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non-commercial events related to Object Technology in Switzerland.
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Dienstag, 3. Juni 2003, 17.30 Uhr in der Uni Engehalde,
Engehaldenstrasse 8, 3012 Bern Hörsaal 001 (1.UG)
Referent: Prof. Dr. Thomas Kühne
Technische Universität Darmstadt
(Darmstadt University of Technology)
Thema: Architecture Stratification
The OMG's new MDA (model driven architecture) approach promises a large
productivity gain by making models the primary software artifact, thus
insulating software designs against frequent changes in realization
technologies. However, the proposed separation into PIM (platform
independent model) and PSM (platform specific model) is not sufficient.
Architecture Stratification is proposed as a multi-stage (as opposed to
two-stage) transformation process, enabling all aspects (not just
platform dependencies) of a system to be introduced one at a time. Each
such stage (stratum) represents a level of abstraction that is of some
value for a particular stakeholder/developer. The approach takes the
age old idea of stepwise refinement but interprets it in a spatial
rather than temporal manner. It is compatible with and complements
technologies such as separation of concerns, frameworks, and design
See also <>
choose-news(a) is a *moderated* mailing list for announcing
non-commercial events related to Object Technology in Switzerland.
Please send announcements to be posted to: choose-news(a)
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Dear CHOOSE Members
FYI -- pls distribute :
As one of the events in the seminar series "Distributed Software Systems" by
the Department of Computer Sciences and Telecommunications of the University
of Applied Sciences Solothurn Northwestern Switzerland,
a Free Software & Open Source Day will take place
on Wednesday 21st May 2003 in Olten on the theme 'Philosophy, Use and
with the participation of Richard M. Stallman, founder and leader from
GNU-Project, founder and president of the Free Software Foundation.
Have a look to (Early bird registration by 21st April 2003:
Fr. 100.-- discount)
See you in Olten
Best regards
Claude Rubattel
University of Applied Sciences Solothurn Northwestern Switzerland
(Fachhochschule Solothurn Nordwestschweiz)
Riggenbachstrasse 16, 4600 Olten / Switzerland
choose-news(a) is a *moderated* mailing list for announcing
non-commercial events related to Object Technology in Switzerland.
Please send announcements to be posted to: choose-news(a)
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To learn more about SI and CHOOSE, see:
Please distribute widely
ESUG is proud to announce the second international call for its
Program of Smalltalk books.
Briefly, this program offers free books and teaching material to
Universities worldwide.
Who can apply for this program?
a- If you are already using Smalltalk as a teaching/research/development
language, this program supports you to follow with your approach.
b- If you are not using Smalltalk but you are teaching (or would like to
teach) OOP, this program will provide you with enough material to do
starting step and support you in the future.
Why should you apply?
We are a big community (composed of people in universities, research
and industries) using Smalltalk as a main development language. We are
actively in contact and we would like that this community grows, with
the advantages that this action means for your universities
contact, knowlegde sharing, access to open sources, etc.).
What do you get if you apply for it?
Depending on your needs, we offer two possibilities:
a- Teacher Excellence Package - a package containing a relevant
of Smalltalk books at all levels of expertise + 30 CD's containing all
free or non-commercial Smalltalks (Squeak, VisualWorks, Gnu Smalltalk,
Dolphin, Smalltalk/X, Smalltalk/MT) + plus all the freely available
+ a ready-to-use lecture (400 slides + 100 pages of exercises)
b- Teacher Immersion Package - we offer you to have the possibility to
an intensive lecture for any number of students for a week. The
Teacher Immersion Package includes the Teacher Starter Package
For your information, last year (2002) we issued the first call of
this program and the following universities were selected and received
material at the end of November 2002:
- Darmstadt University of Technology (Germany)
- Universidad Tecnolo'gica Nacional (Argentina)
- University of Munich (Germany)
- Universidad Nacional de La Plata (Argentina)
- Politehnica University Timisoara (Roumanie)
- Colegio Schoenthal (Argentina)
- Vrije Universiteit Brussels (Belgium)
- Universite' de Caen (France)
- Universite' de Montpellier-II (France)
- Universite' de Paris 8 (France)
- Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina)
- Universidad de Vigo (Spain)
- Universite' de Bretagne Occidentale (France)
- Universite' Hassiba Ben Bouali De Chlef (Algerie)
- Universidad Jaume I (Spain)
- Valahia University (Roumanie)
- Universitaet St. Gallen (Switzerland)
- UDK-Berlin (Germany)
- Czech Technical University (Czech)
- Wuhan University (China)
To get complete information about the program and the last year
applications, have a look at:
If you have questions, do not hesitate to contact us.
