Hi all,
I have the following situation: a node named ‘one’ and a node named ‘two’, I want to draw an arrow ‘onetwo' from one to two, and ‘twoone' from two to one. Nodes are ellipses with size 30, and a label. Arrows are an edge + line + arrow + label construct. So I get the image like below, which raises two2 questions.
First question: how can I make the arrows go to the border of the ellipse, instead of the center?
Second question: as a human I would draw each of the two arrows with a curve: one curving up and one curving down so that they (and their labels) do not overlap. Can I do something like this in Roassal? Because now readability is far from optimal.
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Johan Fabry - http://pleiad.cl/~jfabry
PLEIAD lab - Computer Science Department (DCC) - University of Chile
We (me, Andrei, and Doru) are happy to present a new horizontal scroll
widget for Glamour: the GTPager.
It's aim is it to provide more visual feedback when working with a finder
like widget.
It is available in the latest Moose version. You can try a simple example:
GLMBasicExamples new simplePager openOn: 42
[image: Inline-Bild 1]
Also, it is used in GTInspector, so for a real world example just open an
inspector or a workspace:
[image: Inline-Bild 2]
Hi all,
I would like to plot real-time sensor data that comes from an arduino board.
Is there something to do that in GraphET or any idea to implement it ?
Thank you.
Serge Stinckwich
Every DSL ends up being Smalltalk
Hi everyone,
I would like to do an dynamic analysis on a java software to count, for example, the number of SQL calls.
I see that in Moose there is a package that I can use for this, Dynamix-Core, but only model is defined and there is no importer.
Is there an available importer to use this feature ?
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Hi all,
The following code is an example to show the problem I am facing.
| view element |
view := ROView new.
element := (ROElement new size: 20) + ROBorder @ RODraggable.
view add: element + (ROLabel new text: 'Class1').
element := (ROElement new size: 20) + ROBorder @ RODraggable.
view add: element + (ROLabel new text: 'Class2').
ROHorizontalLineLayout new on: view elements.
view open.
The labels do not show 'Class1' and 'Class2' as expected, but only 'Class'
and 'Class'. The numbers do not appear. See image below:
And if I change the label adding more numbers, like in 'Class22222', the
result is weirder than before. See image below:
What's wrong? Am I missing something?
I am using Pharo 3.0 with Moose 5.0 image.
Thanks in Advance,