The only sender of
MooseEntityState>cache: selector initializer: aBlock
propertyAt: selector
ifAbsentPut: [aBlock cullValue: self entity]
MooseEntity>lookUpPropertyNamed: selector computedAs: aBlock
^self privateState cache: selector initializer: aBlock
all senders of which in the Moose 5 image are parameterless blocks.
Is anyone depending on the existence of the entity instVar
in MooseDefaultState (and accessors in MooseEntityState)?
When looking at the class comment on MooseEntity, I wonder
why the state has a back link.
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-GlamorousToolkit Milestone-5.0
New issue 996 by tu...(a) GTInspector should update the
presentations when a new one is added from inside
When browsing the methods in the inspector, we can add a new method with a
presentation. When this happens, we want to inspector to refresh so that
the presentation appears on top.
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I like the way Moose is shaking.
What about the Moose association? Who is willing to accept some money?
Is there a subscription? What are the fees? How the money will be spent?
Is there a logo Object Profile can put on the website to say it is part of the Moose Association?
Alexandre Bergel
Does anyone know about this tool?
It also promises a meta-tool for software engineering and some software
analysis and transformation services already built in the tool.
Hi everyone.
For me it’s still not clear how does HISMO version versions :).
To help myself explain my question I’ve attached the image.
What happens if a new nodes are added to each version. Do all 3 snapshots share same nodes, or they are duplicated? Because when I look at MooseSampleData>>initialization it seams to me that 5 different models are created and references to them are stored to them from history.
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Roassal Milestone-4.9
New issue 986 by tu...(a) Roassal Athens uses the default
Morph logic for PNG export
Even though Athens can render with nice anti aliasing, when exporting to
PNG, the default logic is being used:
^ ROPharoImageExporter
We should use the nice rendering of Athens for the export.
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Hi everyone.
Probably I’ve missed something, but how does it work in a way that when you select “All methods” in MooseFinder you get a FAMIXMethodGroup, and not just a MooseGroup? I’ve checked all the methods of FAMIXMethodGroup and all references to FAMIXMethodGroup, but I can’t figure it out.
Hi guys
on my moose image the repo of Famix-Core is Moose/main and not Moose/Famix/main
and I'm confused because on smalltalkhub it is Moose/Famix/main
Help please :)