I think this is an important synchronization mechanism, and we should try
to keep it going. It takes only a couple of minutes to write down what you
have done.
### Here's what I've been up to since the last WhatsUp:
- Consolidated Moose 5.0 (it's now working fully in Pharo 3.0)
- Cleaned the Moose issue tracker
- Looked into the problem related to SpecDebugger requiring Spec inspector.
Unfortunately, the problem is still not solved. A little story is described
- Reviewed and improved GTDebugger (with Andrei)
- Installed GTInspector and GTDebugger as default tools in the Moose image
(with Andrei). A preview screenshot is available here:
### What's next, until 2013-11-30 (*):
- Work on the GTDebugger to make it even sexier
- Build a simple overview visualization for software systems
- Translate the Moose book into Pillar
"Every thing has its own flow"
Due to the pragma-based recognition of properties and class-side
annotations for Moose entities we never know if we put the all the needed
pragmas and that there was no typing error involved in our custom entities
and properties. We only get to know if there is some information missing
once we start manipulating the entities in the interface where we may have:
1/ missing information or 2/ nils + DNUs.
So, what I am thinking to do is to run my battery of tests on a generated
model and the MSE (export and then import) version of the model to see if
we didn't lose information in saving the model in an MSE file and getting
it back.
Do we have such types of tests in Moose: same tests that are run on a model
before exporting it and after importing it?
Hi Fabrizio and others,
I loaded the Petit PHP parser. Now I want to use it but I see no clues. Do
anyone has an example how to parse PHP code like this:
class myClass
public $abc;
public function test() {
include "abc.php"; }
I create a new property in a MooseEntity.
<MSEProperty: #isFlag type: #Boolean>
<MSEComment: 'An exemplary flag'>
^ isFlag
I do MooseModel resetMeta.
I export the model with the entity containing the flag to an MSE.
isFlag property is absent in the mse file.
Is this a known bug/feature or do I need to update something?
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 918 by benjamin...(a)gmail.com: GLMTreePresentation display
artifact when selection is set to an unexpanded node
Execute the following Workspace script, then in the left pane, click on $X
while it is not expanded. An display artifact appears on the first line as
shown in attached image, which is the an overlap of the the hidden third
level $X and $O. See attached PNG.
Also the right pane locks up, which can be reset by unexpanding $A.
If you expand the $X in the right pane before clicking the $X in the left
pane, the problem does not occur.
|browser |
browser := GLMTabulator new.
browser column: #one; column: #two.
browser transmit to: #one; andShow:
[ :a |
a tree
children: [:x :i | x asString size > 1 ifTrue: [x] ifFalse:
[OrderedCollection new] ] ;
format: [ :x | x isCollection ifTrue: [x first] ifFalse: [x] ].
browser transmit to: #two; andShow:
[ :a |
a tree
children: [:x :i | x asString size > 1 ifTrue: [x] ifFalse:
[OrderedCollection new] ] ;
format: [ :x | x isCollection ifTrue: [x first] ifFalse: [x] ].
browser transmit from: #one; to: #two port: #selection.
browser openOn: #(($A $B ) ($C $E ($X $O)))
GLMTreePresentation-artifact.png 9.6 KB
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Name: ConfigurationOfPetitParser-StephanEggermont.45
Author: StephanEggermont
Time: 21 November 2013, 9:38:06.125 am
UUID: 45d3d648-e50b-4035-b7ca-51f53a668c5d
Ancestors: ConfigurationOfPetitParser-StephanEggermont.44
Defined package dependencies for snapshot