I am studying the PP smaltalk parser and while trying to parse a literal
array, I stumbled on a problem:
initially I could not parse simple expressions like 'a := 100'
looking into it, I found that PPSmaltalkGrammar>>number cannot parse '100'
since the definition is a bit complex
^ ($- asParser optional , #digit asParser) and , [ :context |
[ (NumberParser on: context stream) nextNumber ]
on: Error
do: [ :err | PPFailure message: err messageText at: context
position ] ]
I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on this
I don’t know if it is due to my integration of MooseQuery into Moose or if is older. But, I can’t modify code in a window that is not a system browser without having RubPluggableTextMorph(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #appendEntry error.
Does someone knows where it comes from?
1 - I have downloaded the last version of Moose
2 - Set some settings (e.g., sending data for Spotter)
3 - Quit my image without saving
4 - Starting the image
and I found that my preferences are not there. Juraj, you told me that preference mechanism is there right?
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
Hi Smalltalk enthusiasts!
the Vancouver Island Smalltalkers have decided to have a small
CampSmalltalk again.
Last Spring Edition Camp in Nanaimo was a nice familiarand constructive
If you’re in the general pacific north-west region do consider coming
When: Friday & Saturday November 6-8th
Location: Makerspace Nanaimo
2221 McGarrigle Rd
Nanaimo, BC
their website: makerspacenanaimo.org
!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE SIGNUP @ https://www.picatic.com/event14133068326629
We have the Space all weekend long and we would like to dicuss our
options and ideas for a BIG CampSmalltalk in Spring 2016 in Nanaimo.
If you are interested in
... VisualWorks APPEX and Sioux frameworks (Jerry Kott will be around)
... any kind of ScratchOnPI projects, eg. PiTouch, AstroPi, ... (Tim
... combining your Smalltalk project with any other peripheral device
... would like to try a different Smalltalk out
... just want to chat and meet old and new friends
....then this should be the perfect weekend to do this and come over to
Makerspace in Nanaimo.
Please contact us directly if you have questions regarding travel or
accomodationa. We got some valuable feedback from last CampSmalltalks'
Please let us also know if you’re interested.
Tim and Sebastian
I heard a story about a friends issues with his Fortran project.
Is there existing code to read Fortran code into Moose?
Or is there a PetitFortran or Famix-Fortran somewhere hidden in the
Does somebody know if there is information on this matter somewwere in
the web?
GTInspector in Pharo 5 is not up to date. Loading Roassal does not load because of the example. You need the following incantation:
ConfigurationOfGTInspectorCore loadBleedingEdge.
Gofer it
smalltalkhubUser: 'ObjectProfile' project: 'Roassal2';
configurationOf: 'Roassal2';
Can GTInspector be updated in Pharo 5?
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
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From: 'Carol Smith' via Google Summer of Code Mentors Announce List
Date: Tue, Oct 13, 2015 at 11:52 PM
Subject: [GSoC Mentors Announce] Google Summer of Code 2016
To: GSoC Mentors Announce <gsoc-mentors-announce(a)googlegroups.com>
Hi GSoC mentors and org admins,
We've announced that we're holding Google Summer of Code 2016.
The GSoC calendar, FAQ, and events timeline have all been updated with
next year's important dates, so please refer to those for the
milestones for the program.
Please consider applying to participate as an organization again next
year or maybe joining as a mentor for your favorite organization if
they are selected to participate.
We rely on you for your help for the success of this program, so thank
you in advance for all the work you do!
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Serge Stinckwich
Every DSL ends up being Smalltalk
In my effort to more create more meaningful computer mediated
experiences for me and other and to use Pharo as a medium for that I
have proposed the following project:
- Name: Data Kitchen: Frictionless data, moldable tools, pocket
infrastructures & permanent workshops for community empowerment
- url:
It combines the ideas of moldable tools, agile visualization in this
community with some of other like frictionless data, by Open Knowledge
Foundation and what I call "pocket infrastructures". Any feedback is
welcomed. You can make it here in this list, but if you can made it on
their platform, from a simple "heart" (+1) or drop me a line, it would
be greatly appreciated and it will help to make more visible the project.