Hi everyone,
Is there a pdf version of the moose book? for I have students in Algeria for whom it is not always easy to access the online version.
Thanks in advance.
I created another little poll about the importance of architecture.
If you have a Twitter account, feel free to participate:
"Things happen when they happen,
not when you talk about them happening."
I put together a very simple poll on code reading. I kindly ask you to participate. It should take you 30 seconds to answer it:
"Problem solving efficiency grows with the abstractness level of problem understanding."
I have found a nasty situation that may occurs when using composite shapes.
Consider the following script:
[ b := RTMondrian new.
b shape box size: 30; color: Color red trans; withText.
b nodes: (1 to: 20).
b edges connectFrom: [ :v | v // 3 ].
b build.
RTForceBasedLayout new
on: b view elements.
b view] timeToRun
=> 0:00:00:10.386
[ b := RTMondrian new.
b shape box size: 30; color: Color red trans; withText.
b nodes: (1 to: 20).
b edges connectFrom: [ :v | v // 3 ].
b build.
RTOptimizedForceBasedLayout new
on: b view elements.
b view] timeToRun
Yes, on this example, the class RTOptimizedForceBasedLayout is 33 faster than the traditional layout.
The problem is that translating a composite shape is much slower than translating a non-composite shape. I have created mock elements and mock edges. That is a good news :-)
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
Some time ago I asked about how to make some kind of matrix sunburst,
like the one on [1]. Thanks to the help of the community, specially
Milton we're almost there. Look at this:
Now I would like to locate better the labels for each country, ideally
at the center of each arc. The important part of message which is making
this is here:
PublishedMedInfo>>addLineSeparatorsTo: aView withData: data
separatedBy: aDistance centerSized: aSize
| e1 e2 ang cos sin radio label countries |
label := RTLabel new
height: 16.
countries := self medDataMatrix at: 1.
1 to: data children size do: [ :i |
e1 := (RTBox new size: 1) element.
ang := ((i - 0) * 360 / data children size) degreesToRadians.
cos := ang cos.
sin := ang sin.
radio := aSize.
e1 translateTo: (radio * cos)@(radio * sin).
e2 := (RTBox new size: 1) element.
radio := self arcWidth * 30 + aSize.
e2 translateTo: (radio * cos )@ (radio * sin).
label text: (countries at: (countries size + 1 - i)).
add: e1;
add: e2;
add: (RTLine new width: aDistance; color: Color white;
edgeFrom: e1 to: e2);
add: (label element translateBy: (((radio - 70) * cos)"-
15" )@ (radio - 70 * sin) "+ 15")
as you can see the e1 and e2 edges are the ones that create the
separation between columns in the matrix sunburst and are computed
inside an iterator. I would like to keep a temporal edge that stores the
value of the e2 edge in the previous run and locate the label in the
coordinates between actual e2 and the previous one (lets call it
"edgeTemp"). How can I do this?
Ps: I have subscribed this new direction because my previous one is
failing tonight. Probably I will unsubscribe the previous and keep this
one for Pharo and Moose mailing lists.
There is a legend now…
How cool is that.
Other things I have done:
Removed GLMRoassal2Easel. GTInspector is the way to go.
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
I think that the pencil icon in the GTInspector does not describe well the intention of the action, and, I always confuse with the magnifier.
I propose to use the System Browser icon of the World menu instead of the pencil icon.
What do you think ?
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Yesterday I gave a lecture on Moose to a top software company here in Chile. It all went well.
This is a pity that it is so easy to freeze Pharo. Alt-. often does not help. Very frustrating.
However, people enjoyed it very much!
This is cool!
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
Zoom - in and out does not work anymore in the moose panel.
Anyone has a way to fix this?
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu