Liebe CHOOSE Mitglieder
Die Fachhochschule Solothurn Nordwestschweiz organisiert
am 12. Mai 2005 eine Tagung in Olten
über das wichtige Thema "Testen verteilter Software Systeme" mit Referenten aus der Schweiz und aus Deutschland.
Echt verteilte Systeme werden die zukünftige Software Landschaft bilden. Diese neuen Systeme unterscheiden sich im Komplexitätsgrad wesentlich von bisherigen monolithischen Systemen, insbesondere auch was die Testbarkeit betrifft.
Nach einer ausführlichen Einführung am Morgen mit u.a. dem bekannten Buchautor Johannes Link ("Softwaretests mit JUnit", dpunkt Verlag, 2005 / "Unit Testing in Java" Morgan Kaufmann, 2003) wird am Nachmittag in zwei parallelen Tracks über die verschiedenen Methoden des Testens und die praktischen Lösungen berichtet.
Die Tagung ist bereits die 6. Tagung im Rahmen unserer Tagungsreihe "Distributed Software Systems".
Das Programm, weitere Informationen und eine Anmeldungsmöglichkeit finden Sie unter: oder erhalten Sie per Telefon unter der Nummer 062 286 00 20.
Frühbucher bis zum 12. April erhalten einen Rabatt von 60.-, Tarif für Studierende mit gültigen Legitimationskarte 120.-
Erfahren auch Sie das Neuste bezüglich "Software testen". Nur mit adäquaten Testmethoden kann sowohl die Qualität der Software verbessert als auch die "Time to Market" verkürzt werden.
Wir freuen uns Sie an der Tagung in Olten zu begrüssen
Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Cl. Rubattel
Claude Rubattel, Software Ing. SWS, Dipl. El. Ing. HTL / EUR ING Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Fachhochschule Solothurn Nordwestschweiz
Bereich Technik
Fachgruppe IT Application Development
Postadresse: Riggenbachstr. 16, CH-4600 Olten
Standort: Sälipark, Louis-Giroud-Str. 26, CH-4600 Olten
Telefon: 0848 821 011
Direktwahl: 062 388 25 12
Fax: 062 388 25 20
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non-commercial events related to Object Technology in Switzerland.
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Call for Participation - CHOOSE Forum - Bern - April 11 - Tools for
Managing Software Complexity
On-line registration and a preliminary program for this event are now
available on the CHOOSE web site:
Topic: State of the Art in Tools for Managing Software Complexity
Date: Monday April 11. Full day
Location: Allegro Grand Casino Kursaal Bern
NB: The CHOOSE General Assembly and Elections to the Executive Board
will be held at the start of the lunch break.
Modern software systems are increasingly large, complex, heterogeneous
and open. Developers and maintainers are increasingly turning towards
advanced tools and environments to help them manage this complexity.
But what do these tools offer? What is the state-of-the-art in such
tools? And do they really help developers with the problems they are
facing today?
This CHOOSE Forum will offer a series of presentations of
state-of-the-art tools for managing, maintaining, analyzing and
reengineering complex software systems. The day will conclude with a
session in which developers in charge of complex software systems will
have the opportunity to assess and evaluate the state-of-the-art.
The day also includes the CHOOSE General Assembly, including reports
from the President and the Treasurer, and elections for the CHOOSE
Executive Board.
Preliminary Schedule
8.15 - 9.00 Registration and Coffee
9.00 - 09:15 Oscar Nierstrasz, CHOOSE President
Michele Lanza, CHOOSE Forum Program Chair
9:15 - 10.00 Erich Gamma, IBM Research, Switzerland
"Eclipse - built to last"
10.00 - 10.30 Coffee Break
10:00 - 10.30 Prof. Margaret-Anne Storey, University of Victoria, Canada
"Creole - On-demand visualization to support program
10:30 - 11:00 Thomas Zimmermann, Saarland University, Germany
"eRose - Guiding programmers in Eclipse"
11:30 - 12:00 Tudor Gîrba, University of Bern, Switzerland
"Moose - An extensible and collaborative Reengineering
12:00 - 13.30 CHOOSE General Assembly
Buffet Lunch
Open Space Demonstrations
13:30 -14:00 Prof. Radu Marinescu, TU Timisoara, Romania
"iPlasma - An Integrated Platform for Quality Assessment
of Object-Oriented Design"
14:00 - 14:30 Prof. Rainer Koschke, University of Bremen, Germany
"Bauhaus: Architecture-Centric Software Development and
14:30 - 15:00 Dr. Walter Bischofsberger, Software Tomography,
"Sotograph - Easing Complexity with Structure, Evolution
and Quality Analyses"
15:00 - 15:30 Georgios Koutsoukos, ATX Software, Portugal
"L-CARE: A Legacy Reengineering Environment"
15:30 - 16:00 Coffee Break
Open Space Demonstrations
16:00 - 17:15 Panel
Evaluating Tools for Managing Software Complexity
- Present and Future
Agenda for the CHOOSE General Assembly
Please note that the General Assembly will be held during the CHOOSE
Forum. All CHOOSE members are kindly invited to participate.
