Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 975 by step...(a) FMMultivalueLink remove:ifAbsent: broken
(and FMMultiMultivalueLink too)
values remove: anElement ifAbsent: exceptionBlock.
should be
values remove: anElement ifAbsent: [^exceptionBlock value].
as found in FameCore-TudorGirba.14.mcz
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I can't see how Fame enable to express that a Property in a metamodel is mandatory or not. The isMultivalued property of the FM3PropertyDescription class enables to specify that a property is multivalued or not, but nothing concerning the character mandatory of the property. Saying that in other words, it is possible to specify in a metamodel that the upper multiplicity of a property is '*' but I can't see how to specify the lower multiplicity.
For example considering the metamodel of stateMachine. A State is contained in one and only one StateMachine, whereas a StateMachine can contained 0 or several states. A transition has one and only one State as source and a state can be the source of 0 or several transitions.
Does Fame enable to express this mandatory characteristic?
Expressing such a thing may facilitate some generations. Indeed, when adding a State, we must specify its container but it is not mandatory to specify the transitions for which it is a source.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Hi guys.
So Benjamin Arezki is working on PetitJava and FAST for Java and I'm very
happy about that. Now I want to make a well structured project with an
opportunity to integrate it into Moose.
Can anyone suggest me what to do with the configuration? Because it's hard
for me to understand me all the shenanigans with metacello. Should I store
each package separately, add all of them into a baseline and then add them
with versions to a 'version'?
I'd really like to make a good use of my project, but I need help form you
(especially Doru ;) )
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