Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 772 by google....(a) Moose Panel > ST importer >
incorrect selection highlighting
Upon removing an item from a list, the next item down becomes higlighted
like it is selected and the highlighting cannot be removed. It is not
really selected.
How to reproduce the problem:
1. Unzipped Moose Suite 4.6 Development
2. Ran\Contents\Windows\Squeak.exe
3. WorldMenu > Moose > Moose Panel
4. Clicked the ST downarrow icon. (btw, you might think about giving the
dialog that pops up a title)
5. In the [Initial list] tab selected the nine "AST-*" entries and clicked
the three-right-arrows.
6. In the [Selection] tab, selected "AST-Semantic" and clicked the
The row below that - "AST-Semantic-Binding" - is now highlighted as
7. Try to get rid of the selection highlighting on "AST-Semantic-Binding"
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 977 by step...(a) No widestring method definitions
Gemstone doesn't like widestring method definitions.
MCMethodDefinition allInstances select: [ :each | (each source isKindOf:
ByteString) not ]
should return an empty collection. In Pharo 3.0 it does.
In Moose 4.8 however we have
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I had fun understanding how countries may be described using SVG.
Here is a first shoot:
Moving the mouse above a country name highlight the country. You can now rehearse your geography.
The complete source code of this example is:
| view element nameComponent label |
view := ROView new.
ROSVGPath countries do: [ :k |
element := (ROSVGPath path: (ROSVGPath perform: k)) elementOn: k.
view add: element.
nameComponent := ROElement new.
ROSVGPath countries do: [ :k |
label := ROLabel elementOn: k asString.
label @ ROLightlyHighlightable.
label on: ROMouseEnter do: [ :event | ROBlink highlight: (view elementFromModel: event model asSymbol) ].
label on: ROMouseLeave do: [ :event | ROBlink unhighlight: (view elementFromModel: event model asSymbol) ].
nameComponent add: label.
ROGridLayout new
gapSize: -3;
lineItemsCount: 15;
on: nameComponent elements.
view add: nameComponent.
nameComponent translateTo: 0 @ 400.
view openInWindowSized: 1000 @ 700
Alexandre Bergel
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Famix Milestone-5.0
New issue 1014 by tu...(a) FileAnchor should store file names
with / only
On Windows, VerveineJ exports source file anchors with \. If the MSE file
is afterwards copied on a Linux or Mac machine, the path is not found.
One solution is to ensure that all occurrences of \ are replaced when
loading a FileAnchor.
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roassal views have a nice feature in glamour - a new glamour pane is opened when an entity is clicked. This is being set up by:
aView raw allElementsDo: [:each |
each on: ROMouseClick do: [:event | self selection: each model ]] ].
in GLMRoassalPresentation>>renderOn:.
I’d like to know if there is a possibility to do it yourself, because I generate some nodes dynamically when view is already displayed.
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Glamour
New issue 1012 by GLMExpander does not allow
changing pane size
In GLMExpander panes cannot be resized to show completely the contents of
the contained presentation. A script with an expander showing an Eyesee
chart to demonstrate the problem:
browser := GLMDashboard new.
browser title: 'Expander Example'.
expander := GLMExpander new.
expander title: 'Chart'.
expander show: [ :a |
a title: [ 'A simple eyesee chart' ].
a eyesee
title: 'Sample bar chart';
diagram: [:renderer :x :y |
renderer verticalBarDiagram
y: #yourself;
models: #(5 2 10 6 12 8);
width: 200;
height: 450;
renderer interaction popupText:
#yourself ]].
browser addPaneNamed: #metrics extent: 200@450.
browser transmit to: #metrics; andShow: [:a |
a custom: expander ].
browser openOn: #('first exmple')
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Time to time, the following gets rendered:
Characters have different sizes, which is not pleasant to read. Any idea how this comes from?
Alexandre Bergel
Some have asked about adding routes and defining cities:
We have extended our builder with such possibilities.
Soon the builder will work on Roassal@Amber.
Alexandre Bergel