Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 516 by System Complexity displays more
than the classes in the group
Currently, the algorithm to identify the hierarchies does not limit the
result to the current class group, but it takes all the subclasses of the
superclass. This means that if you have a group with Object inside, you
will end up with a system complexity with all classes.
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 944 by cunningh...(a) EyeSee chart Legend issues
When creating a chart, I would like to include a legend, and EyeSee allows
for this. However, the legend is always top left of chart (even with
#legendBelow sent) and obscures the Y axis label; or it is to right (when
#verticalLegend is sent) and writes over the right axis if that axis is
Example code for first issue:
i := 0.
series1 := OrderedCollection new: 7.
20130601 to: 20130607 do: [ :dt| series1 add: { dt. i := i + 1. }].
series2 := OrderedCollection new: 7.
i := i + 1.
20130601 to: 20130607 do: [ :dt| series2 add: {dt. i := i -1. }].
series3 := OrderedCollection new: 7.
20130601 to: 20130607 do: [ :dt| series3 add: {dt. 4. }].
colors := { Color red. Color blue. Color green. }.
parts := OrderedCollection new: 3.
{ series1. series2. series3. } withIndexDo: [ :ls :ind |
parts addLast: (ESLineDiagram new
y: #second;
preferredAxisMaxY: 7;
lineWidth: 2;
models: ls;
defaultColor: (colors at: ind);
ind = 1 ifTrue: [
parts last
identifier: #first;
rotatedLabels: true;
xAxisLabel: 'Dates';
axisColor: Color black;
yAxisLabel: 'Some Measurement that will Collide with Legend'
chart := ESDiagramRenderer new.
composite := chart compositeDiagram.
parts do: [ :chartPart| composite add: chartPart ].
composite yPadding: 30; height: 600; width: 800.
parts first
displayLegend: true;
colorDict: (Dictionary keys: #( 'Series1' 'Series2' 'Series3') values:
chart open.
Example code for second (vertical) issue:
i := 0.
series1 := OrderedCollection new: 7.
20130601 to: 20130607 do: [ :dt| series1 add: { dt. i := i + 1. }].
series2 := OrderedCollection new: 7.
i := i + 1.
20130601 to: 20130607 do: [ :dt| series2 add: {dt. i := i -1. }].
series3 := OrderedCollection new: 7.
20130601 to: 20130607 do: [ :dt| series3 add: {dt. 4. }].
seriesRight := OrderedCollection new: 7.
20130601 to: 20130607 do: [ :dt| seriesRight add: {dt. 6. }].
colors := { Color red. Color blue. Color green. Color yellow. }.
parts := OrderedCollection new: 4.
{ series1. series2. series3. } withIndexDo: [ :ls :ind |
parts addLast: (ESLineDiagram new
y: #second;
preferredAxisMaxY: 7;
lineWidth: 2;
models: ls;
defaultColor: (colors at: ind);
ind = 1 ifTrue: [
parts last
identifier: #first;
rotatedLabels: true;
xAxisLabel: 'Dates';
axisColor: Color black;
yAxisLabel: 'Some Measurement that will Collide with Legend'
parts addLast: (ESLineDiagram new
y: #second;
preferredAxisMaxY: 7;
lineWidth: 2;
models: seriesRight;
defaultColor: colors last;
axisColor: Color black;
yAxisLabel: 'Another Measurement that will Collide with Legend'
chart := ESDiagramRenderer new.
composite := chart compositeDiagram.
parts do: [ :chartPart| composite add: chartPart ].
composite yPadding: 30; height: 600; width: 800.
parts first
displayLegend: true;
colorDict: (Dictionary keys: #( 'Series1' 'Series2' 'Series3' 'Series4')
values: colors).
chart open.
This occurs in the current Moose dev (4.8 of recent origin), on Windows.
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Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 992 by FMNullMultivalueLink does not
support union: (FMNullMultivalueLink cannot have variable sized instances)
Describe the problem: what do you get? what do you expect?
Here is the code that we want to execute to combine in a same collection of
a given class its incomingReferences and its superInheritances:
(aClass incomingReferences) union: (aClass superInheritances)
If the first set of the union operator is empty, it is a
If the second set is not empty, the union: message creates a
FMNullMultivalueLink with the size of this second set. However, it is not
possible to create a FMNullMultivalueLink with a specified size.
We would like that its creates a FMMultivalueLink with the specified size.
Please fill in the labels with the following information:
* Type-Defect, Type-Enhancement, Type-Engineering, Type-Review, Type-Other
* Component-MooseCore
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issue notifications to this address.
You may adjust your notification preferences at:
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 984 by chisvasi...(a) Update the zero conf scripts
Now that moose 4.8 is released the zero conf scripts should be updated
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issue notifications to this address.
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Status: New
Labels: Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Milestone-4.3
New issue 526 by Add explicit Interface in Famix
We should have a FAMIXInterface.
We have added a new builder, the punch card.
Consider the following script:
builder := ROPunchcardBuilder new.
builder addModels: (ROObject withAllSubclasses copyFrom: 3 to: 9).
builder addMetric: [ :c | c numberOfMethods + 5] namedAs: 'NOM'.
builder addMetric: [ :c | c numberOfVariables * 5 ] namedAs: 'NOA'.
builder addMetric: [ :c | c numberOfSubclasses * 5 ] namedAs: 'NOS'.
builder popupText: [ :class :metricName :value | 'The value of ', metricName, ' for ', class name, ' is ', value asString ].
builder minColor: Color green.
builder maxColor: Color red.
builder open.
It produce the following:
Alexandre Bergel
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 993 by chisvasi...(a) Update the zero conf scripts for
Moose 5.0
The scripts are in the attached filed.
I removed the ones for Glamour and PetitParser as I'm not sure how to
update the version numbers.
Attachments: 26.2 KB
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I'm having problem with roassal rendering rectangles with text:
| view |
view := ROMondrianViewBuilder new.
view shape rectangle withText: 'Hello'.
view node: #1.
view open.
this will generate the shape in wrong_rendering attachement
[image: Immagine in linea 1]
while I would expect the same rendering as:
| view |
view := ROMondrianViewBuilder new.
view shape rectangle.
node: #1
forIt: [
view shape label text: 'Hello'.
view node: #1].
view open
see attachement correct_rendering.png
[image: Immagine in linea 2]
What I want is a rectangle with a inside label (or a label with borders,
depends from the point of view :) ).
Am I misusing roassal shapes or it is a bug?
Using latest Moose.
Thanks in advance,
Hi everyone.
Does anybody has a suggestion of how to work with objects which classes do not subclass Moose entity? For example I need a Date as one of the properties. Is there a common solution for that?