Hi all,
I would like to show you the Inti, Inti is a cool visualization to compare
and handle instances of MessageTally.
This is just a demo, nothing in this mail is final.
This image shows the Inti program in GTInspector
[image: Imágenes integradas 1]
The color mapping is explainning in
[image: Imágenes integradas 2]
Purple nodes ares nodes that have the same class of the selected method.
[image: Imágenes integradas 3]
This is inti profiler in pharo, this allows your to compare 2 (or more)
instances of MessageTally,
and see the difference of this tallies.
[image: Imágenes integradas 4]
You can get this program executing the next piece of code:
Gofer new smalltalkhubUser: 'azazael'
project: 'inti';
package: 'ConfigurationOfInti';
(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfInti) load.
Best regards,
I’ve just tried the build 1218, but I cannot open the world menu. #label: is missing on some classes and EyeSee has still some ghosts…
Anyone is working on it? I can have a look if no
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
Hi all,
I am playing with highlighting edges (par of an arrow shape) by expanding their width, but I have found that when un-highlighting by contracting their width nothing happens. I have the code below:
lastview is the view,
edge is the compound shape of the edge and the arrowhead,
highedge is the highlighted edge, if any.
highlightEdge: aName
edge := lastview edgeFromModel: aName.
edge isNil ifFalse: [
highedge isNil ifFalse: [
highedge shape shape1 width: 1.
highedge update.].
highedge := edge.
edge shape shape1 width: 3.
edge update.
lastview signalUpdate.]
With this code, thickened edges (width: 3) stay thick, even when made thin (width: 1). I suppose this is a bug. If not, how can I get the behavior that I want?
Thanks in advance,
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Johan Fabry - http://pleiad.cl/~jfabry
PLEIAD lab - Computer Science Department (DCC) - University of Chile
To create a Moose model from another source that used currently, I wanted to reuse the generic classes dedicated to model creation especially to have event logging (provided by MooseAbstractImporter) and the progress bar (provided by MooseTask).
But I do not well understand how it is working:
- I would like to use both but there is no inheritance relation between them
- MooseTask is in Moose-Core package and not in package Moose-GenericImporter.
Which one I should use ?
I found an old thread talking about this: http://forum.world.st/An-analysis-of-the-MooseTask-hierarchy-third-attempt-…
Moreover, for my import I have 2 types of tasks: the filling of the model and the creation of the links in the model, and for each one I have several tasks.
Is there a tool to define the sorting of the tasks ?
The class MooseCompositeImporterTask sounds good but seems dedicated to Smalltalk
And what is the purpose of the *ImportingContext classes ?
I would like to know how I can reuse this properly ?
Thanks for your answers,
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Hi all,
I am having an issue with setting up a Roassal layout. I guess that to make force based layouts work, I have to add the line
view edges do: [ :e | e trachelShape pushBack ].
However when I do this, there is a MNU in TRCompositeShape>>pushback, because the canvas instvar is nil. I am doing what is essentially the following code:
“in a loop, adding to an edges collection”
edges add: (((RTEdge from: efrom to: eto) + (RTLine new color: color) + (RTArrow new color: color)) @ (RTLabelled new text: trans name; color: color; view: view)).
“adding the edges to the view all at once and do layout magic"
view addAll: edges.
view edges do: [ :e | e trachelShape pushBack ]. “<— MNU”
What should I do to fix this?
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Johan Fabry - http://pleiad.cl/~jfabry
PLEIAD lab - Computer Science Department (DCC) - University of Chile
I found a bug: RTEdge class>>on:from:to: produces a MNU because it does self on: aModel and that message is not understood.
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Johan Fabry - http://pleiad.cl/~jfabry
PLEIAD lab - Computer Science Department (DCC) - University of Chile
for my visualization, I want to be able to change the color of a shape after the view has been opened, depending on a given condition. So I wrote something like below, where the instvar lastview holds the view that was opened.
highlightNode: aName
node := lastview elementFromModel: aName.
node isNil ifFalse: [
node shape color: (Color red).
lastview signalUpdate.]
Sadly, I do not see the shape changing color to red. What can I do to have this working?
Thanks in advance,
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Johan Fabry - http://pleiad.cl/~jfabry
PLEIAD lab - Computer Science Department (DCC) - University of Chile
Roassal Tip #2: Labeling bar with GraphET.
You can use @RTLabelled for each bar elements. Consider the following example:
| diagram |
diagram := GET2DiagramBuilder new.
diagram horizontalBarDiagram
models: #(10 12 13 200 150 -13 149 -151);
diagram build.
"Pick the horizontal bars and add a label"
diagram view elements do: [ :e |
(e shape class == RTBox)
ifTrue: [ e @ RTLabelled new right ]
diagram view open
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu