GT Inspector is largely superior than the "UIManager default chooseFileMatching: patterns label: labelString.”
So easy to add new action and all within the inspector.
GT Team rocks!
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
Examples, as well as tests, are really important. It would be great to have a visual indicator in Nautilus.
Such visual cue could be a game changer...
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
Can someone tell me how I can edit an issue on Github? How can I add a label or set a milestone for example? Is it a configuration problem ?
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
is there some guide / help how to extend the GTDebugger?
I tried to take a look at SUnit/PParser but it looks quite complex…
certainly more complex than extending Inspector. :)
(From Olivier Auverlot, that is not yet accepted in the list, (I will transfer to him until he is on the list))
I need to use OSSubprocess in a project with Moose 6. I just tried to load it in a new Moose 6 image but that's doesn't work. By the way, OSSubprocess works fine in the latest Pharo 5 image.
Please find below the lats lines of Pharo error log:
VM: Mac OS - intel - 1092 - CoInterpreter VMMaker.oscog-eem.1726 uuid: 6a968923-b541-4573-bc4f-64fb95e6462d Mar 15 2016
StackToRegisterMappingCogit VMMaker.oscog-eem.1726 uuid: 6a968923-b541-4573-bc4f-64fb95e6462d Mar 15 2016
https://github.com/pharo-project/pharo-vm.git <https://github.com/pharo-project/pharo-vm.git> Commit: 2b53ae43e6a030759fbfa6ce8737a7f55ba76dd1 Date: 2016-03-15 19:05:06 +0100 By: Esteban Lorenzano estebanlm(a)gmail.com <mailto:estebanlm@gmail.com> Jenkins build #576 <https://github.com/moosetechnology/Moose/issues/576>
Image: Pharo5.0 [Latest update: #50732]
UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #waitTimeoutMSecs:
Receiver: nil
Arguments and temporary variables:
aMessage: waitTimeoutMSecs: 1000
exception: MessageNotUnderstood: receiver of "waitTimeoutMSecs:" is nil
resumeValue: nil
Receiver's instance variables:
By the way, OSSubprocess works fine in the latest Pharo 5 image.
Someone has an idea ?
I would like to release Moose two weeks after Pharo 5 is released (probably next week). After that, we will move the development to Pharo 6.
"Being happy is a matter of choice."
Yesterday I did a bit of programming. I thought that visualizing code duplication is a nice 20 minutes of coding.
Visualizing code duplication. A square around the diagonal indicates code duplication. All methods of the analyzed application are located horizontally and vertically. A red dot indicates duplication between two methods. This technique to visualize duplication is rooted in analyzing chromosomes.
Here are some visualizations:
This is Glamour:
Here is the code:
| packageNamePattern1 packageNamePattern2 minimumLinesOfCodeToBeConsidered p1 methods1 p2 methods2 m |
packageNamePattern1 := UIManager default
request: '-- 1 -- Enter a pattern of a package (e.g., Roassal2 or Roassal2*)'
initialAnswer: 'Roassal2'
title: 'Enter the name of a package to visualize the duplication'.
packageNamePattern2 := UIManager default
request: '-- 2 -- Enter a pattern of a package (e.g., Trachel or Trachel*)'
initialAnswer: 'Trachel'
title: 'Enter the name of a package to visualize the duplication'.
minimumLinesOfCodeToBeConsidered := 5.
p1 := RPackageOrganizer default packages select: [ :p | packageNamePattern1 match: p packageName ].
methods1 := (((p1 flatCollect: #methods) groupedBy: #methodClass) values flatCollect: #yourself) select: [ :me | me sourceNonEmptyCodeLinesCached size >= minimumLinesOfCodeToBeConsidered ].
p2 := RPackageOrganizer default packages select: [ :p | packageNamePattern2 match: p packageName ].
methods2 := (((p2 flatCollect: #methods) groupedBy: #methodClass) values flatCollect: #yourself) select: [ :me | me sourceNonEmptyCodeLinesCached size >= minimumLinesOfCodeToBeConsidered ].
m := RTDepMatrix new.
m shape box color: Color red.
m interaction popupText.
m function: [ :m1 :m2 |
| a1 a2 |
a1 := m1 sourceNonEmptyCodeLinesCached.
a2 := m2 sourceNonEmptyCodeLinesCached.
(a1 intersection: a2) size >= 5 "((a1 size min: a2 size) - 1)" ].
m horizontal: methods1.
m vertical: methods2.
m inspect
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
Before we had the google project. What do we have today?
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
Should be we able to send #queryOutgoingAccesses to a Famix class group?
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu