Registration is now open for the CHOOSE Forum 2007 on Languages for
the Web.
This year's CHOOSE Forum brings together a select group of speakers
to provide us with a current snapshot of some of the key technologies
available today. The morning is dedicated to shorter talks, while the
afternoon session will consist of 3 in-depth presentations and
The day also includes the CHOOSE General Assembly, including reports
from the President and the Treasurer, and elections for the CHOOSE
Executive Board.
Reminder: CHOOSE Talk, Sept. 17, 2007, University of Bern
Prof. Robert Hirschfeld — Expressing Context-dependent Behavioral
Variations with Context-oriented Programming
Please register by email for this talk.
Oscar Nierstrasz
The CHOOSE executive board is pleased to invite you to a presentation by
Robert Hirschfeld (HPI Potsdam, Germany) on 'Expressing Context-
dependent Behavioral Variations with Context-oriented Programming'.
This event is free for all SI-CHOOSE members, even the drinks after
the talk! Non-CHOOSE members are also welcome, and are encouraged to
fill out the membership application form ( before
attending the meeting. If you want to know more about CHOOSE and
the events which CHOOSE organises, please visit
NOTE: registration for this event is required. Please fill out the
registration form at the end of this e-mail.
Expressing Context-dependent Behavioral Variations with Context-
oriented Programming
When: Monday, Sept 17, 2007
Where: Universitaet Bern, Engehaldenstrasse 8, 3012 Bern, Hoersaal 001
Travel instructions:
Robert Hirschfeld, HPI Potsdam, Germany
Expressing Context-dependent Behavioral Variations with Context-
oriented Programming
(joint work with Pascal Costanza, VUB Brussels, Belgium)
17h30 Talk and Q/A
Afterwards you are invited to a refreshment.
Context-oriented Programming, or COP, provides programmers with
dedicated abstractions and mechanisms to concisely represent
behavioral variations that depend on execution context. By treating
context explicitly, and by directly supporting dynamic composition
based on it, COP allows programmers to better express software
entities that adapt their behavior late-bound, at runtime. Our
presentation will illustrate COP constructs, their application, and
their implementation, as well the relationship of COP to other
approaches such as feature-oriented and aspect-oriented programming.
We use Squeak as a programming environment to demonstrate sample
Robert Hirschfeld is a Professor of Computer Science at the Hasso-
Plattner-Institut in Potsdam. There he leads the Software
Architecture Group that is concerned with fundamental elements and
structures of software, developing methods and tools for improving
the comprehension and design of complex systems. Robert Hirschfeld
was a senior researcher with DoCoMo Euro-Labs, the European research
facility of NTT DoCoMo Japan, where he worked on infrastructure
components for next generation mobile systems with a focus on dynamic
service adaptation and aspect-oriented programming. Prior to joining
Euro-Labs, he was a principal engineer at Windward Solutions in
Sunnyvale, California. Robert Hirschfeld received a Ph.D. in Computer
Science form the Technical University of Ilmenau, Germany.
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Dear CHOOSErs,
I am happy to announce a SIGBeer talk on Thursday, August 30, 2007,
16.00 at our institute.
The talk is by Prof Prem Devanbu, an expert in the area of software
engineering and particularly
in software evolution and software repository mining. He will present
his latest results on analyzing
several open source projects.
I hope to see many of you.
best regards,
Harald Gall
Title: Interdisciplinary Studies of Open Source Software (OSS) Projects.
Speaker: Prof. Prem Devanbu,
location: University of Zurich, Department of Informatics,
Binzmuehlestrasse 14, 8050 Zurich (train station Oerlikon)
Room 2.A.01
We all love to hate large software systems. They are hard to build,
hard to evolve, and don't work very well. Why is this? A lot of
reasons, some social, some technical, and some socio-technical. We
that OSS provides an excellent source of data to test hypotheses
about the
factors that affect important phenomena/outcomes in software
projects. Our
group at UC Davis, comprising bio-informaticians, organizational
behaviourists, physicists, and software engineers, is using a range
of different
approaches to the analyze the veritable torrents of data pouring out
of open
source projects to understand how things work in OSS, and what tools
and techniques
can help. One important issue is <<IMMIGRATION>>: how do new people
join projects, and how can we help the difficult intellectual and
social challenges they face. We present two results:
1) What are the factors influencing immigration of new developers in
Open source projects?
2.a) Can we build "recommender" tools that help programmers deal
with "information overload" by helping them focus their attention?
2.b) Such tools have always been evaluated with user studies. Can
we do something more quantitative?
Joint work with: V. Filkov, A. Swaminathan, G. Hsu, R. DeSouza, S. Roy
and students C. Bird, Z. Saul, D. Posnett, Y. Wang, A. Gourley, D.
