce soit au niveau des domaines d'application, des modèles économiques, des techniques de transmission ou encore de leur intégration dans des architectures logicielles complexes, on observe une activité intense et de nombreuses innovations.
En collaboration avec Sun Microsystems, le Département d'Informatique de l'Université de Fribourg organise un séminaire dédié au thème du RFID. Les orateurs invités partageront leur expertise particulière, couvrant les différentes facettes du domaine: économiques, techniques, logicielles. Le séminaire permettra ainsi aux participants de connaître l'état de l'art en la matière.
Vendredi 2 décembre 2005 de 8h30 à 13h00
Département d'Informatique, Université de Fribourg Bd de Pérolles 90, 1700 Fribourg, Auditoire A140
Jusqu'au mercredi 23 novembre
Dr sc. techn. Florian Michahelles, Associate Director AutoID-Labs
"RFID - Bridging the gap between the virtual and the real world"
M. Marc Bielmann, CTO, Sokymat Group
"RFID - Des applications réelles utilisant des transponders de Sokymat"
M. Charly Viquerat, Consultant, ilem SA
"RFID, l'étiquette intelligente au service de la logisitique et de la distribution"
M. Roland Fischbach, ADELANTE Consulting SA
"RFID : Une technologie en marche"
Dr Olivier Liechti, Senior Solution Architect, Sun Microystems
"RFID: Middleware et Intégration avec le Système d'Information"
I will defend my Ph.D. on Monday 21 November, at 10:00. I would like
to invite you all to participate. The defense will be help in room
003 in the IWI building on Engehaldestrasse 8, in Bern, and is
scheduled to last until 11:30.
After, an apero will take place in the Cafeteria.
Where this event will be located:
Title: Classboxes -- Controlling Visibility of Class Extensions
Unanticipated changes to complex software systems can introduce
anomalies such as duplicated code, suboptimal inheritance
relationships and a proliferation of run-time downcasts. Refactoring
to eliminate these anomalies may not be an option, at least in
certain stages of software evolution. A class extension is a method
that is defined in a module, but whose class is defined elsewhere.
Class extensions offer a convenient way to incrementally modify
existing classes when subclassing is inappropriate. Unfortunately
existing approaches suffer from various limitations. Either class
extensions have a global impact, with possibly negative effects for
unexpected clients, or they have a purely local impact, with negative
results for collaborating clients. Furthermore, conflicting class
extensions are either disallowed, or resolved by linearization, with
subsequent negative effects.
To solve these problems we present classboxes, a module system for
object-oriented languages that provides for behavior refinement (i.e.
method addition and replacement). Moreover, the changes made by a
classbox are only visible to that classbox (or classboxes that import
it), a feature we call local rebinding.
We present an experimental validation in which we apply the classbox
model to both dynamically and statically typed programming languages.
We used classboxes to refactor part of the Java Swing library, and we
show two extensions built on top of classboxes which are (i) runtime
adaptation with dynamically classboxes and (ii) expressing
crosscutting changes.
More info on classboxes: http://www.iam.unibe.ch/~scg/Research/
Alexandre Bergel http://www.iam.unibe.ch/~bergel
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non-commercial events related to Object Technology in Switzerland.
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Wir laden Sie herzlich ein zur Teilnahme am
2. Berner Architekten Treffen
Freitag, 11. November 2005
16:00 - 18:30
Hotel Allegro Kursaal, Bern
Raum: Bella Vista
Thema: Enterprise Architecture
Das Berner Architekten Treffen ist eine Begegnungsplattform für an
Architekturfragen interessierte Informatikfachleute. Durch Fachvorträge
aus der Praxis und Gelegenheiten zur vertieften Diskussion
von aktuellen Problemstellungen sowie zu direkten Kontakten zwischen
Firmen unterschiedlicher Branchen
bietet das Berner Architekten Treffen eine hervorragende Plattform zum
Gedanken- und Erfahrungsaustausch.
Das Berner Architekten Treffen findet unter dem Patronat der IAM Alumni
<http://www.iam.unibe.ch/alumni/> statt und wird durch die freundliche
der indato GmbH <http://www.indato.ch> als kostenlose Veranstaltung
16.00 Uhr Begrüssung
16.10 Uhr Enterprise Architecture - Herausforderung und
Matilda Anello, Credit Suisse, IT Architektin
16.50 Uhr Enterprise Architecture @ Mobiliar
Peter Kummer, Die Mobiliar, Leiter Architektur / Chief
Enterprise Architect
17.30 Uhr Enterprise Architecture PostMail Ein Erfahrungsbericht
Beat M. Stöckli, PostMail, Enterprise Architect
Alain Jacot-Guillarmod, PostMail, Content manager EA PM
18.10 Uhr Podiumsdiskussion
18.15 Uhr Apéro
Bitte melden Sie sich für die Veranstaltung an unter
Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos.