Best Regards,
ESUG Initiative Team
Gabriela Arevalo (arevalo(a)
Stephane Ducasse (ducasse(a)
"The best way to predict the future is to invent it..." Alan Kay.
Open Source Smalltalks:,
Free books for Universities at
Free Online Book at
Prof. Dr. Stéphane DUCASSE
"if you knew today was your last day on earth, what would you do
different? ... especially if,
by doing something different, today might not be your last day on
earth" Calvin&Hobbes
"The best way to predict the future is to invent it..." Alan Kay.
Open Source Smalltalks:,
Free books for Universities at
Free Online Book at
choose-news(a) is a *moderated* mailing list for announcing
non-commercial events related to Object Technology in Switzerland.
Please send announcements to be posted to: choose-news(a)
To unsubscribe, please send the message "unsubscribe choose-news" to:
To learn more about SI and CHOOSE, see:
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
Als Mitglied von CHOOSE profitieren Sie von einem Rabatt von 15% für den
folgenden Kurs:
"Mobile Anwendungen mit der Java 2 Micro Edition"
Glue Software Engineering AG führt diesen Kurs in Zusammenarbeit mit Dr.
Silvano Maffeis am 28. und 29. April 2003 in Bern durch. Der Kurs zeigt
die Anforderungen auf, welche an eine Plattform für mobile Anwendungen
gestellt werden. Er führt in die J2ME ein und zeigt, welche
Möglichkeiten und Limitationen für die Realisierung von mobilen
Anwendungen mit der J2ME bestehen. Stichworte sind: Vernetzung,
Authentifizierung, Autorisierung, Accounting und Payment.
Kosten für den 2-tägigen Kurs: SFr 1500.- inkl. Unterlagen und
Pausenverpflegung. Der Kurs ist MwSt.-frei.
Miglieder von CHOOSE oder /ch/open/ erhalten 15% Rabatt.
Nähere Angaben zum Kurs finden Sie unter
Anmeldung mit dem Anmeldeformular unter
Es würde uns freuen, Sie an unserem Kurs begrüssen zu dürfen.
Mit freundlichen Grüssen,
Andres Scheidegger
Leiter Education
GLUE Software Engineering AG, Zieglerstrasse 34, 3007 Bern, Switzerland
Phone: (+41) 31 385 3032, Fax: (+41) 31 385 3018,
choose-news(a) is a *moderated* mailing list for announcing
non-commercial events related to Object Technology in Switzerland.
Please send announcements to be posted to: choose-news(a)
To unsubscribe, please send the message "unsubscribe choose-news" to:
To learn more about SI and CHOOSE, see:
Dear Colleague,
I´d like to inform you that- like last year- the OMG and LogOn
will organize an Object Management Group Information Days 2003 on
"Integrating the Enterprise" in London, on June 10, 2003 at the
Le Meridien Waldorf hotel.
For details:
Best Regards
Roberto Zicari
choose-news(a) is a *moderated* mailing list for announcing
non-commercial events related to Object Technology in Switzerland.
Please send announcements to be posted to: choose-news(a)
To unsubscribe, please send the message "unsubscribe choose-news" to:
To learn more about SI and CHOOSE, see:
Dear CHOOSE member,
FYI-- pls distribute as you see proper.
