Doru wrote:
>Hmm. I love it that you are trying to get Moose in Gemstone :).
Ah well, we just ran into that widestring problem when trying to
make another project run on Gemstone. When I found the nice
simple expression I just pasted it in some other open windows...
Another common problem is empty sentences. Gemstone doesn't
like ..
>These methods are not particularly important, and I think we
>can find workarounds for them.
Just replacing them with the same text, but then in plain ascii,
is enough. Often, it is just a wrong quote in a comment.
Gemstone doesn't like widestring method definitions.
MCMethodDefinition allInstances select: [ :each | (each source isKindOf: ByteString) not ]
should return an empty collection. In Pharo 3.0 it does.
In Moose 4.8 however we have
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 975 by step...(a) FMMultivalueLink remove:ifAbsent: broken
(and FMMultiMultivalueLink too)
values remove: anElement ifAbsent: exceptionBlock.
should be
values remove: anElement ifAbsent: [^exceptionBlock value].
as found in FameCore-TudorGirba.14.mcz
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I can't see how Fame enable to express that a Property in a metamodel is mandatory or not. The isMultivalued property of the FM3PropertyDescription class enables to specify that a property is multivalued or not, but nothing concerning the character mandatory of the property. Saying that in other words, it is possible to specify in a metamodel that the upper multiplicity of a property is '*' but I can't see how to specify the lower multiplicity.
For example considering the metamodel of stateMachine. A State is contained in one and only one StateMachine, whereas a StateMachine can contained 0 or several states. A transition has one and only one State as source and a state can be the source of 0 or several transitions.
Does Fame enable to express this mandatory characteristic?
Expressing such a thing may facilitate some generations. Indeed, when adding a State, we must specify its container but it is not mandatory to specify the transitions for which it is a source.
Thank you in advance for your help.