Einen Anfahrtsplan finden Sie unter
choose-news(a)iam.unibe.ch is a *moderated* mailing list for announcing
non-commercial events related to Object Technology in Switzerland.
Please send announcements to be posted to: choose-news(a)iam.unibe.ch
To unsubscribe, please send the message "unsubscribe choose-news" to:
To learn more about SI and CHOOSE, see: http://www.choose.s-i.ch/
Dear CHOOSE members,
This (free) event in Basel may well be of interest to you.
Kind regards,
Oscar Nierstrasz
Prof. Dr. O. Nierstrasz -- Oscar.Nierstrasz(a)iam.unibe.ch
Software Composition Group -- http://www.iam.unibe.ch/~scg
University of Berne -- Tel/Fax +41 31 631.4618/3355
vcard: http://www.iam.unibe.ch/~oscar/oscarNierstrasz.vcf
Begin forwarded message:
From: "ObjektForum" <objektforum(a)andrena.ch>
Date: October 25, 2005 13:19:42 GMT+02:00
Subject: Einladung zum ObjektForum Basel am 07. November 2005
Sehr geehrter Herr Prof. Dr. Nierstrasz,
zu unserer nächsten Veranstaltung im Rahmen des ObjektForums
Basel in diesem Jahr möchten wir Sie herzlich einladen.
Gerne können Sie die Einladung an Interessenten weiterleiten.
Weitere Informationen zum Vortrag:
Hier kommen Sie direkt zur Anmeldung:
"How Agile Works - Agilität und Komplexität"
Referent: Joseph Pelrine, MetaProg GmbH
Zeit: Montag, 07. November 2005, 18:30 Uhr
Ort: Handelskammer beider Basel,
Äschenvorstadt 67, Seminarraum im 6. OG
Einen Abstract zum Vortrag finden Sie unter
Eine Anfahrtsskizze finden Sie auf unserer Web-Seite
http://www.andrena.ch/ oder http://www.hkbb.ch
Zur Anmeldung
Sie sind in unserem Verteiler ObjektForum Basel - die Aufnahme
erfolgte entweder auf Ihren Wunsch oder auf Bitte von Dritten.
Wenn Sie keine weiteren Einladungen wünschen, senden Sie uns
einfach eine Antwort-Mail mit dem Betreff "UNSUBSCRIBE".
Da unsere Referenten auf eine Vergütung verzichten, können wir
die Veranstaltung kostenfrei anbieten.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Dr. Andreas Burckhardt, Handelskammer beider Basel
Matthias Grund, andrena suisse ag
* XP DAYS GERMANY am 21. November 2005 in Karlsruhe *
* Vorsitzender Programmkomitee: Joseph Pelrine *
* Keynote: Frank Westphal *
* Anmeldung, Programm und weitere Infos unter *
* http://www.xpdays.de/ *
Das nächste ObjektForum Basel:
Montag, 13. Februar 2006, 18:30 Uhr:
Thema und Referent werden noch bekannt gegeben
Weitere Termine ObjektForum:
andrena suisse ag Tel.: 061/225-4206
Äschenvorstadt 71 Fax : 061/225-4410
4051 Basel email: objektforum(a)andrena.ch
choose-news(a)iam.unibe.ch is a *moderated* mailing list for announcing
non-commercial events related to Object Technology in Switzerland.
Please send announcements to be posted to: choose-news(a)iam.unibe.ch
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To learn more about SI and CHOOSE, see: http://www.choose.s-i.ch/
Sehr geehrte CHOOSE-Mitglieder
Gerne weisen wir Sie auf den nachfolgenden Event hin, der vom Eidg. Instiut
für Geistiges Eigentum in Bern durchgeführt wird - in Zusammenarbeit mit
der /ch/open und mit IAM Alumni.
Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Ursula Burri
Reverse Engineering Java Bytecode
Referent: Adrian Kuhn, Doktorand an der Universität Bern
21. Februar 2006
17:00 - 18:30 Uhr
Eidgenössisches Institut für Geistiges Eigentum, Einsteinstr. 2, 3003 Bern;
Raum 132.
