Dear Moose developers,
I can not find executable VerveineJ anywhere. The link in the
Moosebook [1] is broken.
I am building a new static analysis tool for JVM languages and was
going to use MSE as its output format. I was going to use VerveineJ as
a reference tool that produces MSE files to evaluate this decision
before I immerse myself into the format specification.
Could you help me locate it, please?
In case you are not aware of it, a great number of the Pharo, Moose, and Roassal community members are on Slack. Slack is a very cool messaging platform. If you want to chat with developers and get instantaneous help on a topic, then Slack simply rocks.
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Alexandre Bergel
When do we release Moose 6?
I see many are using version 5 but this does not make sense :-)
Alexandre Bergel
The Glamour presentation of Roassal has several improvement. Check the following video, it summarizes all:
Alexandre Bergel
the + and - buttons do not work anymore.
Any idea why?
Alexandre Bergel
Can someone tell me why I can have two entry for a page that has different content?
Alexandre Bergel
With Olivier, we are analyzing a big database schema (around 65 tables and 350 relations between tables).
We try to reverse engineer the schema.
The visualization is not beautiful for several reasons :
1. the only way to position the tables in the visu is using the GridLayout. So there is a spaghetti meal representation what is not easy to understand (please have a look at DB_Schema_All_tables.png)
2. the idea is to linked the columns of two tables. Using RTArrowedLine, it is not beautiful (see DB_Schema_with-arrows) since the attach points are only on South and North Border of the shape whereas we would like to have them also on left and right.
3. Usually, in DB schema, the links between tables are orthogonal multi lines. But in Roassal, the attach point are once again only on top or in bottom of the shape (see DB_Schema_with_Multines).
4. Normally in database representations, the multi lines have arrows but since, in Roassal, the direction of the arrow is computed from the start and end points of the line, it looks ugly in case of multi line edge (see multiline arrows).
5. When a column in a table references another column of the same table, the edge is in the middle of the table but we would like to have a recursive dependency represented as a loop. Is it possible to do that with Roassal (recursive_dependency figure)?
Is there someone working on a real graph representation such as in graphviz where lines do not cross or at minima and so the entities are grouped?
Can we easily add attached point? or define by default at least 4 attach points to box or ellipse?
Is it possible to get multi lines with arrows but where the head of the arrow is computed with the perpendicular of the last segment of the multi line edges?
Two more question that are not visible in these figures:
6. It seems that currently, it is not possible to play with the label font (size, italic, bold…).
7. Is it possible to put a label near an extremity of an edge (such as a role in UML class diagram)? And is it possible to put a label also in the middle of an edge to indicate the name of an association?
Is it possible? If it is not the case, can you enhance Roassal to add these features?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Olivier and Anne
With the integration of MooseQuery, a test is failing in Moose 6.0: MooseModelDescriptionTest-testOppositePropertyExist because FAMIXReference is implemented as a link between two FAMIXContainer and should be between a behavioral entity and a class.
The email of Anne and Jean Christophe about this subject has not been answered (
However, as Doru said in ( :
A Reference refers to an explicit reference to a class in the running code.
So, I moved the incoming/outgoingReferences links to the subclasses of FAMIXContainer.
It should resolve the problem.
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is it possible to programatically change the width of Playground/Inspector
Currently if I want one pane bigger I have to resize both which wastes a
lot of space (I need to resize twice as much).
I wouldn't mind having a "special playground" just for this particular use
case. There is also Roassal Easel
However I would like to have the code on a side rather than underneath
because code is tall, not wide.
Hi everyone,
some time ago I saw a diagram consisting of two columns of words and lines
showing associations between the words in both columns.
It looked similar to the "parallel coordinates" diagram from this link: but with only two columns.
Now, I am not sure if I saw this in an email on a Pharo or Moose list and
wanted to ask if it is already possible to create such diagrams with
Thank you very much,