This mailing list has been incredibly silent for a couple of month. Not sure whether this is something positive or not.
I am wondering, what is the status of Bloc & Bric?
Alexandre Bergel
In case you are using Athens or Roassal, you may have noticed a loss of stability since we have moved to Spur and the new FFI.
I would like to identify the cause of it and I may have an idea. What I would like to ask you, is in case you have experienced this problem, can you send (directly) me the crash.dmp file created next to your image please?
Alexandre Bergel
This has been on our todo list for a long long time. Grapher now support scales along the X- and Y- axis.
The following example uses a square root transformation on the X-axis and a log transformation on the Y-Axis:
g := RTGrapher new.
g extent: 300 @ 300.
ds := RTData new.
ds noDot.
ds points: (0 to: 1000).
ds y: #yourself.
ds x: #yourself.
ds xSqrt.
ds yLog.
ds connectColor: Color red.
g add: ds.
g addDecorator: RTCursorFollower new.
g axisY numberOfTicks: 10.
Alexandre Bergel
Is there a way I can look for senders of a particular message for all the subclasses of a given class ?
Alexandre Bergel
Dear Moosers,
IWST’16 will occur two days between 22 and 26 August in Prague, Czech Republic.
Lot of you are doing very great things that merit to be published.
It is really important for the community.
Please submit a paper to IWST. Deadline is May 15th, you still have time.
We kindly remember you that there are three best paper prices (from 1000$ for the first price to 400$ for the third).
Jannik and Anne
IWST’16 PC chairs
At the last ESUG there was a super cool extension of Playground that support a kind of REPL.
What is the status? How can we help to push that?
Alexandre Bergel
Hi everyone! I'm Agustin. I'm new at the Pharo/Moose community, so this is
my first post.
I'm playing around with Roassal (which by the way, I found really
interesting), and my goal is to have a typical chart (let's say piechart,
or barchart) that updates dinamically as the data arrives.
I cannot figure out how to do this, without replacing the full data set and
creating the instance again.
So, if I build this chart:
b := RTPieBuilder new.
b interaction popup.
b objects: #(10 4 1 2 5).
b slice: [ :aNumber | aNumber ].
b normalizer distinctColor.
b labelled.
b build.
^ b view.
then if I update the objects collection
b objects: #(15 5 3 20 31 7 8).
the only way to reflects the change in the piechart is to create a new
Does Roassal provides any functionality for doing this and am I missing
Thanks in advance!
I got a Constraint that references a single Expression max and an Expression can be referenced by a single Constraint. So there is a one-to-one relationship between Expression and Constraint.
Expression has a constraint reference to Constraint whose opposite is expression.
How can I automatically update the opposite, when I don’t use FMMultiValueLink ? Do I need to do it by myself programmatically?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Is bloc available? How can I try it?
Alexandre Bergel