Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 1097 by nicolaih...(a) Not all shapes support
Some shapes are using the default stroke and/or the default stroke width,
even if the user sets a borderColor/borderWidth
|v ver circle box poly es |
v := RTView new.
ver := (1 to:5)collect:[:i | Point r:100 degrees:(360/5*i)].
circle := RTEllipse new size: 200; color: Color red;
borderWidth:5;borderColor: Color green.
box := RTBox new size: 200; color: Color red; borderWidth:5;borderColor:
Color green.
poly := RTPolygon new size: 200; vertices:ver; color: Color red;
borderWidth:5;borderColor: Color green.
es := circle elementOn:'hello'.
v add: es.
es := box elementOn:'hello'.
v add: es.
es := poly elementOn:'hello'.
v add: es.
v @ RTDraggableView .
RTGridLayout on: v elements.
"all shapes should use the provided borderWidth (5) and borderColor (Green)"
moose build 3147
* Type-Defect
* Component-Roassal2
shapes.png 11.5 KB
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We had a wonderful week here in Cochabamba, Bolivia. Juan-Pablo, Juraj and I have taught Pharo and Moose during 5 days. Was pretty cool!
Here is a script that shows that one of the group was able to produce in just 3 days.
The figures analyze the content of my package-cache directory. It shows the number of commit per day, per hour, per author.
myRepository := MCCacheRepository default.
myRepository allVersionNames.
packageNames := myRepository allVersionNames select: [ :e | 'Roassal*' match: e ].
"packageNames := myRepository allVersionNames. "
lista := packageNames collect: [ :packageName |
myRepository versionInfoFromVersionNamed: packageName. ].
autores := lista groupedBy: [ :e | e author ].
fechas := lista groupedBy: [ :e | e date ].
horas := lista groupedBy: [ :e | e time hour ].
c := RTComposer new.
v := c view.
c gap: 50.
popup := RTPopup text: [:assoc | assoc key asString, ', commits:', assoc value size asString].
elements := (RTEllipse elementsOn: fechas associations).
v addAll: elements @ popup.
builder := RTGlobalBuilder new.
view: v;
normalizeX: [ :e | e key asTimeStamp asUnixTime ]
min: 0
max: 50000;
normalizeSize: [:e | e value size ] min: 10 max: 20;
normalizeColor: [:e | e value size ];
alphaColor: 0.3;
elementsToConsider: elements;
"We add a line from the left most element to the right most element"
v add: ((RTLine new color: Color lightGray) edgeFrom: v elements leftMostElement to: v elements rightMostElement).
"It make sense to only drag horizontally"
v @ RTHorizontalDraggableView.
c propagateHighlight.
c group: 'date'.
listTags := Array new: autores size.
autores doWithIndex: [ :each :i|
test := each groupedBy: [ :e | e date ].
elements := (RTEllipse elementsOn: test associations).
v addAll: elements @ popup.
elementsToConsider: elements;
v add: ((RTLine new color: Color lightGray) edgeFrom: elements leftMostElement to: elements rightMostElement).
newTag := 'Author' asString, i asString.
listTags at: i put: newTag.
c propagateHighlight.
c group: newTag.
popup := RTPopup text: [:assoc | 'Hour: ' asString, assoc key asString, ', commits:', assoc value size asString].
elements := (RTEllipse elementsOn: horas associations).
v addAll: elements @ popup.
builder := RTGlobalBuilder new.
view: v;
normalizeX: [ :e | e key ]
min: 0
max: 380;
normalizeSize: [:e | e value size ] min: 10 max: 20;
normalizeColor: [:e | e value size ];
alphaColor: 0.3;
elementsToConsider: elements;
v add: ((RTLine new color: Color lightGray) edgeFrom: elements leftMostElement to: elements rightMostElement).
c propagateHighlight.
c group: 'Hour'.
popup := RTPopup text: [:assoc | assoc author asString, ', ' , ' message size: ', assoc message size asString].
elements := (RTEllipse elementsOn: lista).
v addAll: elements @ popup.
builder := RTGlobalBuilder new.
view: v;
normalizeX: [ :e | e timeStamp asUnixTime ]
min: 0
max: 50000;
normalizeSize: [ :e | e message size ] min: 10 max: 20;
normalizeColor: [ :e | e message size ];
alphaColor: 0.3;
elementsToConsider: elements;
v add: ((RTLine new color: Color lightGray) edgeFrom: elements leftMostElement to: elements rightMostElement).
c propagateHighlight.
c group: 'Comment'.
listTags doWithIndex: [ :e :i|
(i == 1)
ifTrue: [
c move: e below: 'date'.
last := e.
c nameGroup: 'date' as: 'History by Date'.
aAuthor := autores keys at: i.
c nameGroup: e as: 'History by: ' asString, aAuthor asString.
ifFalse: [
c move: e below: last.
last := e.
aAuthor := autores keys at: i.
c nameGroup: e as: 'History by: ' asString, aAuthor asString.
c move: 'Hour' below: last.
c nameGroup: 'Hour' as: 'History by Hour'.
c move: 'Comment' below: 'Hour'.
c nameGroup: 'Comment' as: 'History by Comment'.
"We add a small legend"
v canvas addFixedShape: (TRLabelShape new text: 'History of Changes').
TRConstraint stickAtTheBottomOfTheWindow: v canvas fixedShapes last.
Alexandre Bergel
Thanks to the advances of GT, I have my doubt about the usefulness of the easel.
Alexandre Bergel
Hi Alex,
I started to look into Charter and I would like to know which builder to
use in Roassal2 for drawing graphs because currently we
have RTGrapherBuilder and RTCharterBuilder. It looks to me as if they are
providing similar services but RTCharterBuilder is more up to date.
In case you don't know yet:
"*D3.js** is a JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on
data. D3 helps you bring data to life using HTML, SVG and CSS. D3’s
emphasis on web standards gives you the full capabilities of modern
browsers without tying yourself to a proprietary framework, combining
powerful visualization components and a data-driven approach to DOM
Here nice examples:
If not already known: There is a small problem with the Popup: The popup
window (background) is not
growing with the text length. You can check it with the
"RTMondrianExample exampleNeestingAndTitle".
"The more complex an object, the larger the investment in learning to use it, and the greater the resistance to abandon it.", NW
It is frequent to see have guard in the style “self error: ‘Have you forget to add something?’”, to indicate the end user that an API is not properly used.
However, at the execution, it opens a debugger. I have the impression this is not what we want. We probably something more friendly than a full-fledged debugger.
Alexandre Bergel
The truth is that I am not familiar with this code. I can hardly provide any justification about the result. I advice you to subscribe to the Moose mailing list (
> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Bledar Aga <bledar.aga(a)>
> Subject: MalCyclesCoverage
> Date: November 27, 2014 at 1:09:45 PM GMT-4
> To: abergel(a), alexandre.bergel(a)
> Dear Prof. Bergel,
> I’m a master student at Bern University and I am working for my master thesis about dependency cycles.
> I am using your implementation of Tarjan algorithm MalCyclesCoverage (Moose) for detecting the cycles. I tried to understand your implementation but it is a bit hard to follow the execution and I can’t find the documentation.
> I want kindly to ask: Is there any reason that given a certain input it does not provide all the circuits of a strongly connected components?
> Removing the dependencies (edges) from a cyclic graph at the end I obtain the acyclic graph and this is what I want, but I need to understand how the single circuits are obtained.
> Example:
> Considering the following input:
> |tarjan|
> tarjan := MalCyclesCoverage new.
> tarjan nodes: #(1 2 3 4 5).
> tarjan edges: #((1 3) (3 1) (1 5) (5 1) (4 1) (2 1) (2 5) (5 2) (2 3) (3 2) (3 4) (5 4)) from:#first to:#second.
> tarjan run.
> self halt.
> It returns the following output: ((1 3 4)(1 5) (1 5)(2 3) (1 3) (1 5 4) (2 5)). In practice there are more circuits, example (1 3 2) (1 5 2 3)...?
> To have a clear idea of the input I attached the graph.
> Thank you very much in advance for your time.
> Best regards,
> Bledar Aga.
Alexandre Bergel
We are using PetitParser. We get an error that we don’t understand. So we try to use PetitParser debugger. We execute the parsing using the debugger mode. We switch to PetitParser debugger. When we click on the ‘proceed’ button, the error is raised but we are no more in the PetitParser debugger but in the classic one. So we have no way to know the incriminated rule. And when we execute step by step the parsing, it is the same problem, when the error arises, the debugger switch back to the normal one. However, the idea is to use the debugger when we get an error in order to understand from where it comes from. So it would be great that it remains in the PetitParser debugger despite the error.
Any idea how to remain in the PetitParser debugger? Anyone gets the same issue?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Jean-Christophe et Anne
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Glamour
New issue 1099 by update visible list items on
Tree/list presentation should display non-visible items when one of these
items is selected. To reproduce, execute the following script. Normally,
the of items should be expanded and 14 should be shown in the list on the
left because it is the current selection item. However, the list does not
change and 14 is not shown.
browser := GLMTabulator new.
browser column: #one; column: #two.
browser transmit to: #one; andShow: [:a |
a list showOnly: 10; display: [:number | (1 to: number)] ].
browser transmit to: #two; from: #one; andShow: [:a |
a roassal2
initializeView: [ RTMondrianViewBuilder new ];
painting: [:view :number |
view interaction when: TRMouseDoubleClick do: [:ann | ((browser
paneNamed: #one) port:#selection) value: ann element model ].
view shape label.
view nodes: (1 to: number + 5).
view edgesFrom: [:each | each // 2 ].
view treeLayout ]].
browser openOn: 100.
((browser paneNamed: #one) port: #selection) value: 14.
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