IGE zusammen mit den IAM Alumni und /ch/open
Die Mehrheit seiner Lebenszeit verbringt ein Software-Projekt in der
Wartung und nicht in der Entwicklung. Wartung jedoch ist anspruchsvolle
Arbeit, da vielfach Quelltext und Dokumentation nur unvollständig oder gar
nicht vorliegen. Anhand eines konkreten Fallbeispieles aus der Praxis wird
gezeigt, wie sich eine Java Applikation veränderen und erweitern lässt
obwohl der urspüngliche Quelltext nicht mehr vorliegt. Es werden die dazu
nötigen Techniken und Tools vorgestellt -- zB Java Object Inspector, ein
Tool zur interaktiven, dynamischen Analyse einer laufenden Anwendung.
1998 -- Matura am Deutschen Gymansium Biel
1998 bis 2005 -- Informatik Studium an der Universität Bern, Abschluss mit
Masterthesis "Enriching Reverse Engineering with Semantic Clustering".
2000 bis 2004 -- Begleitend zum Studium Arbeit als Freelancer im Bereich
Java und EJB.
ab 2006 -- Doktorarbeit an der Universität Bern, über Semantic Driven
Software Analysis im Bereich Reverse Engineering
Zu anschliessendem Apéro sind Sie herzlich eingeladen.
Anmeldung erwünscht an Matthias.Guenter (at) mentor.ch.
Swiss Open Systems User Group Tel.: +41 1 350 26 56 (freitags)
/ch/open Fax: +41 1 350 26 55
Postfach 2322 E-mail: <mailto:info@ch-open.ch>
CH-8033 Zuerich WWW: <http://www.ch-open.ch>
Sekretariat Ursula Burri E-mail: <mailto:uburri@ch-open.ch>
Open Systems for open minded people!
choose-news(a)iam.unibe.ch is a *moderated* mailing list for announcing
non-commercial events related to Object Technology in Switzerland.
Please send announcements to be posted to: choose-news(a)iam.unibe.ch
To unsubscribe, please send the message "unsubscribe choose-news" to:
To learn more about SI and CHOOSE, see: http://www.choose.s-i.ch/
The Software Engineering Group of the University of Fribourg is pleased to invite you to a half day event:
RFID (Radio Frequency Identification)
Applications, Software Tools and Future Vision
(see http://diuf.unifr.ch/softeng/rfid)
When: Friday 2. December 2005, from 8h30 to 13h00
Where: Department of Computer Science, University of Fribourg
Bd de Pérolles 90, 1700 Fribourg, Auditorium A140
Agenda, abstract, registration (reduced fee for CHOOSE member) and travel instructions are available online at:
Dr sc. techn. Florian Michahelles, Associate Director AutoID-Labs
"RFID - Bridging the gap between the virtual and the real world"
M. Marc Bielmann, CTO, Sokymat Group
"RFID - Des applications réelles utilisant des transponders de Sokymat"
M. Charly Viquerat, Consultant, ilem SA
"RFID : Une technologie en marche"
Dr Olivier Liechti, Senior Solution Architect, Sun Microystems
"RFID: Middleware et Intégration avec le Système d'Information"
choose-news(a)iam.unibe.ch is a *moderated* mailing list for announcing
non-commercial events related to Object Technology in Switzerland.
Please send announcements to be posted to: choose-news(a)iam.unibe.ch
To unsubscribe, please send the message "unsubscribe choose-news" to:
To learn more about SI and CHOOSE, see: http://www.choose.s-i.ch/
The CHOOSE executive board and the Software Composition Group of the
University of Berne are pleased to invite you to a presentation.
Portable and Efficient Profiling for the JVM Using Bytecode Instrumentation
When: Tuesday November 22, 2005, @17h15
Where: Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik (IWI), Universität Bern,
Engehaldenstrasse 8, 3012 Bern, Hörsaal 001
Travel instructions: http://www.iam.unibe.ch/~scg/Resources/Maps/
Dr. Walter Binder, Laboratoire d'intelligence artificielle, EPFL
17h15 - 18h15 Talk and Q/A
Afterwards you are invited to a refreshment.
Profiling complex, Java-based systems, such as e.g. middleware for
service-oriented computing, is a tedious task, because most available
profilers for Java cause excessive overhead or are not accurate enough.