1. President's report. Activities since the last General Assembly.
2. Treasurer's report for 2004.
3. Elections to the CHOOSE Executive Board.
4. Miscellaneous.
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non-commercial events related to Object Technology in Switzerland.
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Dear CHOOSE members,
Please note the event July 1 in Zurich.
Oscar Nierstrasz
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
Sender: owner-choose-news(a)
Precedence: bulk
Sie hatten vormals Kontakt mit der Firma LogOn, Frankfurt, die zum
Ende 2004 ihre Geschäftstätigkeit einstellte. Ein wichtiger Partner,
die OMG (Object Management Group) mit den Themen zum Software
Engineering und zu Business Processes (UML, MDA, BPM) orientierte sich
neu und entschied sich für SIGS-DATACOM:
"The OMG is very motivated to work with SIGS-DATACOM as a partner in
Germany, Switzerland, Austria and England, and The Netherlands", sagt
Richard Mark Soley, OMG Chairman.
Wir laden Sie herzlich zum ersten gemeinsamen Auftritt ein:
nehmen Sie teil am Relaunch der NEUEN
OMG Information Days 2005
Keynote plus 8 Fachvorträge
_ 1. Juni in Zürich,
_ 6. Juni in München,
_ 9. Juni in Frankfurt,
und beteiligen Sie sich am Expertengespräch mit kontroverser
Diskussion zum Thema:
MDA Praxis - Von der Technologie zur Anwendung
Registrieren Sie sich noch heute! Für nur EUR 298,- pro Konferenztag.
Für Mitglieder der OMG und Angehöriger der Mitgliedsfirmen gilt ein
Vorteilspreis von EUR 268,-.
_ Andrew Watson, CTO und
_ Richard Soley, CEO der OMG
plus 8 Fachvorträge, z.T. international:
_ Douglas Schmidt
_ Richard Hubert
_ Christoph Bröcker
_ Markus Voelter
_ Andrea Hemprich
_ Georg Rackl
_ Ivo Totev
und weitere Experten sprechen zu Ihnen!
Ich freue mich, Sie in Zürich, München oder Frankfurt begrüßen zu
können und Sie mit Richard M. Soley von der OMG ins Gespräch zu
bringen, über Fragen der Software Standardisierung.
Mit freundlichem Gruß
Frank Dietrich
Leiter Vertrieb und Marketing
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non-commercial events related to Object Technology in Switzerland.
Please send announcements to be posted to: choose-news(a)
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Hi all
The SSUG Smalltalk User Group is proud to announce that it launches a
sponsorship program
for two students to participate to ESUG 2005
Each student will get 500 CHF for participating to ESUG'2005.
13th International Smalltalk Conference
Saturday 13 august to saturday 20 august
Interested student should send an email to ssug(a) with a
small bio, their motivation.
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non-commercial events related to Object Technology in Switzerland.
Please send announcements to be posted to: choose-news(a)
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Sehr geehrte CHOOSE-Mitglieder
Die /ch/open (Swiss Open Systems User Group) lädt Sie ein, sich fuer den
nächsten Swiss Open Business Lunch (OBL)
vom 10.3.05 anzumelden:
11.45 Uhr: Fédéral Entrecôte Café, Bärenplatz 31, Bern/BE (vor dem
Bundeshaus), Tel.: 031 311 16 24
Ein kurzer Inpust steht am Anfang des Lunches. Beim anschliessenden
gemeinsamen Mittagessen kann das Thema weiter diskutiert werden.
Corinne Kassapoglou Faist, EPFL, hält zu Beginn einen Kurzvortrag zum Thema:
An Integrated Platform for Location-based Services built on Java Technologies
In the context of a EU project, an integrated platform that caters for the
full range of issues related to location-based services (service
development, deployment and provisioning) has been developed and
demonstrated. The platform serves as an execution environment for service
instances, integrates various positioning systems (GPS, GSM-based,
WLAN-based), and supports multiple end-user intefaces. In addition, a
service creation environment enables high-level service specification in an
XML-based language, service deployment and testing.
The platform is based on open technologies, mainly J2EE and Web Services.
The service creation envitronment is based on the Eclipse Project.
The speach will be in English.
