Dear Friends and Colleagues,
We are happy to (officially) announce Roassal 3d. Roassal 3d is about creating and animating 3d scenes. It is meant to visualize data. Roassal 3d recently got textures, translucence, additional layouts and various light models.
It would be great to receive feedback. Ronie worked very hard on making Roassal3d happen. Milton has put quite some effort on writing documentation and writing examples. A very preliminary version of the documentation may be found on:
The screenshots contained in this documentation should convey an accurate feeling of what Roassal 3d is up to.
Loading Roassal 3d in Pharo 3.0 is trivial, thanks to a configuration. Simply open a workspace and do-it the following code:
Gofer new smalltalkhubUser: 'ronsaldo' project: 'roassal3d'; package: 'ConfigurationOfRoassal3d'; load. (Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfRoassal3d) loadDevelopment
We are also looking for contributors to the documentation, we plan to have a book chapter on it. Get in touch with us!
Thanks to Usman, Jean-Baptiste, Igor for their help and contributions.
Alexandre Bergel
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-GlamorousToolkit Milestone-5.0
New issue 1020 by tu...(a) GTDebugger should show the
exception more prominently
The exception should be shown more prominently. Placing it in the title of
the debugger should be fine for now (like it is in the default debugger).
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issue notifications to this address.
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Why do we have numberOfLinesOfCode metric for a namespace and not for a
package? May be we should define numberOfLinesOfCode at the level of
FAMIXContainer to make it more general. In fact, in all the subclasses of a
container, it is only the package that does not have numberOfLinesOfCode
metric. We are doing a FAMIXDiff browser (to see the changes between two
models) and see what are the metrics that can be interesting for each
Anne and Usman
I know some of you are working on DSM-kind of matrix. Oscar has been working on a similarity matrix for Roassal. I just want to share a self-explanble screenshot with you guys.
On this example, the methods of the subclasses of Set are compared between themselves.
Black dot is a couple (m1, m2) that are very similar
More on…
Alexandre Bergel
Do we have support for composite diagrams in GraphET? I am looking to
create a multi-line diagram like the one shown here, created with Eyesee
[image: Inline image 2]