For instance, the exact profiler delivered with standard JDKs may cause
overhead up to factor 4000, while the complementary sampling profiler
does not generate accurate profiles. As another drawback, existing
profiling support in standard JVMs require profiling agents to be
written in native code, contradicting the Java motto "write once, run
In this talk I present a novel profiling framework for Java, which
relies on bytecode instrumentation. The framework includes an exact
profiler as well as a sampling profiler. Both of them support dynamic
metrics that are related to the execution of bytecode instructions. Such
metrics have the advantage of being platform-independent, resulting in
reproducible profiles and reduced measurement perturbation. The
profiling tools are fully portable and can be customized by user-defined
profiling agents, which may be written in pure Java. Experiments show
that our exact profiler causes significantly less overhead than a
prevailing one and that our sampling profiler reconciles moderate
overhead with high profile accuracy.
Dr. Walter Binder is a researcher at the Artificial Intelligence
Laboratory at EPFL since February 2003. He holds a M.S. (1997) and a
Ph.D. (2001) in computer science from the Vienna University of
Technology. Prior to his work at EPFL he worked for a software
engineering company in Vienna, where he developed among other things the
J-SEAL2 mobile object kernel, a Java-based component system offering
operating system functions, strong security mechanisms, and support for
mobile code. He also initiated the development of a resource management
framework for Java. Moreover, he developed a Java-based operating system
for embedded devices offering a high level of security and supporting
remote maintenance and software deployment through mobile code. The
focus of his recent research is on portable and accurate profiling
techniques for virtual execution environments and on middleware for
service-oriented computing. Walter Binder has published more than 40
refereed papers on his work. He received the Dimitris N. Chorafas
Foundation 2000 Prize for Internet and Information Science.
This event is free even the drinks after the talk! Non-CHOOSE members
are encouraged to fill out the membership application form
(http://www.s-i.ch/si-appl.html) before attending the meeting. If you
want to know more about CHOOSE and the events which CHOOSE organises,
please visit http://www.choose.s-i.ch/.
NOTE: registration for this event is required because we have to prepare
the apero. Please fill out the registration form at the end of this
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Fill in the form below and sent it to <mailto:choose@glue.ch>. Thanks.
I want to register to the following event: Java Profiling
Name: ______________________________________
Email: ______________________________________
Company: ______________________________________
Address: ______________________________________
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[ ] CHOOSE member
[ ] JUGS member
[ ] SI member
[ ] Non-Member
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non-commercial events related to Object Technology in Switzerland.
Please send announcements to be posted to: choose-news(a)iam.unibe.ch
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To learn more about SI and CHOOSE, see: http://www.choose.s-i.ch/
Aufruf zur Teilnahme
1. Workshop zur
Eclipse Rich Client Platform
17. Oktober
Die Schweizerische Post/PostFinance, BSI AG zusammen mit der CHOOSE und
der Universitaet Bern.
Desktop Anwendungen erleben derzeit in vielen Unternehmen unter dem Begriff
Rich Client eine Renaissance. Hoehere Ansprueche bei der Integration bestehender
Applikationen sowie der Wunsch einer geeigneten Abbildung von Arbeitsprozessen
in eine moderne, komfortabel gestaltete grafische Benutzungsschnittstelle sind
die treibenden Kraefte hierfuer.
Mit der Eclipse Rich Client Platform (Eclipse RCP) ist in den letzten Jahren
ein interessantes Framework entstanden, das den Anspruechen an leistungsfaehigen,
flexibel erweiterbaren und portablen GUI Applikationen gerecht wird.
In einem Workshop wollen die Firma BSI AG in Kooperation mit dem schweizerischen
Finanzdienstleister PostFinance Potentiale der Eclipse RCP fuer den Geschaeftseinsatz
Inhaltlich geht es um Software-Entwicklung fuer die Eclipse-Plattform,
deren Integration in bestehende Anwendungslandschaften als auch um Third-Party
(Web: http://www.bsiag.com/eclipse/rcp05, oder per eMail: d.schmidt(a)bsiag.com)
10.00 Einleitung und Organisatorisches
Daniel P. Schmidt (BSI AG)
10:15 Inversion of Control in Business Processes,
Arne Pfeilsticker (Pfeilsticker Software & Services GmbH)
11.00 Eclipse RCP bei PostFinance,
Volkert Barr (PostFinance)
11.45 Mittagessen
12.45 Keynote - Surprise
13.30 PFGUI - GUI Framework bei PostFinance,
Thomas Kneubuehl (PostFinance)
14:15 An application made for Eclipse - ORS,
Andreas Hoegger (BSI AG)
15.00 Kaffee, Getraenke und Apero
15:30 Offene Diskussion ueber Vortraege und Eclipse RCP
16.30 Ende der Veranstaltung
Volkert Barr, PostFinance
Rudolf-Stephan Oppliger, PostFinance
Markus Brunold, BSI AG
Daniel P. Schmidt, BSI AG
Universitaet Bern
Engehaldenstrasse 8
Raum 001
Institut fuer Informatik
3030 Bern
Anfahrt: http://www.iam.unibe.ch/~scg/Resources/Maps/
choose-news(a)iam.unibe.ch is a *moderated* mailing list for announcing
non-commercial events related to Object Technology in Switzerland.