Corinne Kassapoglou Faist obtained a EE diploma at EPFL (1985) and a M.S.
in Mathematics at Rutgers University (1997). From 1985 to 1989 she worked
as a R.and T.A at the EE. Department and later at the Mathematics
Department at EPFL, respectively on the implementation of control
algorithms on DSPs and on the dynamics of recursive digital filters.
From 1991 to 1997, she resided in the U.S. for family reasons. She joined
the Real-Time and Software group at CSEM in 1998. Her interests include
algorithms and protocols for secure communications, communication
protocols, distributed software. She is a mother of 3.
Gerne erwarten wir Ihre Anmeldung unter
<> bis zum 9.3.05.
Mit freundlichen Gruessen
Ursula Burri
Swiss Open Systems User Group Tel.: +41 1 350 26 56 (freitags)
/ch/open Fax: +41 1 350 26 55
Postfach 2322 E-mail: <>
CH-8033 Zuerich WWW: <>
Sekretariat Ursula Burri E-mail: <>
Open Systems for open minded people!
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non-commercial events related to Object Technology in Switzerland.
Please send announcements to be posted to: choose-news(a)
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Apologies for the error in my previous posting.
Clearly we are in 2005, not 2004. The URL for the 2005 CHOOSE Forum
has also been corrected.
The corrected announcement appears below.
Oscar Nierstrasz
This message is a pre-announcement for the CHOOSE Forum and General
Assembly 2005
Topic: State of the Art in Tools for Managing Software Complexity
Date: Monday April 11, 2005. Full day
Location: Allegro Grand Casino Kursaal Bern
Modern software systems are increasingly large, complex, heterogeneous
and open. Developers and maintainers are increasingly turning towards
advanced tools and environments to help them manage this complexity.
But what do these tools offer? What is the state-of-the-art in such
tools? And do they really help developers with the problems they are
facing today?
This CHOOSE Forum will offer a series of presentations of
state-of-the-art tools for managing, maintaining, analyzing and
reengineering complex software systems. The day will conclude with a
session in which developers in charge of complex software systems will
have the opportunity to assess and evaluate the state-of-the-art.
The day also includes the CHOOSE General Assembly, including reports
from the President and the Treasurer, and elections for the CHOOSE
Executive Board.
Program and Registration details will be available in early March from
the CHOOSE web site:
For questions, please contact Oscar Nierstrasz (oscar(a)
choose-news(a) is a *moderated* mailing list for announcing
non-commercial events related to Object Technology in Switzerland.
Please send announcements to be posted to: choose-news(a)
To unsubscribe, please send the message "unsubscribe choose-news" to:
To learn more about SI and CHOOSE, see:
This message is a pre-announcement for the CHOOSE Forum and General
Assembly 2004
Topic: State of the Art in Tools for Managing Software Complexity
Date: Monday April 11. Full day
Location: Allegro Grand Casino Kursaal Bern
Modern software systems are increasingly large, complex, heterogeneous
and open. Developers and maintainers are increasingly turning towards
advanced tools and environments to help them manage this complexity.
But what do these tools offer? What is the state-of-the-art in such
tools? And do they really help developers with the problems they are
facing today?
This CHOOSE Forum will offer a series of presentations of
state-of-the-art tools for managing, maintaining, analyzing and
reengineering complex software systems. The day will conclude with a
session in which developers in charge of complex software systems will
have the opportunity to assess and evaluate the state-of-the-art.
The day also includes the CHOOSE General Assembly, including reports
from the President and the Treasurer, and elections for the CHOOSE
Executive Board.
Program and Registration details will be available in early March from
the CHOOSE web site:
For questions, please contact Oscar Nierstrasz (oscar(a)
choose-news(a) is a *moderated* mailing list for announcing
non-commercial events related to Object Technology in Switzerland.
Please send announcements to be posted to: choose-news(a)
To unsubscribe, please send the message "unsubscribe choose-news" to:
To learn more about SI and CHOOSE, see:
Wir laden Sie herzlich ein zur Teilnahme an der
SI-SE 2005
Fachtagung und Tutorien über
Agile Software-Entwicklung
10. und 11. März 2005
Universität Zürich
Mary Poppendieck (USA): Managing the Development
Pipeline +++ Michael Hirsch (Zühlke, CH):
Sieben Techniken für den garantierten Misserfolg
in der SW-Entwicklung +++ Joseph Pelrine
(MetaProg, CH): Understanding the Roots of
Agility +++ André Weinand (IBM Research OTI
Labs, CH): Inside Eclipse - Einblicke in einen
leichtgewichtigen Open-Source
Software-Entwicklungsprozess +++ Holger
Breitling (C1 WPS, D): Extreme Programming und
Kompromisse - geht das? +++ Stefan Roock
(it-agile, D): 5 Jahre eXtreme Programming - Wie
erwachsen sind wir geworden?
