The CHOOSE executive board is pleased to invite you to a presentation by
Lukas Renggli ( on 'Seaside: Building Complex Web
Applications Simply'.
This event is free for all SI-CHOOSE members, even the drinks after the
talk! Non-CHOOSE members are encouraged to fill out the membership
application form ( before attending the
meeting. If you want to know more about CHOOSE and the events which
CHOOSE organises, please visit
NOTE: registration for this event is required. Please fill out the
registration form at the end of this e-mail.
Seaside: Building Complex Web Applications Simply
20 April 2004 at 17h30
Institut fuer Wirtschaftsinformatik (IWI), Universitaet Bern,
Engehaldenstrasse 8, 3012 Bern, Hoersaal 001
Travel instructions:
Seaside is a framework for developing sophisticated web applications
in Smalltalk.
In this talk I will present some of its unique features, such as its
approach to session
management: unlike servlet models that require a separate handler for
each page or
request, Seaside models an entire user session as a continuous piece of
code, with natural,
linear control flow. Furthermore I will create a small web-application
as a demo together with
the audience and present a complex production web-site that has been
built using Seaside.
Lukas Renggli ( is specialist in the development of web
applications and content
management systems. He is expert in Zope and web solutions, the
designer of SmallWiki, a
content management application entirely based on objects.
Lukas Renggli is currently working for
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The CHOOSE executive board is pleased to invite you to a presentation by
Simon Moser (The SEE Group) on 'Initial Software Project Cost Estimation'.
This event is free for all SI-CHOOSE members, even the drinks after the
talk! Non-CHOOSE members are encouraged to fill out the membership
application form ( before attending the
meeting. If you want to know more about CHOOSE and the events which
CHOOSE organises, please visit
NOTE: registration for this event is required. Please fill out the
registration form at the end of this e-mail.
Initial Software Project Cost Estimation
Monday, April 5, 2004 @ 17h30 - 19h00
Institut fuer Wirtschaftsinformatik (IWI), Universitaet Bern,
Engehaldenstrasse 8, 3012 Bern, Hoersaal 001
Travel instructions:
Dr. Simon Moser
17h30 - 18h30 Talk and Q/A
Afterwards you are invited to a refreshment.
Software projects are notoriously difficult to schedule and
estimate. This is true for new development as well as for the
integration and adaptation of standard software or components. While
reasonably precise estimates may be based on models of the business
requirements (using UML or equivalent modelling languages), the process
of establishing such models is itself a difficult undertaking and .
painfully costly. A possibly useful alternative is offerd with Pre-UML
based estimation of the System Meter Method. Although still not able to
come up with good estimates from the project's name alone, its modelling
requirements are modest. The precision of those estimates ranges from
+/-20% to +/-35% at a 2-Sigma confidence level.
Simon Moser is an expert in cost estimation and is the originator of the
System Meter. He defended his PhD thesis on Measurement and Estimation of
Software and Software Processes in 1996 at the University of Bern. He is
currently Chair of the SEE Group, which specializes in Software Engineering
and Estimation.
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The CHOOSE executive board is pleased to invite you to a presentation by
Bernhard Rytz (ELCA) on 'Integrationsbroker konkret'.
This event is free for all SI-CHOOSE members, even the drinks after the
talk! Non-CHOOSE members are encouraged to fill out the membership
application form ( before attending the
meeting. If you want to know more about CHOOSE and the events which
CHOOSE organises, please visit
NOTE: registration for this event is required. Please fill out the
registration form at the end of this e-mail.
Integrationsbroker konkret
Tuesday, March 16, 2004 @ 17h00
Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik (IWI), Universität Bern,
Engehaldenstrasse 8, 3012 Bern, Hörsaal 002
Travel instructions:
Berhard Rytz, ELCA SA
17h00 - 18h00 Talk and Q/A
Afterwards you are invited to a refreshment.
Integrationsbroker und EAI-Werkzeuge versprechen Unterstützung in allen
technischen Belangen der Integration heterogener Systeme. Der Umfang
dieser Werkzeuge, die Dominanz des Marketings und fehlende
Vergleichsmöglichkeiten erschweren jedoch die Beurteilung der Eignung
für ein gegebenes Problem. Dies ist einer der Gründe, weshalb in den
Unternehmen immer noch viele Integrationsaufgaben mit ad-hoc Mitteln
gelöst werden und weshalb der Einsatz (resp. Nicht-Einsatz) eines
Integrationsbrokers manchmal zur Glaubensfrage wird. Wir präsentieren
ein einfaches Referenzmodell zur Beurteilung von Integrationsbrokern und
erklären typische Integrationsszenarien. Im Sinne eines einfachen
Benchmarking werden wir zeigen, wie verschiedene Integrationsbroker in
diesen Szenarien zum Einsatz kommen, was die Werkzeuge effektiv können
und mit welchen Herausforderungen zu rechnen ist.
