I have MSE files generated by VerveineJ. Can I setup somehow what I want to import into the image? For example exclude invocations, or import just classes and methods, etc.?
Thank you,
Hi all,
We found some time to continue our work on the Delphi parser that builds a moose model from it. Since Delphi is hybrid OOP and structured, this means it has functions …. and I would like to be able to browse them.
When I try to browse a function in the Moose Panel I got the error that it cannot calculate the incoming invocations. I found that this is implemented in a trait, but at the level of methods, but since functions can be called also I moved the trait up in the hierarchy. The tests of FAMIX all run, so I assume this is no problem.
Hello guys,
Just updated in Moose a Wizard to easily load Hismo models from a
collection of Moose models related to a system history (issue 974)
To use it, go to Moose Panel and click in "Import Hismo model from MSE
In the Wizard you can also:
- Filter the entities to be loaded in you Hismo model (for example, load
just methods)
- Select a strategy to load the models, for example: load the one model
per month, load one model each 20 days, etc (for that case, your mse files
should include a date in its name)
Andre Hora
Status: New
Owner: andreho...(a)gmail.com
Labels: Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Component-MooseCore Milestone-4.8
New issue 974 by andreho...(a)gmail.com: Improve Hismo importer
We should have a wizard to load Hismo models.
Also, for the case we have several Moose models of a system history:
- We should have strategies about how to select the Moose models to be
- Ex: load the one model per month, load one model each 20 days, etc
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Hi Doru and all,
Your recently announced dynamic features of Glamour might be handy for a
browser I am trying to build. My example code below contains a couple of
buttons. When clicked, a list or tree should appear, and be populated
(with the contents of the selection from user), below the button.
Please evaluate the following code:
| browser |
browser := GLMTabulator new.
column: [: a | a row: #inputdata;
row: #dictionary;
row: #territories ];
column: [: a | a row: [ :r | r column: #start; column: #end ] span: 10;
row: #info span: 3;
row: #actions ]
span: 6.
browser transmit to: #inputdata; andShow: [ : a |
a title: 'Input Data'.
a actionList
act: [: entity | (UIManager default chooseDirectory: 'Select
directory' from: FileSystem root) ifNotNilDo: [: dir | self halt ] ]
entitled: 'Load...' ].
browser transmit to: #dictionary; andShow: [ : a |
a list title: 'Data Dictionary' ].
browser transmit to: #territories; andShow: [ : a |
a title: 'Territory Data'.
a actionList
act: [: entity | (UIManager default chooseFileMatching: #('*.txt')
label: 'Choose a TXT') ifNotNilDo: [: file | self halt ] ]
entitled: 'Load...'].
browser transmit to: #info; andShow: [:a |
a text display: [ : x | 'Select input data' ]; title: 'Log' ].
title: 'My Browser';
openOn: (1 to: 10).
It seems I have two issues here:
- How to tell Glamour: "Create a list below this button".
- How to populate the list with new contents
Do you have any suggestions?