SWEN Talks 2008
Liebe SWEN Freunde,
SWEN wird auch im nächsten Jahr seine SWEN Talk
Reihe von Fachvorträgen rund um das Thema
Software Engineering fortsetzen.
Wir wollen Ihnen auch nächstes Jahr interessante Vorträge
zu den folgenden Themenkreisen
# Software Engineering,
# Prozesse,
# Qualität,
# Technologie,
# Architekturen,
# Projekte
Die Vorträge finden verteilt in der ganzen Schweiz statt,
z.B. an einer Fachhochschule auch in Ihrer Nähe.
Ablauf der Talks:
- Abendveranstaltung, Beginn: ca. 17:30 Uhr
- Eine Stunde Vortrag,
- danach Diskussion im Plenum,
- anschließend Möglichkeit zu ungezwungenem Austausch bei einem Apero
Damit wir Ihnen auch nächstes Jahr interessante Talks anbieten können
möchten wir Sie hiermit um Ihre MITWIRKUNG bitten:
- Haben Sie besondere Themenwünsche ?
- Möchten Sie selbst etwas beitragen? oder
- Möchten Sie einmal einen bestimmten Referenten hören?
Teilen Sie uns das mit: mailto:info@swen-network.ch
Gerne nehmen wir Ihre Anregungen entgegen!
Weitere Informationen zu den SWEN Talks finden sie auf
www.swen-network.ch<http://www.swen-network.ch> unter Events
Wenn Sie Fragen vorab haben, können Sie diese gerne richten an:
SWEN ist ein gemeinnütziger Verein; wir erheben für die SWEN Talks
in der Regel keine Teilnahmegebühren.
Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Anregungen und verbleiben
mit freundlichen Grüssen,
Der SWEN Vorstand
Eric Dubuis, BFH, TI
Jörg Hofstetter, Hochschule Luzern
Martin Kropp, IMVS, FHNW
Peter Sommerlad, HSR, FHO
Rainer Weigel, NTB, FHO
Due to unforeseen circumstances, one of the speakers at tomorrow's
CHOOSE Forum has been forced to cancel. We have allocated a bit more
time to the tutorials and shuffled the schedule.
Please see the revised schedule on-line:
Kind regards,
Oscar Nierstrasz
Prof. Dr. O. Nierstrasz -- Oscar.Nierstrasz(a)iam.unibe.ch
Software Composition Group -- http://www.iam.unibe.ch/~scg
University of Berne -- Tel/Fax +41 31 631.4618/3355
vcard: http://www.iam.unibe.ch/~oscar/oscarNierstrasz.vcf
46th International Conference
Objects, Models, Components, Patterns
co-located with
*** International Conference on Model Transformation 2008 ***
*** Software Engineering Approaches for Offshore
and Outsourced Development 2008 ***
ETH Zurich, Switzerland 30 June-4 July 2008
Call for Papers
TOOLS EUROPE 2008 will focus on the combination of technologies that have
emerged through objects and object technology becoming mainstream. TOOLS
EUROPE 2008 combines an emphasis on quality with a strong practical focus.
This is the 46th TOOLS conference. Started in 1989, TOOLS conferences, held
in Europe, the USA, Australia, China and Eastern Europe, have played a major
role in the development of object technology field; many of the seminal
concepts were first presented at TOOLS. The TOOLS series was successfully
restarted in 2007.
Contributions are solicited on all aspects of object technology and
neighbouring fields, in particular model-based development, component-based
development, and patterns (design, analysis and other applications); more
generally, any contribution addressing topics in advanced software
technology fall within the scope of TOOLS. Reflecting the practical emphasis
of TOOLS, contributions showcasing applications along with a sound
conceptual contribution are particularly welcome. For a non-exclusive list
of potential topic areas see the TOOLS Web site.
In 2008, TOOLS EUROPE will be co-located with several other events,
including SEAFOOD 2008 and the International Conference on Model
Transformation (ICMT) 2008. Details of co-located events can be found on the
TOOLS web site.
Submission Guidelines
All contributions will be subject to a rigorous selection process by the
international Program Committee, with a stress on originality, practicality
and overall quality. Every paper will be reviewed by at least 4 committee
members. The acceptance rate will be published in the conference
proceedings; TOOLS is committed to a fair and extensive peer-review process
establishing a high standard in the area of modern practices in software
By submitting a paper to TOOLS, authors warrant that the work is original
and that the paper or a similar contribution is neither published nor
considered for publication elsewhere. Submissions should follow the
publication format of the Journal of Object Technology (JOT). Papers should
be limited in size to 20 single-spaced pages. Further details are available
from the website.
Important Dates
Deadline for technical papers: February 8, 2008, midnight Zurich time
Author notification: April 15, 2008
Camera-ready copy due: May 15, 2008
The proceedings will be published as a special issue of the Journal of
Object Technology.
TOOLS EUROPE will also include workshops and tutorials. See the
corresponding calls for contributions.
