Alexandre wrote:
> Problem: Some packages related to the Algorithm have wrongly packaged dependencies. This create problem when these algos are loaded and not Roassal.
> A solution to this problem:
> 1 - I've open a Moose panel, imported all the packages that match *Algo* and *Roassal-*
> 2 - Open a Roassal easel on the model packages and do it the following visualization:
Beautiful! I've learned something today.
I am starting to use GraphET and looks really nice. While learning to
script with it, I stumbled upon this script that does not place x-axis
label in the correct place. In fact the x-axis label is superimposed on
y-axis one. Here's how you can reproduce it:
tmpBrowser := GLMDashboard new.
tmpBrowser addPaneNamed: #first.
tmpBrowser transmit to: #first; andShow: [:a |
a graphET
title: 'First Chart with ET';
chart: [:chart :mooseModel|
chart verticalBarDiagram
models: (1 to: 3);
xAxisLabel: 'Test label';
yAxisLabel: 'Another';
tmpBrowser openOn: 1
Hi All,
I found a stray package "collectionextensions" version 32 in the moose repository, while the most recent (and referenced in the configuration) package is version 34 in the folder Moose/CollectionExtensions.
Any objections if I remove this package?