Status: New
Owner: ----
CC: stephane...(a), anquetil...(a),
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Critical Component-VerveineJ
New issue 728 by tu...(a) VerveineJ places methods in the
wrong classes
For some reason, some methods are placed in the wrong classes.
I did not manage to identify a standalone case, but it looks like if we
have a case like below:
public class A {
public void m() { ... x() }
public class B {
public void x() { ... }
public class C { ... }
we sometimes get x as belonging to class C instead of B. The interesting
part is that the invocation will go from A::m() to C::x().
This is a critical issue that stops us from using VerveineJ because the
information is too unreliable.
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 704 by alexandr...(a) One click image has a squeak icon
Apparently, the icon of the one-click image available form Moose;s jenkins
is the Squeak one.
Hi guys
probably this has been fixed.
I'm coding in a Moose 4.8 with the (old?) white theme and this is really bad because
on the screen I used I cannot see the separation between widgets.
This lost of space border is a pain.
So I now use the blue theme.
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 837 by google....(a) ROCircle not constrained to
equal dimensions
Currently ROCircle acts more like a hypothetical ROEllipse, since it is not
constrained to force dimensions to be equal. The following might be a
worthwhile test case...
| rawView element1 element2 |
element1 := (ROElement on: '1' ).
element1 + ROCircle.
element1 width: 200; height: 100.
self assert: ( element1 height = 200).
element2 := (ROElement on: '2' ).
element2 width: 200; height: 100.
element2 + ROCircle. "Swapped order with above line"
self assert: ( element2 height = 200). "Should be true. Currently not."
"optional - following not part of test - just visual feedback"
rawView := ROView new.
rawView add: element1.
rawView add: element2.
ROVerticalLineLayout on: rawView elements.
rawView open.
The first assert can be made to work by adding the following...
ROCircle>>extent: anExtentPoint
| max |
max := anExtentPoint x max: anExtentPoint y.
extent := max @ max.
next extent: anExtentPoint
The second assert, I'm not sure yet about resolving the fail.
Hi guys
I'm going over the tutorial that andre did to add XML in Moose and I have
| xmlDoument visitor mooseModel|
mooseModel := MooseModel new.
mooseModel name: 'XML-Tests'.
visitor := XMLNodeVisitor new mooseModel: mooseModel.
xmlDoument := XMLDOMParser parse: XMLExamples shiporderXMLDoc.
xmlDoument accept: visitor.
Now I thought that all the models would be shown in the moose finder but this is not the case.
How do I properly add a model there?
Hi guys
I'm doing a pass over the XML FAMIX tutorial that andre wrote a couple of years ago.
I'm improving the text, the ppt support and updating the code to load in latest Moose (filesystem)
Now I'm wondering if we should publish it in the Moose directory on Smalltalkhub because right now it is
in the folder of andre.
Andre what do you think?
For me I would prefer to have everything in the same place.
Now could you give me access to your repo?
i am experimenting with the Spy framework (i hope this is the appropriate
I encountered the following problem:
Running unit tests through Spy gives sometimes other test results than
running them with the Test Runner.
I first encountered this problem when i tried in Pharo 2:
Profiler runTestsForPackages: #('XML-Parser-Nodes' 'XML-Tests-Parser-Nodes')
When the same tests are run from the Test Runner all 126 tests pass,
test results in the Spy Profiler show 12 failures.
Is anybody working with tests in Spy? Does anybody have an idea what may
cause this phenomenon and how to fix it?
Best regards,
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I've just opened Moose and got quite surprised by the beauty of it. Nice fonts, nice white space.
One missing thing: the autocompletion which is not on tab :-)
Good job Doru!
Alexandre Bergel
Doru wrote:
>I need a bit of help with the issue of the SpecDebugger relying on the default inspector being implemented in Spec.
Hmm, one gets used to having a decent inspector. Going back to the Pharo 3 default is not funny…
The GTInspector might be a bit of an ugly duckling, but there really is a big bad-ass powerful swan
in there.
I strongly support the help request. And phd organization of course.