Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 1062 by v.blonde...(a) The GT-Debugger doesn't declare
variables created while debugging
Describe the problem: what do you get? what do you expect?
When debugging, if you define a new variable in a debugged method, the
variable is not declared when you save.
How to reproduce the problem: step by step if necessary
For example, debug :
{ 1 .2 } asOrderedCollection
Go into.
In the method asOrderedCollection, write:
temp := self as: OrderedCollection.
^ temp
After saving, the temp variable is not declared and the method is compiled
without the declaration.
Additional information: platform, context which may impact the problem
Latest Moose 5.0 - W7
Please fill in the labels with the following information:
* Type-Defect
* Component-GTDebugger
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Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 1063 by v.blonde...(a) Save a modified unstacked block
raise DNU: DebugContext>>codeTextMorph
Describe the problem: what do you get? what do you expect?
When you modfiy a block that is not on the stack (like [ self halt ]) and
you browse it, you get:
DNU: DebugContext>>codeTextMorph
How to reproduce the problem: step by step if necessary
create a method in a class Class:
^ [ self halt ]
And call :
Class new sendBlock value.
It will open the debugger.
Now modify the block content (remove the halt for example)
Save, click on browse in the notification window.
You should get the error.
Additional information: platform, context which may impact the problem
W7 - Moose 5.0
Please fill in the labels with the following information:
* Type-Defect
* Component-GTDebugger
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Hi everybody,
I'm working on vizualisation with Roassal2 and I would like to have some
feedbacks on my work.
You can vizualise some elements in their containers and test a property on
the elements.
You have the legend build with the property and a menu (not a lot of
features in the menu but it will come).
Edges are not available yet, but I'm working on it.
The repository :
location: ''
user: ''
password: ''
To load the project : ConfigurationOfTelescope load
To play with it you can follow this example :
| telescope |
telescope := TLTelescope new onContainers: Collection withAllSubclasses
elements: #authors properties: #yourself.
telescope numberOfColors: 9. "optional"
telescope open
| telescope |
telescope := TLTelescope new onElements: Collection withAllSubclasses
containers: #package properties: [ :class | class numberOfLinesOfCode > 30
telescope numberOfColors: 9. "optional"
telescope open
If you have any ideas, or find somes bugs do not hesitate to report to me.
Leo Perard
here somes bugs I have found on the RTCompositeShape
- RTNest does not work with the RTCompositeShape
> | view shape element els |
> view := RTView new.
> shape := (RTVerticalCompositeShape new
> shape1: RTBox new;
> shape2: RTLabel new;
> yourself).
> element := shape elementOn: 'Container'.
> els := (RTEllipse new size: 10; color: (Color blue alpha: 0.5))
> elementsOn: (1 to: 16).
> view add: element; addAll: els.
> element @ RTDraggable.
> RTNest new layout: RTGridLayout; on: element nest: els.
> view open
- on some layouts there is a "lag" when you re-apply a layout
> | view shape elements |
> view := RTView new.
> shape := (RTHorizontalCompositeShape new
> shape1: (RTBox new width: 40; height: 30);
> shape2: (RTEllipse new size: 15; color: Color red);
> yourself).
> elements := shape elementsOn: (1 to: 30).
> view addAll: elements.
> RTEdge
> buildEdgesFromObjects: (1 to: 30)
> from: [ :v | v // 2 ]
> to: #yourself
> inView: view.
> RTHorizontalTreeLayout on: elements.
> view canvas addMenu: 'Layout' callback: [ RTHorizontalTreeLayout new
> translator: RTSmoothLayoutTranslator new; on: elements ].
> view open
This example does not have any sense but in my project the graph is
generate dynamicly so I have to apply a layout anytime there is a new
element ans this "lag" is strange
- RTHorizontalAttachPoint does not work
> | view shape elements |
> view := RTView new.
> shape := (RTHorizontalCompositeShape new
> shape1: (RTBox new width: 40; height: 30);
> shape2: (RTEllipse new size: 15; color: Color red);
> yourself).
> elements := shape elementsOn: (1 to: 30).
> view addAll: elements.
> RTEdge
> buildEdgesFromObjects: (1 to: 30)
> from: [ :v | v // 2 ]
> to: #yourself
> using: (RTLine new attachPoint: RTHorizontalAttachPoint new; color: Color
> blue)
> inView: view.
> RTHorizontalTreeLayout on: elements.
> view canvas addMenu: 'Layout' callback: [ RTHorizontalTreeLayout new
> translator: RTSmoothLayoutTranslator new; on: elements ].
> view open
For now I have found this bugs. If I find more, I will report them here ;-)
Leo Perard
University of Lille 1
I open a playground and enter the following:
I then modify the script to have the following:
However, there is no smooth transition between the two rendering. And Roassal knows how to smoothly animate things [*]. But Playground does not give me a hand on the previous view.
Is there a way to fix this?
Alexandre Bergel
I’ve just introduced a new class TRExtensibleLabelShape and TRLabelShape. This will ease the problem we are experiencing with using labels in a composed shape.
I would like now to discuss about how to compose shapes. This has been a big discussion for at least 5 years. I propose a solution in this email, I hope this will make most of us happy :-)
Consider the example:
| v s1 s2 c es |
v := RTView new.
s1 := (RTEllipse new size: #yourself; color: (Color blue alpha: 0.4)).
s2 := (RTLabel new text: 'Hello World'; height: 10).
c := RTCompositeShape new
shape1: s1;
shape2: s2;
offset2: 0 @ -30.
es := c elementsOn: #(30 60 80).
es @ RTDraggable.
v addAll: es.
es when: TRMouseClick do: [ :evt | evt element remove. v signalUpdate ].
RTHorizontalLineLayout on: v elements.
v open
This is the output:
If you click on an element, then the element with its label is properly removed. Yupi! Leo will be happy with that :-)
The reason is that how can I specify to have s2 above s1? What should I put in offset2 ? Instead of fiddling with blocks like [:shape1 :shape2 :element | … ] I have introduced RTHorizontalCompositeShape and RTVerticalCompositeShape just to try whether it make sense or not.
We can have
| v s1 s2 c es |
v := RTView new.
s1 := (RTEllipse new size: #yourself; color: (Color blue alpha: 0.4)).
s2 := (RTLabel new text: 'Hello World'; height: 10).
c := RTHorizontalCompositeShape new
shape1: s1;
shape2: s2.
es := c elementsOn: #(30 60 80).
es @ RTDraggable.
v addAll: es.
RTHorizontalLineLayout on: v elements.
Replacing Horizontal by Vertical works as expected.
You can also compose these things. Look at that:
| v s1 s2 c es |
v := RTView new.
s1 := (RTEllipse new size: #yourself; color: (Color blue alpha: 0.4)).
s2 := (RTLabel new text: 'Hello World'; height: 10).
c2 := RTVerticalCompositeShape new
shape1: s1;
shape2: s2.
c := RTHorizontalCompositeShape new
shape1: s1;
shape2: c2.
es := c elementsOn: #(30 60 80).
es @ RTDraggable.
v addAll: es.
RTHorizontalLineLayout on: v elements.
Are we happy with RTVerticalCompositeShape, RTHorizontalCompositeShape and RTCompositeShape ?
If yes, then RTLabelling (and its problem of passing the view along :-) will be obsolete.
Alexandre Bergel