I started the slaves of the moose project in the CI portal but currently
there are some issues with Jenkins connecting to the slaves. Inria people
are working on it. Once this problem resolved, I'll try to relaunch slave
Doru, would it make sense to have RTBuilder>>build returns the view?
Like that, there is no need of the last line in:
| b |
b := RTGraphBuilder new.
b build.
b view
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 1068 by anne.et...(a)gmail.com: MNU: GLMTablePresentation>>tags:
Describe the problem: what do you get? what do you expect?
There is a MNU when using the metabrowser.
How to reproduce the problem: step by step if necessary
Open the metabrowser. Click on any entity, the debugger opens. The right
column of the metabrowser is empty. Nothing appear.
Additional information: platform, context which may impact the problem
Due to the CI problems, I am on version 1207 of Moose 5.0, with the last
version of Glamour.
Please fill in the labels with the following information:
* Type-Defect, Type-Enhancement, Type-Engineering, Type-Review, Type-Other
* Component-XXX
You received this message because this project is configured to send all
issue notifications to this address.
You may adjust your notification preferences at:
I’m trying to use Moose to analyze some C++ and Java code and will need some advice. After some effort I’ve been able to parse a directory containing *.cp files and open it in Moose. When I click on the ‘All classes’ it claims that there are 309 but as far as I can tell none have any superclass or subclasses. Is that to be expected?
with the new interaction RTLabelled, I have played with it to integrate in
my work and I have found a little bug.
| view box els |
view := RTView new.
box := RTBox new element.
els := (RTEllipse new color: Color red) elementsOn: (1 to: 30).
view add: box; addAll: els.
box @ RTDraggable.
box @ (RTLabelled new text: 'Container').
RTNest new layout: RTGridLayout; on: box nest: els.
view open
The label is not at the right place. If you move the box it will move to
its place.
But if you add the interaction RTLabelled after the nest everything is ok.
Leo Perard
The syntax hilighlter in moose does not take advantage of a reallllllly cool feaures of shout
to understand the difference
with the default hilighter and we the tango shout color scheme.
You will see that
Po is ok
Pox is red
Po is ok because Point is correct
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 648 by cy.delau...(a)gmail.com: improve overview pyramid
Overview pyramid should use colors so that we can easily read the different
Maybe also change the color code (green / blue / red for now.)
A new tip online:
We kind of like this idea of having Roassal tips posted in this list. I hope you will enjoy them. If this is the case, use the like button :-)
If you have some topics you would like to see us talk about, feel free to make suggestions.
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
I do not understand why GTPlayground in Moose replace Workspace and is
using Smalltalk tools workspace and does not offer the same interface
than a Workspace.
This is a bad design because now it forces me to have isKindOf: checks.
Really annoying.
Or and this is what I will do I will fix the fonts for Pharo and the
system will break in
Moose, after all I cannot fix everything.
Hi all,
I am making a UI using Spec, and I want it to also contain a Roassal visualization. But it is not clear to me how to do that. If I send open to a RTView instance it opens itself in a new window, which is not what I want. What can I do?
Thanks in advance!
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Johan Fabry - http://pleiad.cl/~jfabry
PLEIAD lab - Computer Science Department (DCC) - University of Chile