Why are there extra configurations for GT?
I'm afraid that leads to duplication of effort,
and introduces lots of problems.
Moose was nearly loading in Pharo 4,
the only thing that went wrong was the loading of fonts.
is it possible to use FAMIX model in Pharo 4 (=not Moose image)? I didn't
find a separate configuration and loading the whole Moose package fails
(probably because Moose image is on Pharo 3?).
We are using PetitParser and we get this error message. But it is not very explicit and even while using PetitParser browser we get this issue. The problem is that even while testing the parsing of a subpart of the erroneous test with another test, we get the error.
Does someone knows what this error means and what to do to correct it?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Alex,
I have some problems with displaying edges.
I have difficulties to reproduce things outside my application. But I am
trying to add arrows. So when I do:
(RTLine new color: Color red) + (RTSimpleArrowHead new color: Color red),
the text that follow the + brake my visualization: the arrow is wrongly
If I remove the + (RTSimpleArrowHead new color: Color red), it works fine.
When I tried to reproduce it, I created an example that does not work, I do
not understand why:
b := RTGraphBuilder new.
shape := RTShapeBuilder new.
shape shape: (RTEllipse new color: Color gray; size: 40).
el := (RTElement on: 1).
el + shape.
b view add: el.
el2 := (RTElement on: 2).
el2 + shape.
b view add: el2.
l := RTEdge from: el to: el2.
b view add: l.
RTCellLayout on: b view elements.
b build.
b open
~~Jannik Laval~~
École des Mines de Douai
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-GlamorousToolkit
New issue 1095 by anquetil...(a)gmail.com: PlayGround directory cache bug
opening on a computer an image coming from another computer
When typing anything in the PlayGround, there is an exception (see
work areounf:
go in System > Settings > GlamourousToolkit > LocalPlaygroundCacheDirectory
and set it to a directory on local disk
Screenshot from 2014-11-03 16:41:02.png 141 KB
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Am 14.11.2014 00:57 schrieb "Chris Cunningham" <cunningham.cb(a)gmail.com>:
> Nah, morphic works. What you do is have it write to a canvas big enough
to hold the drawing, then get the form under it, and then save that out.
So, something like this in the morph:
> asForm
> | canvas |
> canvas := FormCanvas extent: self extent.
> self drawOn: canvas.
> ^canvas contentsOfArea: bounds
> and write it out with:
> PNGReadWriter putForm: morph asForm onFileNamed: 'someFileName.png'
> I've used this with rediculously large diagrams before.
> -chris
Yes, pure morphic.
But rendering the above Diagramm in a morphic window and with Athens (and
therefore Cairo)
only works, because it only renders the visible part.
If you have a display with >32k width or hight, you would suffer from the
same Problem.
So… someone is hardcoding the shout theme… something in Rubric, perhaps?
But well… playground became non-usable for me :(
ps: the timestamp as title is also ugly. I propose to just remove that title. Is useless anyway (toolbar icons can be replaced by a menu/toolbar for window, no need of a pane with an unique tab there).
pps: the menu options are arbitrary in his relevancy and I still miss some of the options (already reported)
ppps: lots of uncategorised methods in GLMMorphicPharoPlaygroundRenderer and around
pppps: got it, RubSHTextStylerST80 does not respect style, and uses always default style (that’s obviously not cool :p).
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-MooseCore
New issue 816 by anquetil...(a)gmail.com: MooseMetaBrowser's Map re-display
after selection of a node
In the Moose MetaBrowser, when selecting a node in the Map, this map is
redisplayed at a new location which can even hide the selected node.
How to reproduce the problem:
- open MetaBrowser
- the map (drawing) must be larger than the Map panel
- scroll to the right of the map
- select a node (at the right)
- the map is redisplayed scrolled back to its initial position (full left)
Same thing happens vertically (scroll down, select a node down, map is
redisplayed from top)