I think some examples in GLMExamplesBrowser In Pharo5.0 are broken.
see fogbugz issue
"16111 Collections being passed as a whole into blocks, instead of each
individual object"
The confusion about "display-block" and "format-block" is sorted out, so we
could close
the issue. But it seems the examples
"Updateable browser"
"Validating presentation"
are broken (and maybe the Magritte example, but I don't know where it is).
I see there is a great battle involving Rubric and all its friends is taking place.
When I browse an example, I do not have the syntax highlighting. I am using the last version of Moose.
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
I have apparently some problem when I debug some methods.
See the attached screenshot. I can share the image if necessary.
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
I just wanted to know why the address of the mailing list changed from moose-dev(a)iam.unibe.ch<mailto:moose-dev@iam.unibe.ch> to moose-dev(a)list.inf.unibe.ch<mailto:moose-dev@list.inf.unibe.ch>.
Which one should be used?
Thanks in advance,
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Name: ConfigurationOfPetitSQLParser-StephanEggermont.28
Author: StephanEggermont
Time: 11 October 2015, 2:05:48.838156 pm
UUID: c6bd1590-d850-4a25-9f75-b22b42c73944
Ancestors: ConfigurationOfPetitSQLParser-AndreiChis.27
Fix symbolic version to use the right baseline in Pharo5
Projects that load packages using Metacello, tend not to look in Pharo50
and Pharo50Inbox for new versions of those packages.
I noticed the Rubric version in Moose 6 to be significantly behind the
one in Pharo 5... Can we automatically copy back the inbox/integrator
version to its repo?
In the latest moose image ConfigurationOfMagritteGlamourForPharo40 hides
the latest versions for some packages.
For example it loads Glamour-Morphic-Renderer.issue_1126-SeanDeNigris.325
instead of the latest version Glamour-Morphic-Renderer-MarcusDenker.326.
Did something changed these days?
Name: ConfigurationOfMagritte3-StephanEggermont.118
Author: StephanEggermont
Time: 10 October 2015, 9:09:24.252164 pm
UUID: 5d39ab33-c062-4754-ad55-4feb4b59199d
Ancestors: ConfigurationOfMagritte3-StephanEggermont.117
Update Grease to stable version #'release1.2' is version 3.5.0
Name: ConfigurationOfMagritte3-StephanEggermont.117
Author: StephanEggermont
Time: 10 October 2015, 5:56:07.098168 pm
UUID: e61105b7-4521-4428-9881-795f10251beb
Ancestors: ConfigurationOfMagritte3-SeanDeNigris.116
In place change: block with MagritteGlamourForPharo40 only for Pharo 4.
I want to have two presentations stacked vertically, which present different
aspects of the same object. I used `a stackedVerticallyArrangement`, but I
want them to be a) different initial sizes and b) have a draggable splitter
in between, but this doesn't seem possible. So my questions are:
1. Do I need to use two separate panes?
2. What is the use case for #stackedVerticallyArrangement? I.e. how does it
differ from using two panes?
View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/stackedVerticallyArrangement-vs-two-separate-panes-tp…
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