Martín wrote:
>I'm interested in the current state of your migration of Torch. Any news after this email?
I haven’t looked further. Blocked at the changes in AST-Semantic. I didn’t understand
what the replacement code in OPAL is supposed to be, and didn’t get enough
detailed responses then.
It is time to set the goals for the next couple of releases.
I would like to release a Moose 5.0 together with Pharo 3.0, and release
another 5.1 a couple of months later.
This spring, I laid out the following roadmap:
A couple of the targets have already been matched:
- we have already removed Mondrian
- Roassal works with Athens in the Moose image
Next would be to completely replace EyeSee with Graph-ET. Daniel, are you
still around? Otherwise, is anyone interested in participating in this
I know that Jan is working on islands in PetitParser and he promised to
release his code sometime soon :).
Is anyone interested in the Fame+Traits project?
How about continuing the Moose on web one?
Other than that, I am now interested in rethinking the user interface
almost from the ground up. This project would work hand-in-hand with the
Glamorous Toolkit project. However, I need help. Specifically, I would need
people that are interested in building widgets in Morphic. Any takers?
Do you have other interests and plans?
"Every thing has its own flow"
We hope to finish PetitDelphi soon.
Not having a language specification doesn’t help with
>> Is anyone interested in the Fame+Traits project?
We will at least take another look at memory consumption
of FAMIX models.
I’d like building some morphic widgets, but want to prioritize
So if I’m not mistaken _ensure_ is meant to create referred data if it’s missing. But when you look at:
ensureClass: var
var isBehavior
ifTrue: [ ^classDict at: var ].
var isSymbol
ifTrue: [
^classDict at: (self class environment at: var)
ifAbsent: [ metaDict at: var asString ]].
var isString
ifTrue: [ ^metaDict at: var ].
[ false ] assert.
it’s not ensuring anything. Isn’t there supposed to be something like:
metaDict at: var asString
ifAbsent: [ self processClass: var asClass ]
This really frustrates me about FAME. You cannot tell it "someObj asMSE”. You have to write a tons of pragmas, then do some shenanigans with metamodels and only then you can get serialisation working. Looks like stone age. Sorry for jumping on all the things like that, it’s just that Moose - related things remind me of Java…
Status: WontFix
Comment #4 on issue 53 by tu...(a) [FAMIX3] round-trip
extraction/generation test with Fame
This issue is too old
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Status: WontFix
Comment #3 on issue 311 by tu...(a) CAnalyzer create two
FAMIXGlobalVariables for the same variable declared two times in a file
I guess this is not an active project anymore. I mark it as won't fix.
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Status: WontFix
Comment #1 on issue 308 by tu...(a) CAnalyzer never retrieve
the declaredType of a function
I guess this is not an active project anymore. I mark it as won't fix.
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Labels: Component-SmalltalkImporter
Comment #4 on issue 435 by Using RoelTyper for a
better precision of method invocation
It seems that RoelTyper does not work for all classes. Try this code for
getting the classes that raise an error:
classes := Dictionary new.
Object withAllSubclassesDo: [:each |
[(TypeCollector typeInstvarsOfClass: each )] on: Error do: [:error |
classes at: each put: error ]].
classes inspect