Status: New
Owner: tu...(a)
Labels: Type-Engineering Priority-Medium Milestone-5.0 Component-Finder
New issue 1023 by tu...(a) PackageBlueprint should be removed
This code is unmaintained and it is not in a great state.
Name: Moose-RoassalPaintings-TudorGirba.47
Author: TudorGirba
Time: 8 December 2013, 8:31:17.63941 am
UUID: a0ee90eb-de74-45cb-b2f4-124dd05d54fb
Ancestors: Moose-RoassalPaintings-TudorGirba.46
moved package blueprint in an explicit separate package to make it
unloadable from Moose
Name: Moose-RoassalPaintingsPackageBlueprint-TudorGirba.1
Author: TudorGirba
Time: 8 December 2013, 8:30:41.818698 am
UUID: d5aab308-867f-42f9-b022-9da1f77abeab
moved package blueprint in an explicit separate package to make it
unloadable from Moose
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I get one package and select
Browse Package Blueprints
when I select incomings pane -> boum
packageForSurface: aSurface
^ aSurface anyOne packageScope
anyone leads to a bug.
here is a correct version
I'm a word compacting class. I remove the most used letters from a word to compact it to a given size.
(MalKontractor upToCharacterNumber: 3)
reduce: 'hello' -> 'hlo'
I have a package with classes and I want to get all the subclasses of all the classes in this packages.
How can I do that?
As a general remark: To me the navigation is not there. For example in the visualization we cannot annotate, query, select
connected entities. Even codecrawler was better to select. Now we have some visualisation
but they give the feeling that they are just there because they are cool.
Really I do not get why roassal does not take advantage of the idea of MalKontrakor.
I cannot imagine that when we work for real with visualzaition we do not want to cut, condense names.
This is the key difference between nice looking visualization and really useful ones.
This tells to me that roassal has never been used to support a real reverse engineering tool.
I will see and may be I will propose to build a specific tools for reverse engineering because right now
the gap is so large.
Where are the Mondrian examples?
It was cool when they were accessible from the EaselEditor.
I never understood the motivation to move them out the reach to the user.