this is annoying to see the name of the namespace followed by (namespace) and this for all the chain.
especially when we represent packages :)
What was the reason to get the ( )?
In my image I systematically change
printOn: aStream
self belongsTo ifNotNil: [:parent |
parent printOn: aStream.
nextPut: $:;
nextPut: $: ].
self name ifNotNil: [ aStream nextPutAll: self name ].
aStream nextPutAll: ' (Namespace)'
printOn: aStream
self belongsTo ifNotNil: [:parent |
parent printOn: aStream.
nextPut: $:;
nextPut: $: ].
self name ifNotNil: [ aStream nextPutAll: self name ].
same for packages.
just to let you know that people reported to me (but I cannot find a way to reproduce it) that Moose 4.9 does not restart after a while on windows win XP.
I tried to get some more information but I could not.
May be this is because this is windows XP.
Something important that has been lost from the traditional debugger and GTDebugger, is to see the instance variables and temporary variables in two different panes.
Maybe coloring can be used to tell which variable is a temporary or not.
When I step in / over, maybe you can indicate in bold what are the variables that have been modified. A simple idea that is not there with the standard debugger.
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
Status: New
Owner: tu...(a)tudorgirba.com
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-GlamorousToolkit Milestone-5.0
New issue 1021 by tu...(a)tudorgirba.com: GTInspector should allow spawning
another inspector from the variables table
In the variables table, we should be allowed to spawn another inspector.
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Hi guys. I am trying to understand how the force based layout works. So there are charge: strength: and length: accessors. I understand how charge works a bit, but changing length and strength didn’t give me any visible results.
P.S. maybe it’s reasonable to comment classes a bit? Because almost all layouts does not have classes so when I want to layout my graph I end up in the middle of nowhere.
Summary: GTDebugger does not accept code on CMD+s
Status: Fixed
Comment #2 on issue 1009 by tu...(a)tudorgirba.com: GTDebugger does not
accept code on CMD+s
Fixed by Andrei: Glamour was not taking dynamic actions into account when
triggering shortcuts. Day!
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Since a while, the Moose 5.0 image comes with GTDebugger and GTInspector
installed by default.
These tools are already useable, but there still is a long way to go. For
this, we need feedback. So:
- did you use any of them?
- first impression in one-two words (e.g., strange, useless, frustrating,
too white, funny, productive).
- what problems did you find?
- what did you like?
"Every thing has its own flow"
I noticed that Anne has been working extensively on fixing various smells
regarding the use of Pharo in Moose.
Thank you!
Could we get those rules run all the time? What set of rules are you
actually looking at?
"Every thing has its own flow"