Conference chair: Bertrand Meyer
Program chair: Richard Paige
Publicity chairs: Laurence Tratt, Philippe Lahire
Workshop chairs: Stephane Ducasse, Alexandre Bergel
Tutorial Chairs: Manuel Oriol, Phil Brooke
Program committee
Patrick Albert, Uwe Assmann, Balbir Barn, Mike Barnett, Claude Baudoin,
Bernhard Beckert, Jean Bezivin, Jean-Pierre Briot, Phil Brooke, Dave Clarke,
Bernard Coulette, Jin Song Dong, Gregor Engels, Patrick Eugster, Jose
Fiadeiro, Judit Nyekyne Gaizler, Benoit Garbinato, Carlo Ghezzi, Martin
Glinz, Martin Gogolla, Jeff Gray, Pedro Guerreiro, Alan Hartman, Valerie
Issarny, Gerti Kappel, Joseph Kiniry, Ivan Kurtev, Philippe Lahire, Ralf
Laemmel, Mingshu Li, Tiziana Margaria, Erik Meijer, Peter Mueller, David
Naumann, Oscar Nierstrasz, Manuel Oriol, Jonathan Ostroff, Alfonso
Pierantonio, Awais Rashid, Nicolas Rouquette, Anthony Savidis, Doug Schmidt,
Bran Selic, Jim Steel, Dave Thomas, Laurence Tratt, T.H. Tse, Antonio
Vallecillo, Amiram Yehudai, Andreas Zeller.
Please remember to register for the CHOOSE Forum 2007 on Languages
for the Web.
This year's CHOOSE Forum brings together a select group of speakers
to provide us with a current snapshot of some of the key technologies
available today. The morning is dedicated to shorter talks, while the
afternoon session will consist of 3 in-depth presentations and
The day also includes the CHOOSE General Assembly, including reports
from the President and the Treasurer, and elections for the CHOOSE
Executive Board.
Oscar Nierstrasz
8. Berner Architekten Treffen
Freitag, 16. November 2007
16:00 - ca. 18:30, anschl. Apéro
Hotel Allegro Kursaal, Bern
Raum: Bella Vista
Thema: EA Tools - Bedeutung, Auswahl und Einsatz
* TU München, Josef Lankes:
"Bewertung und Auswahl von Enterprise Architecture Management-
Werkzeugen: Tool Survey von 2005 und 2008"
* SBB, Bernhard Rytz:
"Ein Werkzeug ist nicht alles, aber ohne Werkzeug ist
Enterprise Architecture Management unrealistisch -
ein Erfahrungsbericht der SBB"
* PostFinance, Reto Peter:
"Einführung eines EA Tools - ein pragmatischer Ansatz"
Das Programmheft als PDF ist verfügbar unter:
Generelle Informationen zur Veranstaltung
Das Berner Architekten Treffen ist eine Begegnungsplattform für an
Architekturfragen interessierte Informatikfachleute. Durch Fachvorträge aus
der Praxis und Gelegenheiten zur vertieften Diskussion von aktuellen
Problemstellungen sowie zu direkten Kontakten zwischen Firmen
unterschiedlicher Branchen bietet das Berner Architekten Treffen eine
hervorragende Plattform zum
Gedanken- und Erfahrungsaustausch.
Im Anschluss an die Präsentationen wird wie üblich die Gelegenheit für
Networking und Diskussion bei einem ausgedehnten Apéro geboten.
Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos.
Ab sofort können Sie sich auf der Online Plattform anmelden.
Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme.
Das Organisationskomitee
Haben Sie sich schon angemeldet?
SWEN freut sich, Ihnen einen weiteren Vortrag in seiner Vortrags-Reihe ankündigen zu dürfen:
Silvia Zimmermann spricht am 23.10.2007 an der FHNW Brugg-Windisch zum Thema
"Integrate Usability in Software Development Lifecycles"
Silvia Zimmermann ist Director der Usability Professionals' Association und Managing Director von Usability.ch und blickt auf mehr als 15 Jahre vertiefte praktische Erfahrung zum Thema Usability und User Centered Design zurück.
Erfahren Sie also aus erster Hand wie Sie Usability Aspekte auch in Ihrem Projekt angemessen berücksichtigen koennen.
Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos (auch der anschliessende Apero:-) ) um Anmeldung wird jedoch gebeten;
weitere Details entnehmen Sie der SWEN Web Seite www.swen-network.ch.
Wir freuen uns auf Ihr Erscheinen!
Also melden Sie sich gleich an bei
Telefon 041 349 33 66
Telefax 041 349 39 66
Bitte dieses Mail auch an Interessierte weiter leiten.
Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Martin Kropp und Jörg Hofstetter, SWEN Vorstand
SWEN - Software Engineering Network http://www.swen-network.ch
The CHOOSE executive board is pleased to invite you to a presentation by
Michael Haupt (HPI Potsdam, Germany) on 'A Machine Model for Aspect-
This event is free for all SI-CHOOSE members, even the drinks after
the talk! Non-CHOOSE members are also welcome, and are encouraged to
fill out the membership application form (http://www.s-i.ch/) before
attending the meeting. If you want to know more about CHOOSE and
the events which CHOOSE organises, please visit www.choose.s-i.ch
NOTE: registration for this event is required. Please fill out the
registration form at the end of this e-mail.