We gratefully acknowledge support from the U.S. National Science
Foundation (Science of Design and Human and Social Dynamics
Programs), the IBM Faculty Fellowship Program, and the GrammaTech
and SciTools corporations.
Dear CHOOSE members,
Our calendar of events has been very quiet for the past few months.
Why not organize a SIG Beer in your neighbourhood? It is really easy!
Here is a link with some instructions and hints:
Oscar Nierstrasz
CHOOSE President
Sehr geehrte CHOOSE-Mitglieder
Das Institut fuer Informatik der Universitaet Zuerich organisiert in
der Reihe
"Fortbildungsseminare in Informatik" folgenden Event:
Zuerich SOFT Summer 2007
Fortgeschrittene Aspekte der Software Technologie
7. bis 14. September 2007
* Business Intelligence and Data Mining
* Requirements Engineering
* Software Qualitaetsanalyse
* Geschäftsmodellierung mit UML
* Zielbasiertes Requirements Engineering
Seminarleitung und Referenten:
* Abraham Bernstein, Professor und Leiter des Forschungsbereichs
Dynamische und
verteilte Software-Systeme
* Harald Gall, Professor und Leiter des Forschungsbereichs Software
und Reengineering
* Martin Glinz, Professor und Leiter des Forschungsbereichs Requirements
* Samuel Fricker, Assistent im Forschungsbereich Requirements
Ziel ist es, neben der Vermittlung der Software-Technologien auch
Gelegenheit fuer Diskussionen und Fallbeispiele zu geben, um so die
Themen aus
unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln zu betrachten. Soweit moeglich, werden
einzelnen Seminare auch von Tool-Demos (i.e. meist Forschungsprototypen)
Zuerich SOFT Summer richtet sich an Entwickler, Designer, Architekten
Projektleiter von Software und bietet die Moeglichkeit, kompakt in
wenigen Tagen Software-Schluesseltechnologien kennenzulernen, deren
abzuschaetzen und die Einsatzmoeglichkeiten im eigenen Unternehmen oder
Arbeitsbereich auszuloten.
Detaillierte Informationen sowie ein Anmeldeformular finden Sie unter:
Wir wuerden uns freuen, Sie am Zuerich SOFT Summer begruessen zu
duerfen, und
stehen fuer weitere Auskuenfte gerne zur Verfuegung.
Freundliche Gruesse,
Harald Gall
Harald Gall, Prof. Dr.
Universität Zürich, Institut für Informatik
Binzmuehlestrasse 14, 8050 Zurich, Schweiz
tel. +41 44 635 43 35 / fax +41 44 635 68 09
Sehr geehrte CHOOSE-Mitglieder
Die /ch/open-Workshop-Tage finden dieses Jahr vom 11. - 13. September
beim Departement Informationstechnologie und Elektrotechnik der ETH
Zürich statt und werden zusammen mit der Java User Group Switzerland
(JUGS) organisiert. Ermöglicht wird dies durch die IT-Support-Gruppe des
Departements Informationstechnologie und Elektrotechnik (D-ITET, ETH
Ein Highlight der diesjährigen Workshop-Tage ist der Workshop von Adam
Bien: "Praxisorientierte Java EE 5 Archtekturen mit Patterns, Idiomen,
Utilities ...und viel Source Code". Adam Bien hat schon letztes Jahr
einen "fulminanten" Workshop gehalten und dabei sehr gute Kritiken
erhalten <>. Ein
Besuch seines Workshops ist - neben einem grossen Wissenszuwachs -
einfach ein Erlebnis!
Auch auf den Workshop von Christian Bauer "Introduction to JBoss Seam"
möchten wir besonders hinweisen. Christian Bauer ist Mitglied der
Developerteams von Hibernate und JBoss und kann damit natürlich in
seinen Workshops aus dem Vollen schöpfen (die Details zum zweiten Kurs
über Hibernate folgen in Kürze)! Der Workshop wird - je nach Teilnehmern
- Deutsch oder Englisch gehalten, die Slides sind Englisch.
Weiter stehen Workshop zu Ruby on Rails, MySQL und Scrum auf dem Programm:
"MySQL Performance Tuning" und "MySQL High-Availability und Scale-out
Architekturen" mit Oliver Sennhauser
"Ruby on Rails - Hype, 'Business as usual' oder 'The next big thing'?"
mit Jens-Christian Fischer
"Einführung in die agile Projektleitung mit Scrum" mit Peter Stevens
Das sind nur ein paar ausgewählte Beispiele aus dem Programm - die ganze
Übersicht gibt es unter <>. Dank der
grosszügigen Unterstützung der IT-Support-Gruppe des Departements
Informationstechnologie und Elektrotechnik (D-ITET) können wir auch
dieses Jahr die Preise gewohnt günstig halten (mit einer Mitgliedschaft
bei der /ch/open noch günstiger!). Reservieren Sie sich
rechtzeitig Ihren Platz!
Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Ursula Burri
Swiss Open Systems User Group Tel.: +41 44 350 26 56 (freitags)
/ch/open Fax: +41 44 350 26 55
Postfach 2322 E-mail: <>
CH-8033 Zuerich WWW: <>
Sekretariat Ursula Burri E-mail: <>
/ch/open ist Mitglied von ICTswitzerland <>
Open Systems for open minded people!
The CHOOSE executive board is pleased to invite you to a presentation by
Dr. Bert Freudenberg on 'One Etoy Per Child on the $100 Laptop'.
This event is free for all SI-CHOOSE members, even the drinks after
the talk! Non-CHOOSE members are also welcome, and are encouraged to
fill out the membership application form ( before
attending the meeting. If you want to know more about CHOOSE and
the events which CHOOSE organises, please visit
NOTE: registration for this event is required. Please fill out the
registration form at the end of this e-mail.
One Etoy Per Child on the $100 Laptop
When: 06.07.2007
Where: Institut fuer Wirtschaftsinformatik (IWI), Universitaet Bern,
Engehaldenstrasse 8, 3012 Bern, Hoersaal 001
Travel instructions:
Dr. Bert Freudenberg
1 hour Talk and Q/A
Afterwards you are invited to a refreshment.
Most of the two billion children in developing countries have
access to education. The non-profit "One Laptop per Child" project is
working on a learning machine, a cheap, networked computer with
software to
support "learning to learn" for every child. One of its software
is "Etoys", a tile-based authoring environment written on top of Squeak.
The talk will present the OLPC project, its current state of development
in general and the progress on Etoys in particular.
Dr. Bert Freudenberg got a PhD from the University of Magdeburg
(on non-photorealistic realtime rendering). He worked for impara GmbH
in Magdeburg developing software for children. Currently he is a
developer working for Alan Kay's Viewpoints Research Institute on
porting the
Squeak and Etoys environment to the 100 dollar laptop.
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Dear Friends of Moose,
We are pleased to announce the founding of the "Moose Verein/
The founding assembly (Gründungsversammlung) will talke place in
parallel to the FAMOOSR Workshop on Monday June 25, 2007, 17:30 at
the ETH Zurich.
The purpose of the association is to support and promote the Moose
open-source analysis platform both as a technology and as a community.
Membership is open to any researcher or professional with in interest
in Moose, Mondrian, Famix, or software analysis in general.
Membership is open to Swiss and foreigners alike. There will be three
levels of membership: executive board, advisory board and normal
Please spread the word and let us know your feedback,
in the name of the founding committee,
Tudor Girba
Dear Friends of Moose,
we are pleased to announce the founding of the "Moose Verein/
Association". The founding assembly (Gründungsversammlung) will talke
place in Zurich, parallel to the FAMOOSR Workshop on Monday June 25,
2007, at the ETH Zurich.
Please vote on doodle to help us find the best time slot:
The purpose of the association is to support and promote the Moose
software analysis platform both as a technology and as a community.
Membership is open to any researcher or professional with in interest
in Moose, Mondrian, Famix, or software analysis in general.
Membership is open to Swiss and foreigners alike. There will be three
levels of membership: executive board, advisory board and normal
Please spread the word and let us know your feedback,
in the name of the founding committee,
Adrian Kuhn
SWEN freut sich, Ihnen einen ganz besonderen Anlass bieten zu
können: Der Entwickler und preisgekrönte Buchautor Dr. Alistair
Cockburn ist zu Besuch in der Schweiz. Wir freuen uns ganz besoners,
dass wir Dr.Cockburn für einen Vortrag an der Hochschule für Technik
in Rapperswil gewinnen konnten.
Er referiert zum Thema
"Software Engineering in the 21st Century"
am Mittwoch, 20.06.2007 , 17:30 Uhr.
Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Flyer im Anhang.
Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Anmeldung und natürlich auf unseren berühmten
Gastreferenten. Wir garantieren Ihnen einen spritzigen Abend mit einem
genialen Referenten, der sein Publikum zu fesseln versteht, wenn es
Wie wird Software im nächsten Jahrhundert entwickelt?
Auf welche Eckpfeiler bauen wir, um Softwareerstellung zu verbessern?
Am Besten, Sie notieren sich den Termin im Kalender... Besser noch,
Sie melden sich gleich an unter: info(a)
Bitte auch an Interessierte weiter leiten.
Mit freundlichen Grüssen
SWEN - Software Engineering Network
Siehe auch Events
P.S. Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos