I am currently using EyeSee for doing some charting/graphing, and am
running into some of its limitations. I'd like to use the newest/bestest,
but am stumped how to use it right now.
Attached is roughly the graph I want:[image: Inline image 1]
except I'd like the bars to be located correctly for the time (as well as
the labels). Or, even better, be able to state that I want the days
labelled, and either hour tick marks, or optional tick marks. And, of
course, be able to specifically call out the color of the bars.
Data to build this chart:
x := {
Dictionary new
at: 'COLOR' put: Color gray;
at: 'TIME' put: (DateAndTime fromString: '2014-10-30 12:11:28.0');
at: 'SECONDS' put: 4;
Dictionary new
at: 'COLOR' put: Color gray;
at: 'TIME' put: (DateAndTime fromString: '2014-10-31 12:11:28.0');
at: 'SECONDS' put: 5;
Dictionary new
at: 'COLOR' put: Color red;
at: 'TIME' put: (DateAndTime fromString: '2014-10-31 12:41:28.0');
at: 'SECONDS' put: 15;
Dictionary new
at: 'COLOR' put: Color green;
at: 'TIME' put: (DateAndTime fromString: '2014-11-01 12:11:28.0');
at: 'SECONDS' put: 7;
Dictionary new
at: 'COLOR' put: Color gray;
at: 'TIME' put: (DateAndTime fromString: '2014-11-02 12:11:28.0');
at: 'SECONDS' put: 1;
Dictionary new
at: 'COLOR' put: Color gray;
at: 'TIME' put: (DateAndTime fromString: '2014-11-03 12:11:28.0');
at: 'SECONDS' put: 4;
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 1094 by chisvasi...(a)gmail.com: List presentations should be fast
on large collections
Opening a large collection using a list presentation is very slow.
The following example shows the problem.
Also when inspect just (1 to: 2000000) collect:#asString creating the Items
tab takes time.
composite := GLMCompositePresentation new.
composite list
showOnly: 50.
composite openOn: ((1 to: 2000000) collect:#asString)
Most of the time seems to be spend in GLMTreeMorphModel>>#roots that given
that GLMTreeMorphModel>>#amountToFilterBy always returns nil.
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I think we have a problem with announcer from TRMultiCompositeShape. It is
implemented as if it should not be called, but
TRCanvas>>shapeWithAction: eventClass forPositionInPixels: position
calls it.
So, we have a problem.
I observed the problem when creating edges with RTMondrianViewBuilder. For
view := RTMondrianViewBuilder new.
view shape label text: #asString.
view nodes: (1 to: 100).
view shape orthoHorizontalLine color: Color veryLightGray.
view edgesFrom: [:x | x // 10].
view horizontalTreeLayout layered.
And then click on an edge.
"Every thing has its own flow"
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-5.0 Component-Roassal
New issue 1092 by tu...(a)tudorgirba.com: Roassal2 examples browser is not
Just that. It seems that the recent example refactorings broke the browser.
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Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 1093 by usman.bh...(a)gmail.com: FAMIXPharoAnchor DNU in MoosePanel
In MoosePanel, when browsing an Smalltalk model, we get FAMIXPharoAnchor
FAMIXPharoAnchor(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #completeText
when trying to browse an entity with code.
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Status: New
Owner: ----
CC: alexandr...(a)gmail.com
Labels: Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Component-Roassal Milestone-5.0
New issue 1002 by tu...(a)tudorgirba.com: The treemap builder should support
multiple types of nodes
TreeMaps are particularly useful to show leaf nodes within a nested parent
nodes tree. For example, they can show classes within packages. They are
less useful for showing only one type of nodes, like a class hierarchy
given that the weight is only meaningful when applied to the leaf nodes.
However, right now, we can specify nodes only with one block, weight with
one block only and edges with another one block. This is less convenient.
We should extend this to allow multiple sets of nodes.
Consider this code:
packages := RPackageOrganizer default packages select: [:each | each name
beginsWith: 'AST'].
classes := packages flatCollect: [:each | each definedClasses ].
builder weightBlock: [ :el | el isBehavior ifTrue: [ el linesOfCode + 1]
ifFalse: [ 1 ] ].
builder nodes: (packages), (classes).
builder nestingFromAssociations: (
(builder nodes select: [ :each | each isBehavior ])
collect: [ :each |
(each) -> each package ]).
builder drawOn: rawView .
It would be better to have it like:
builder weight: [ :el | el linesOfCode + 1] ].
builder nodes: classes.
builder nodes: packages
builder nest: classes in: [ :each | each package ].
builder drawOn: rawView .
Note how nesting is defined following the same pattern as edges:from:to:,
and how the weight is only applied to the next nodes.
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There are only a couple of things left to do in the migration:
- Fix the UML diagram to properly show attributes (we need another
transformation to show the name of an attribute)
- Reimplement a treemap visualization in Roassal2 and have the
SystemNesting ported to it
- Reimplement the GLMBrowser>>viewTree visualization
Anyone interested in helping?
Just a reminder: these are pretty much the main things that are still left
to do in order for us to release Moose 5. Once we release it, we can move
to Pharo 4 and benefit from a larger exposure and feedback for all the
tools built around Moose.
"Every thing has its own flow"