Doru, you have tried on some point to analyze some Java without VerveineJ. How did it go?
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
in part of the code of LRP I work with arrows, and I need to get the shape, but this triggers a DNU. I guess I need to set something on the arrow before I can get the element, or get it via another route. What should I do?
Relevant code below:
arrow := RTArrowedLine new
color: trans color;
edgeFrom: efrom to: eto;
element := arrow element.
Gives me:
RTElement(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #to
---> Save our in-boxes! http://emailcharter.org <---
Johan Fabry - http://pleiad.cl/~jfabry
PLEIAD and RyCh labs - Computer Science Department (DCC) - University of Chile
Dear community,
As you may have seen, Roassal has entered a stabilization phase. The book AgileVisualization.com will soon be released. After its release, Roassal will go over a new development phase. In order to prepare it, I am asking this question:
What are the 3 aspects you would like to see improved in Roassal?
You can answer publicly or by sending private messages.
Kind regards,
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
there is a bug in RTArrowedLine: the width: message (defined in the RTAbstractArrowedLine superclass) does not set the width of the head. Could something like the code below be added? This code solves the problem for me.
RTArrowedLine>>width: aNumber
super width: aNumber.
self head width: aNumber.
and I imagine something similar should be done with RTDoubleArrowedLine (but I have no experience with that guy).
---> Save our in-boxes! http://emailcharter.org <---
Johan Fabry - http://pleiad.cl/~jfabry
PLEIAD and RyCh labs - Computer Science Department (DCC) - University of Chile
We have an opportunity for doing a postdoc in Chile, in the field of software engineering and/or data visualization.
I could provide a lengthy description about living in Chile, and its fantastic food, latin atmosphere, and gorgeous nature. But I will surely be far from the truth. If you want to know more about this possibility, get in touch!
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
On Thu, Mar 10, 2016 at 12:36 AM, Martin Bähr <martin(a)realss.com> wrote:
> hi,
> i just remembered two things:
> i'd like to see rounded corners on nodes.
We've added this quite some time ago, unless you have something else in
|v e|
v := RTView new.
e := RTRoundedBox new
size: 100;
borderRadius: 20;
borderColor: Color black;
borderWidth: 1;
v add: e.
> Excerpts from stepharo's message of 2016-02-24 12:42:49 +0100:
> > - having a better output (arrows, edge)
> and related to edges:
> i'd like edges to connect to a node on the border of the box, not to the
> center
> of the node. this means the connecting point would always be at the middle
> of
> the side of one edge:
We have about 10 different attach points already. See the 'attach point'
protocol of RTAbstractLine.
Some of them also automatically add extra space if there are multiple lines
between the same elements.
As for bezier and multiline edges, their curvature isn't currently handled
properly, but it's in my todo list (I'll work on this probably during the
I'm sure it can be presented in more revealing way, but it's too late for
me today (or is it too early?).
You can play with it (drag the elements to see how it behaves).
|v attachOptions es e offset|
v := RTView new.
attachOptions := RTAbstractLine selectors select: [ :each | each
beginsWith: #with ].
offset := 0 @ 0.
attachOptions do: [ :each |
es := RTBox new borderColor: Color black; size: 50; elementsOn: #(a b).
each = #withContinuousCircleAttachPoint
ifTrue: [ es := RTEllipse new borderColor: Color black; size: 50;
elementsOn: #(a b). ].
es translateBy: offset.
es @ RTDraggable.
offset := offset + (0 @ 100).
v addAll: es.
es second translateBy: 300 @ 25.
e := RTArrowedLine new
color: Color black;
perform: each;
edgeFrom: es first to: es second.
e model: each.
v add: e.
e @ (RTLabelled new color: Color black).
> ___\|/___
> | |
> \| |/
> --| |--
> /| |\
> |_________|
> /|\
> bezier edges should always leave at a 90deg angle:
> ____|____
> | |
> | |
> --| |--
> | |
> |_________|
> |
> optionally, starting at the corners could also be nice:
> \_________/
> | |
> | |
> | |
> | |
> |_________|
> / \
> and in such a case bezier edges should leave at 135deg to each side.
> by default the edge should find the nearest connection point, but i'd like
> to
> configure a list of allowed points.
> finally, multiple edges in the same general direction should either leave
> at
> the same point, pick the nearest side that doesn't have an edge already.
> or spaced evenly along the same side if all available sides have edges
> already.
> the list of allowed connection points would have 12 options:
> the middle of 4 sides, 4 corners, and 4 sides as a whole when multiple
> edges
> should be spaced evenly.
> greetings, martin.
> --
> eKita - the online platform for your entire academic
> life
> --
> chief engineer
> eKita.co
> pike programmer pike.lysator.liu.se caudium.net
> societyserver.org
> secretary
> beijinglug.org
> mentor
> fossasia.org
> foresight developer foresightlinux.org
> realss.com
> unix sysadmin
> Martin Bähr working in china
> http://societyserver.org/mbaehr/
When I activate spotter, and _quickly_ type something, “roassal” for example, and press the down arrow, the selection jumps to the top. I guess this happens when spotter is retrieving data from the system which somehow move the selection to the top most item.
This is particularly annoying. Am I the only one to experience this?
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
Hi all,
I just want to share a post made on the Open Knowledge Foundation Forum
talking about what we're doing in our local community to celebrate the
Open Data Day:
Pharo, Roassal and Moose will be an integral part of our celebration. As
I said in the link, we're going to try some treemapping techniques. I
know about Quick Silver, but if any has some other advice, is very
Probably I will be making some questions here and in the chat channel
regarding treemapping and some SQLite queries to get the proper info, so
I'll keep you posted on how our pharo powered workshop/hackathon for the
celebration of the Open Data Day advances.