When trying to walk smalltalkhub and import latest versions to find invocations,
we needed to make the following changes to make it work:
FAMIXAccess>variable: aStructuralEntity
(aStructuralEntity isKindOf: FAMIXAnnotationInstanceAttribute) ifFalse: [
variable := FMMultivalueLink on: self
update: #incomingAccesses
from: self variable
to: aStructuralEntity]
MooseMonticelloVisitor>visitScriptDefinition: aMCPostscriptDefinition
MooseMonticelloHTTPImporter>setRepositoryCache: aCache.
repositoryCache := aCache
MooseMonticelloMethodPopulator>ensureAnnotationType: aRBPragmaNode
^self importer ensureAnnotationType: aRBPragmaNode.
And change for performance:
MooseGroupRuntimeStorage>add: anElement
| key group |
key := anElement class.
group := byType
at: key
ifAbsentPut: [ OrderedCollection new ].
group add: anElement.
elements add: anElement.
byName at: anElement mooseName asSymbol put: anElement.
^ anElement
MooseGroupRuntimeStorage >at: uniqueName ifAbsent: exceptionBlock
| entity na |
na := uniqueName asSymbol.
"look first by name and if not found"
entity := byName at: na ifAbsent: [nil].
entity notNil ifTrue: [
entity mooseName asSymbol = na ifTrue: [
ifFalse: [
byName at: na put: nil.
byName at: entity mooseName asSymbol put: entity.
self halt. "Should this be happening?"
^ exceptionBlock value
Would they be safe to commit?
Hi all,
I like moose a lot, but I have a problem with the way the moose configurations are used. So I would like to discuss this on the developers list. I would like to know if more people experience these problems.
First of all, I like the way the development works out. All development configurations simply do not use any version numbers, and therefor return the latest version. Maybe we should create an actual development version, that is empty, except for the packages we want to be a fixed version. But this is a minor point.
But once moose is released, a snapshot is taken, it is no longer a proper configuration. Main drawback is that all groups and such are removed. But also referred configurations are no longer used.
I believe it should be possible to upgrade to the stable version of a configuration in the place where a development version was used. Especially when the development version is released. Taking snapshots prevents this, since it no longer contains groups.
Also I think that bug fixes of used configurations should be imported automatically. Taking snapshots prevents this, since they do not use used configurations.
Finally there is a scenario that actually breaks configurations downstream. When I load version 1.6-baseline of PetitParser and sub sequentially ask for the current version, it returns 1.7-snapshot. But since I try to load the 'Core' group of PetitParser, I can no longer use my configuration. It simply halts on the error that the group 'Core' could not be found.
I have two suggestions to improve the process:
> We either choose to stick to snapshots for the releases, since this is a very reliable way to reproduce a build (with all known bugs). But for this we create a class SnapshotOf<projectname>, for each project, with all the methods needed, to indicate it is not a configuration. We could add previous releases to this class.
> We create a proper stable version, in the way configurations are meant to be. We bless these methods with release and only update versions if it is a bug fix. We also create a new development version at the moment we make the release, so we can continue development, without breaking the release
For the last suggestion I have updated my Metaceller tool (part of GToolkit). It is still beta, but it produces proper release version for a single configuration, based on the current state of the image.
While trying to import some monticello packages from smalltalkhub with a
MooseMonticelloHTTPImporter, we noticed some less nice behavior from
the MooseGroupRuntimeStorage. at: ifAbsent is really slow when
byName contains 128 elements and elements 64K. What is the usecase for
putting the elements in an OrderedCollection?
byName at: anElement mooseName asSymbol put: anElement.
in add:
makes it perform a lot better. Is there a usecase where you don't want
byName to be filled immediately?
Diego & Stephan