Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Usability
New issue 732 by Moose should improve the visuals
for larger fonts
The icons from GLMUIThemeExtraIcons and from MooseIcons should be saved in
larger resolutions (currently, they are in 16x16).
Mondrian should offer a default class variable for the size of nodes and
the width of nodes and edges.
These should be settable via global settings.
Comment #5 on issue 362 by alexandr...(a) Add commands to
create/delete Hismo models
In Moose-Hismo-AlexandreBergel.57 , you can now delete an hismomodel. We
need a way to create an hismo model
The current way of setting the Roassal platform is rather clunky. For some
reason we have to pass a string:
ROPlatform setCurrent: 'athens'.
ROPlatform setCurrent: 'morphic'.
This string is then matched against a string returned by each subclass. The
platforms are stored in a dictionary that is updated in the initialize of
each subclasses. I think this is highly complicated for what it should do.
We should simply replace this with a mechanism that goes in this direction:
ROPlatform setCurrent: ROAthensPlatform new.
ROPlatform setCurrent: ROMorphicPlatform new.
"Every thing has its own flow"
I am trying to find a way to obtain a bitmap programmatically with a
Roassal visualization. I try this:
| view |
view := ROMondrianViewBuilder new.
view nodes: (1 to: 10).
view raw bitmap
The problem is that the nodes are not yet laid out. As far as I remember,
this used to work.
How do I trigger the layouts easily?
"Every thing has its own flow"
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 923 by benjamin...(a) EyeSee red-square-of-death from
ESValueLabelDecorator>>chooseNonOverlappingValues has the line...
chosenValues add: (self values minValue: [:each | each value]).
but minValue: injects (Float infinity) so that if 'self values' is empty
then (Float infinity) is added to choseValues, which later are #rounded
causing an error in the Morph drawing and subsequent RSOD for the EyeSee
I am not sure if I've done something wrong that causes 'self values' to be
empty, but in any case, this should not kill the Morph.
Just for further information, here is the triggering code...
browser transmit from: #navigationtree; to: #attributes; andShow:
[ :a |
a eyesee
title: 'Optimize' ;
[ :renderer :input |
renderer scatterplot
diagramTitle: '@', input absorbedLoad asString , 'kW' ;
x: #ratedOutput ;
y: [ :m | m powerLossForAbsorbedLoad: input absorbedLoad ] ;
valueAxis ;
addXDecorator: ESValueLabelDecorator new ;
models: (LEKCatalogMotor catalog values sort: [ :m1 :m2 | m1
ratedOutput < m2 ratedOutput ]).
where if in a Workspace I do...
models:= (LEKCatalogMotor catalog values sort: [ :m1 :m2 | m1
ratedOutput < m2 ratedOutput ])'.
models collect: [ :m | m ratedOutput -> m powerLossForAbsorbedLoad: 24
] explore
...then all the data looks okay.
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Status: New
Owner: ----
CC: chisvasi...(a)
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-GlamorousToolkit Milestone-5.0
New issue 1009 by tu...(a) GTInspector does not accept code on
When editing code, pressing CMD+s does not trigger the accept. You have to
press on the check icon to do it.
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issue notifications to this address.
You may adjust your notification preferences at:
Status: New
Owner: ----
CC: alexandr...(a)
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Roassal Milestone-5.0
New issue 995 by tu...(a) Roassal does not export the full PNG
Try this:
view node: 1.
view node: 2.
view horizontalLineLayout horizontalGap: 2000
And the export. If your window is less than 2000 pixels wide, you will not
see the second node.
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issue notifications to this address.
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As you probably noticed, I am going through all open issues and cleaning
them. My goal would be to keep the tracker to less than 100 items. This
means that we have to get rid of old issues that are of no interests or
that can be fixed fast so that we can notice and treat the new ones faster.
Any help in this direction would be greatly appreciated.
"Every thing has its own flow"
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-DSM
New issue 666 by jannik.l...(a) package name in DSM
The package name in DSM, specially in encaps DSM are not well placed.
Status: Accepted
Owner: ----
CC: cy.delau...(a)
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium RPackage
New issue 621 by stephane...(a) writing tests for removeMethod
writing tests for
"The bug appeared when removing two extensions methods (from the same
extending package) for a
same class. in RPackage >> removeMethod: , when removing an extension
method, we were telling the
organizer to remove the extending package for the class concerned. This
was wrong, because even if one
extension from this package has been removed, some others can still exist.
And the organizer should keep
the this package as extending package for the class. So removing the first
extension method worked
correctly, but then removing a second or more methods from the same
package was raising some errors "