Please send announcements to be posted to: choose-news(a)iam.unibe.ch
To unsubscribe, please send the message "unsubscribe choose-news" to:
To learn more about SI and CHOOSE, see: http://www.choose.s-i.ch/
The CHOOSE executive board and the Software Composition Group of the
University of Berne are pleased to invite you to a presentation.
Portable and Efficient Profiling for the JVM Using Bytecode Instrumentation
When: Tuesday November 22, 2005, @17h15
Where: Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik (IWI), Universität Bern,
Engehaldenstrasse 8, 3012 Bern, Hörsaal 001
Travel instructions: http://www.iam.unibe.ch/~scg/Resources/Maps/
Dr. Walter Binder, Laboratoire d'intelligence artificielle, EPFL
17h15 - 18h15 Talk and Q/A
Afterwards you are invited to a refreshment.
Profiling complex, Java-based systems, such as e.g. middleware for
service-oriented computing, is a tedious task, because most available
profilers for Java cause excessive overhead or are not accurate enough.
For instance, the exact profiler delivered with standard JDKs may cause
overhead up to factor 4000, while the complementary sampling profiler
does not generate accurate profiles. As another drawback, existing
profiling support in standard JVMs require profiling agents to be
written in native code, contradicting the Java motto "write once, run
Dr. Walter Binder is a researcher at the Artificial Intelligence
Laboratory at EPFL since February 2003. He holds a M.S. (1997) and a
Ph.D. (2001) in computer science from the Vienna University of
Technology. Prior to his work at EPFL he worked for a software
engineering company in Vienna, where he developed among other things the
J-SEAL2 mobile object kernel, a Java-based component system offering
operating system functions, strong security mechanisms, and support for
mobile code. He also initiated the development of a resource management
framework for Java. Moreover, he developed a Java-based operating system
for embedded devices offering a high level of security and supporting
remote maintenance and software deployment through mobile code. The
focus of his recent research is on portable and accurate profiling
techniques for virtual execution environments and on middleware for
service-oriented computing. Walter Binder has published more than 40
refereed papers on his work. He received the Dimitris N. Chorafas
Foundation 2000 Prize for Internet and Information Science.
This event is free even the drinks after the talk! Non-CHOOSE members
are encouraged to fill out the membership application form
(http://www.s-i.ch/si-appl.html) before attending the meeting. If you
want to know more about CHOOSE and the events which CHOOSE organises,
please visit http://www.choose.s-i.ch/.
NOTE: registration for this event is required because we have to prepare
the apero. Please fill out the registration form at the end of this
Please DO NOT reply to this e-mail!
Fill in the form below and sent it to <mailto:choose@glue.ch>. Thanks.
I want to register to the following event: Java Profiling
Name: ______________________________________
Email: ______________________________________
Company: ______________________________________
Address: ______________________________________
Please check:
[ ] CHOOSE member
[ ] JUGS member
[ ] SI member
[ ] Non-Member
choose-news(a)iam.unibe.ch is a *moderated* mailing list for announcing
non-commercial events related to Object Technology in Switzerland.
Please send announcements to be posted to: choose-news(a)iam.unibe.ch
To unsubscribe, please send the message "unsubscribe choose-news" to:
To learn more about SI and CHOOSE, see: http://www.choose.s-i.ch/
The CHOOSE executive board and Zühlke Engineering AG are sorry to
inform you, that the talk "An Object Oriented Software Architecture
for Semiconductor Manufacturing Machines: A Case Study", scheduled
for tomorrow, had to be cancelled.
Best regards
Igor Metz
choose-news(a)iam.unibe.ch is a *moderated* mailing list for announcing
non-commercial events related to Object Technology in Switzerland.
Please send announcements to be posted to: choose-news(a)iam.unibe.ch
To unsubscribe, please send the message "unsubscribe choose-news" to:
To learn more about SI and CHOOSE, see: http://www.choose.s-i.ch/