Roberto Zicari
OMG Representative Europe
Object Management Group Information Day 2003 on
-- "Integrating the Enterprise" --
Zurich, February 26, 2003
One day onference program, and 3 tutorials:
- Prof. Oscar Nierstrasz
Object-Oriented Reengineering Patterns
- Thomas Jell
XML lessons learned - Einsatz und Integration von Middleware im
- Dr. Jim Arlow
Introduction to Model Driven Architecture
For details of the event please visit:
IAM of the University of Berne, the SCG and CHOOSE is proud to announce
the talk of Prof. Ralph Johnson.
Title: "Toward's an Architect's Handbook"
Ralph E. Johnson - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
One of the events that led to the book "Design Patterns" was an OOPSLA
workshop to investigate what kind of handbook should be used by a
architect. Design patterns were one of the things that we thought
should be
in such a handbook. But the software engineering community in general,
patterns writers in particular, are still far from an architect's
This talk will explain the vision, what is missing, a few recent books
in my opinion are big steps towards the goal, and what we should do to
fulfill our vision.
When: friday 21 February 2003 at 17h30
IAM Room 001 (opposite of the cafetaria)
Prof. Dr. Stéphane DUCASSE (ducasse(a)
"if you knew today was your last day on earth, what would you do
different? ... especially if, by doing something different, today
might not be your last day on earth" Calvin&Hobbes
OMG Object Application Awards 2003 -- 1st CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS.
This is the 1st call for submissions for the 2003 OMG Object
Application Awards.
The OMG Object Applications Awards is addressed to those
organizations and their innovative developers who have
successfully implemented object technology in their operations.
These awards are designed to publicise the best of the custom
applications using object-oriented approaches in the enterprise,
and to recognise the professionals implementing the technology.
The submission form for the Awards can be download from:
Entries must be received not later than May 2, 2003
choose-news(a) is a *moderated* mailing list for announcing
non-commercial events related to Object Technology in Switzerland.
Please send announcements to be posted to: choose-news(a)
To unsubscribe, please send the message "unsubscribe choose-news" to:
To learn more about SI and CHOOSE, see:
FYI-- pls distribute as you see proper.
Roberto Zicari
Object Management Group Information Days 2003 on
-- "Integrating the Enterprise" --
The Object Management Group and LogOn Technology Transfer
announce the traditional pan-European tour of OMG Days in Europe
for 2003.
An OMG Information Day is a one-day conference and exhibition
with focus on Enterprise Integration.
The OMG Days Europe 2003 Schedule is:
OMG Day Amsterdam, February 18, 2003
OMG Day Brussels, February 19, 2003
OMG Day Zurich, February 26, 2003
OMG Day Milan, February 27, 2003
OMG Day Helsinki, March 3, 2003
OMG Day Stockholm, March 4, 2003
OMG Day Oslo, March 5, 2003
OMG Day Copenhagen, March 6, 2003
OMG Day Munich, April 2, 2003
OMG Day London, June 10, 2003
OMG Day Paris, June 11, 2003
For the full conference programs and details of the events please visit:
Dear CHOOSE member,
Besides working at ETH Zurich, I also work with the University of Bergen, Norway. Hence, I have been asked to
raise awareness about the following conference in Switzerland:
rOOts conference, 5th - 7th of May 2003, Bergen, Norway
Conference site:
Conference program:
Short outline: The rOOts conference, now firmly established in the European OO community as a serious annual
event, is a forum for debate and study of recent and emerging trends in OO methodology, design and
implementations. The format provides opportunities for both managers and programmers to learn together and
discuss these topics in both formal and informal environments. In three years the rOOts conference has emerged
as one of Europe's premier arenas for presentation and demonstration of OO innovation.
Thanks for your attention and best regards,
Morten Fjeld
Man-Machine Interaction (MMI) at the
Institute for Hygiene and Applied Physiology (IHA), ETH Zurich
<> Morten Fjeld
IHA, Clausiusstr. 25
CH-8092 Zurich
fon: +41 1 632 3983
fax: +41 1 632 1173