Hi all
Daniel Ratiu that has been sponsored by Choose for a visit to the
SCG/IAM will present the results of his master thesis by giving a
talk: "Time-Based Detection Strategies".
The diploma thesis topic is to extend of the current way of detecting
design flaws (i.e. based on information in one version only) to also
take into consideration historical information (e.g. how stable is a
class suspected of being a God Class). He used the concept of Detection
Strategy which is defined as the the quantifiable expression of a rule,
by which design fragments that are conformant to that rule can be
detected in the source code. Thus, he defined detection strategies
based on software measurements which take the historical information
into account.
Daniel Ratiu is a freshly graduated engineer and this presentation is
about his work performed mainly during the diploma project.
When: Tuesday 18th of November 2003
At: 17h15
Where: room 107 Schützenmattstrasse 14
Software Composition Group
Institut für Informatik
Universität Bern
Neubrückstrasse 10
CH-3012 Bern
Map: http://www.iam.unibe.ch/cgi-bin/getpage.py?finding.html&e
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