Der Vortrag wird in deutscher Sprache gehalten!
Bernhard Rytz arbeitet als Architekt und Projektleiter für die Firma
ELCA (, einen führenden Schweizer IT-Dienstleister mit über
300 Ingenieuren. Herr Rytz hat sich seit 8 Jahren auf verteilte Systeme
und Integrationsprojekte spezialisiert. In diesem Gebiet hat er mehrere
grosse Firmen im Finanz- und Telekombereich dabei unterstützt,
bestehende Systeme zu modernisieren, Legacy-Systeme zu integrieren und
systematische Integrationsplattformen zu definieren. Zur Zeit untersucht
er vertieft Integrationslösungen im Portalbereich.
Im Nebenamt unterrichtet Bernhard Rytz seit 1997 an der FH Solothurn
"object-oriented software engineering".
Seine Ausbildung absolvierte er an der Carnegie Mellon University und
der ETH Lausanne, welche er mit einem Dipl. Ing. Informatik ETH
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The CHOOSE executive board and Compuware AG are pleased to invite you to
a half-day presentation
by Wim Bast (Compuware Corporation, Amsterdam) on
'The essence of MDA'.
Please note, that this is not a regular CHOOSE SIG-Beer event:
- The event will take in Olten (see below), not in Bern
- we charge a registration fee (see below)
Non-CHOOSE members are encouraged to fill out the membership application
form ( before attending the meeting. If
you want to know more about CHOOSE and the events which CHOOSE
organises, please visit
NOTE: registration for this event is required, as seating is limited.
Please fill out the registration form at the end of this e-mail.
Registrations will be considered on a FCFS basis.
The essence of MDA
Tuesday, 9. March 2004
Congress Hotel Olten
Travel instructions:
Registration fee:
CHF 20 for CHOOSE and JUGS members
CHF 50 for SI members
CHF 100 for non-members
Participants will receive a signed copy of Wim Bast's book MDA
Explained: The Model Driven Architecture: Practice and Promise.
Wim Bast (Compuware Corporation, Amsterdam)
08.30 -- 9.00 Registration + Coffee
09.00 -- 10.30 First part of the talk
10.30 -- 10.45 Coffee break
10.45 -- 12.00 Second part of the talk, Q + A
The presentation 'The essence of MDA' will discuss the following
* The goals and the essence of MDA.
* The balance between high productivity by abstraction and the also
needed detailed control in software development.
* How to realize the goals of MDA: the architecture of MDA tools and
modeling languages.
* What is not MDA and why so many misunderstandings exist about MDA.
* The relation between OMG standards like UML, MOF, XMI, OCL, CWM and
Wim Bast is Chief Architect at Compuware's Application Development and
Integration Centre in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Bast is responsible
for the core architecture of Compuwares Java development and
integration solution, Compuware OptimalJ. He has worked for the Company
for more than seven years, primarily focusing on integrating standard
technologies, such as MDA and Java, into Compuware's tools. As
Compuwares main technical representative at the Object Management
Group, Bast is directly involved in the development of the Model Driven
Architecture (MDA) and its related standards, such as Meta Object
Facility (MOF). He initiated the submission of the MOF 2.0 Query, View
and Transformation Request for Proposal to the OMG. Bast is Compuwares
MDA expert, specializing in programming and modeling languages, as well
as meta-modeling. He is co-author of the book MDA Explained: The Model
Driven Architecture: Practice and Promise. He is a respected speaker on
the topics of Unified Modeling Language (UML) and Model Driven
Architecture (MDA). Prior to joining Compuware, he worked as an
information analyst and developed tools for meta-data exchange between
development and design tools.
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Please check:
[ ] CHOOSE member, fee: CHF 20
[ ] JUGS member, fee: CHF 20
[ ] SI member, fee: CHF 50
[ ] Non-Member, fee: CHF 100
We will encash the registration fee on site. Please keep our live simple
and don't show up with 200 franc notes :-)
No-shows will be billed!
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The Software Composition Group is opening
one PhD position in
software engineering and more ***precisely*** in language design and
reengineering object-oriented applications.
We are looking for candidates having the following profile
- language design
- compiler and virtual machines
- composition mechanisms
- reflective systems, aop
- meta-modeling
- code analysis
- program visualization
German is a plus. The candidate will have to help with lectures in
german or english.
For more information about the software composition group:
and more information on this position ducasse(a) or
To apply send an email with the tag [PHD] to ducasse(a) and
with a simple letter of motivation and a cv in pdf. (please do not send
word documents).
Prof. S. Ducasse
choose-news(a) is a *moderated* mailing list for announcing
non-commercial events related to Object Technology in Switzerland.
Please send announcements to be posted to: choose-news(a)
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