A Machine Model for Aspect-Oriented Programming
When: Friday, 12.10.2007
Where: Institut fuer Wirtschaftsinformatik (IWI), Universitaet Bern,
Engehaldenstrasse 8, 3012 Bern, Hoersaal 001
Travel instructions: http://www.iam.unibe.ch/~scg/Resources/Maps/
Michael Haupt (HPI Potsdam, Germany)
17h30 Talk and Q/A
Afterwards you are invited to a refreshment.
Aspect-oriented programming languages usually are extensions
of object-oriented ones, and their compilation target is usually
the (virtual) machine model of the language they extend. While
that model elegantly supports core object-oriented language
mechanisms such as virtual method dispatch, it provides no direct
support for core aspect-oriented language mechanisms such as advice
application. Hence, current implementations of aspect-oriented
languages bring about insufficient and inelegant solutions.
The talk introduces a lightweight, object-based machine model
for aspect-oriented languages based on object-oriented ones.
It is centered around delegation and relies on a very dynamic notion
of join points as loci of late-bound dispatch of functionality.
The model is shown to naturally support an important number of
aspect-oriented language mechanisms. The state of a first
proof-of-concept implementation of the model is also presented.
Michael Haupt is a post-doctoral researcher in the Software Architecture
Group at Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam. His work deals with
aspect-oriented programming languages and improving modularity in
machine implementations. Michael holds a doctoral degree from Technische
Universität Darmstadt, where he started working on virtual machine
for aspects.
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SWEN freut sich, Ihnen einen weiteren Vortrag in seiner Vortrags-Reihe ankündigen zu dürfen:
Silvia Zimmermann spricht am 23.10.2007 an der FHNW Brugg-Windisch zum Thema
"Integrate Usability in Software Development Lifecycles"
Silvia Zimmermann ist Director der Usability Professionals' Association und Managing Director von Usability.ch und blickt auf mehr als 15 Jahre vertiefte praktische Erfahrung zum Thema Usability und User Centered Design zurück.
Erfahren Sie also aus erster Hand wie Sie Usability Aspekte auch in Ihrem Projekt angemessen berücksichtigen koennen.
Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos um Anmeldung wird jedoch gebeten; weitere Details entnehmen Sie der SWEN Web Seite www.swen-network.ch.
Wir freuen uns auf Ihr Erscheinen!
Am Besten, Sie notieren sich den Termin im Kalender. Also melden Sie sich gleich an bei
Telefon 041 349 33 66
Telefax 041 349 39 66
Bitte dieses Mail auch an Interessierte weiter leiten.
Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Martin Kropp und Jörg Hofstetter, SWEN Vorstand
SWEN - Software Engineering Network
The CHOOSE executive board is pleased to invite you to a presentation by
Michael Haupt (HPI Potsdam, Germany) on 'A Machine Model for Aspect-
This event is free for all SI-CHOOSE members, even the drinks after
the talk! Non-CHOOSE members are also welcome, and are encouraged to
fill out the membership application form (http://www.s-i.ch/) before
attending the meeting. If you want to know more about CHOOSE and
the events which CHOOSE organises, please visit www.choose.s-i.ch
NOTE: registration for this event is required. Please fill out the
registration form at the end of this e-mail.
A Machine Model for Aspect-Oriented Programming
When: Friday, 12.10.2007
Where: Institut fuer Wirtschaftsinformatik (IWI), Universitaet Bern,
Engehaldenstrasse 8, 3012 Bern, Hoersaal 001
Travel instructions: http://www.iam.unibe.ch/~scg/Resources/Maps/
Michael Haupt (HPI Potsdam, Germany)
17h30 Talk and Q/A
Afterwards you are invited to a refreshment.
Aspect-oriented programming languages usually are extensions
of object-oriented ones, and their compilation target is usually
the (virtual) machine model of the language they extend. While
that model elegantly supports core object-oriented language
mechanisms such as virtual method dispatch, it provides no direct
support for core aspect-oriented language mechanisms such as advice
application. Hence, current implementations of aspect-oriented
languages bring about insufficient and inelegant solutions.
The talk introduces a lightweight, object-based machine model
for aspect-oriented languages based on object-oriented ones.
It is centered around delegation and relies on a very dynamic notion
of join points as loci of late-bound dispatch of functionality.
The model is shown to naturally support an important number of
aspect-oriented language mechanisms. The state of a first
proof-of-concept implementation of the model is also presented.
Michael Haupt is a post-doctoral researcher in the Software Architecture
Group at Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam. His work deals with
aspect-oriented programming languages and improving modularity in
machine implementations. Michael holds a doctoral degree from Technische
Universität Darmstadt, where he started working on virtual machine
for aspects.
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Fill in the form below and sent it to choose AT glue.ch. Thanks.
I want to register for the following event: ___
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Email: ______________________________________
Company: ______________________________________
Address: ______________________________________
Please check:
[ ] CHOOSE member
[ ] JUGS member
[ ] SI member
[ ] Non-Member
Marcus Denker -- denker(a)iam.unibe.ch