Tutorien am 10.3.05:
Mary und Tom Poppendieck: Implementing Lean Software Development
Michael Hirsch: Making RUP Agile
Melden Sie sich an unter
Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Ivo Ruckstuhl
SI-SE 2005 Tagungsleiter
SI-SE Fachgruppe Software Engineering
der Schweizer Informatik Gesellschaft
choose-news(a) is a *moderated* mailing list for announcing
non-commercial events related to Object Technology in Switzerland.
Please send announcements to be posted to: choose-news(a)
To unsubscribe, please send the message "unsubscribe choose-news" to:
To learn more about SI and CHOOSE, see:
[Please apologize for multiple receipts]
Bern - 9-10-11 march 2205
Program, registration and informations
11th french-speaking conference LMO (Langages and Models for Objects)
will gather researchers interested in the numerous facets of objects,
components and models, including programming languages, knowledge
representation, data bases, software engineering, distributed
programming, middlewares and operating systems.
LMO 2005 will include:
2 Invited conferences
- M. SAKKINEN (U. of Jyvaskyla): "Wishes for object-oriented languages"
- Y. CASEAU (Bouygues Télécom): "SLA-based routines for EAI middleware:
A step towards self-optimizing BPM"
A Panel: "Model Driven Engineering: Standards and Open Source"
A selection of 15 research papers, a Poster/Demonstration session
Two satellite events:
-Workshop "Software Evolution" (march, 8)
-OCM group meeting (march, 9-10-11)
Poster and demonstrations can still be proposed !!!!!!!!!!
(send one-page abstract to huchard(a)
La 11ème édition de la conférence Langages et Modèles à Objets se
propose de réunir à nouveau
les chercheurs intéressés par les multiples facettes des concepts
d'objet, de composant et de modèle.
Convergences, divergences et nouvelles tendances seront abordées dans
les contextes de la programmation, de la représentation des
connaissances, des bases de données, du génie logiciel, de la
programmation répartie, des intergiciels et du système.
LMO 2005 sera composée de :
2 conférences invitées
- M. SAKKINEN (U. of Jyvaskyla): "Wishes for object-oriented languages"
- Y. CASEAU (Bouygues Télécom): "SLA-based routines for EAI middleware:
A step towards self-optimizing BPM"
Une table ronde: "L'ingénierie des modèles (IDM): Standards et Open Source"
Une sélection de 15 articles, une session de posters et démonstrations
Deux événements conjoints:
- Workshop sur l'évolution du logiciel
- Réunion du groupe OCM
Des posters et démonstrations peuvent encore etre proposes !!!!!!!!!!
(envoyer un resume d'une page a huchard(a)
En espérant vous accueillir nombreux à Berne en mars 2005 !
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non-commercial events related to Object Technology in Switzerland.
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Hello everybody
You are invited to attend the defense of my Ph.D. entitled:
"Traits -- Composing Classes from Behavioral Building Blocks"
(thesis abstract below)
The defense will take place on Thursday, February 3rd, 2005 at 11:00,
room 002 in the IWI building (Engehaldenstrasse 8).
After the defense, we will share a light lunch at the Cafeteria in
building S14 (Schutzenmattstrasse 14). If you plan to join us for lunch,
please let me know as soon as possible so that I can make sure there
will be enough food.
Kind regards,
Nathanael Schärli
Thesis abstract:
Inheritance is well-known and accepted as a fundamental mechanism for
reuse in object-oriented languages. Unfortunately, the main variants
single inheritance, multiple inheritance, and mixin inheritanceall
suffer from conceptual and practical problems related to software reuse
and robustness with respect to changes.
In a first part of this thesis, we identify and illustrate these
problems. To overcome these problems, we then present traits, a simple
compositional model that extends single inheritance. A trait is
essentially a (parameterized) set of methods; it serves as a behavioral
building block for classes and is the primitive unit of code reuse. We
develop a formal model of traits that establishes how traits can be
composed to form other traits or classes, and we describe how we
implemented traits in Squeak Smalltalk by bootstrapping a new language
kernel. We present our experimental validation in which we apply traits
to refactor parts of the Smalltalk kernel and library, and we develop a
programming methodology around the usage of traits and the trait
browser, the tool that we implemented to take full advantage of the
availability of traits in the Squeak programming environment.
Nathanael Schärli
Wuhrgasse 11
CH-4900 Langenthal, Switzerland
Phone private: +41 62 922 61 21
Phone office: +41 31 631 35 47
Email: n.schaerli(a)
choose-news(a) is a *moderated* mailing list for announcing
non-commercial events related to Object Technology in Switzerland.
Please send announcements to be posted to: choose-news(a)
To unsubscribe, please send the message "unsubscribe choose-news" to:
To learn more about SI and CHOOSE, see: