Can someone explain the difference between the two?
Because currently there are multiple properties with these names, some
in FamixClass, FamixBehaviouralEntity, FamixMethod....
Are they duplicated properties?
I need the following method from VW to run some tests in SqMoose. Does
anybody have an idea about its licence? Does not seem to be part of
our own extensions :(
It's not especially difficult to reimplement one, anyone can come up
with a Squeak/Pharo equivalent (although it works as is under Pharo,
perhaps there is a better way)
"Answer a sort block, which evaluates this symbol for both arguments
and compares the resulting values"
| stream |
stream := (String new: self size * 2 + 14) writeStream.
nextPutAll: '[:a :b | a ';
nextPutAll: self;
nextPutAll: ' <=b ';
nextPutAll: self;
nextPut: $].
^Compiler evaluate: stream contents
I ran into the following problem (related to FamixModelExtractionTest
even if it's more general)
(#((1) (3) () ()) flatCollect: [ :each ])
#(1 3 nil nil)
when one expects #(1 3)
flatCollect: is defined in Colllection, I dont want to override it
if possible.
Collection>>flatCollect: aBlock
| stream |
self isEmpty ifTrue: [ ^ self copy ].
stream := (self species new: self size) nsWriteStream.
self do: [ :each | stream nextPutAll: (aBlock value: each) ].
^ stream contents
Can someone find an elegant solution which would "shrink" the
resulting array to its non-nil content?
Hi All,
Just to let you know that the MooseBrowser now contains an import
Pharo package command in addition to the import MSE one.
Alexandre Bergel
Hi Alex,
I have progressed in DSM visualization in pharoMondrian.
Now I need some new features:
- on MOLabelShape, the method fontSize: doesn't work.
- It would be interessant to fix a width to a MOLabelShape.
- When I do subShape, I always have a 2 pixels free space on the right
and the bottom of the shape.
Maybe, we can do this together, next week.
Dear list
Here is the current version of the Famix3 metamodel, which should
replace the slightly outdated pdf of beta14.
Most importantly, we are asking for reviews, especially to check
whether bidirectional relationships are correct.
Hi All,
What should we do with UtilitiesTest and GroupTest? Some tests are red.
I will fix them over the time...
Alexandre Bergel
Hi all,
When I would like to import smalltalk code, like this:
importer := MooseSqueakClassPackageImporterTask new.
importer importingContext mergeClassAndMetaclass.
importer candidateClass: CandidateListOperator.
importer importerClass: SmalltalkImporter.
importer model: model; addFromPackagesNamed: #( #'Moose-LAN') ; run.
I have an exception: message not understood, for the message
This is in the method FMMultivalueLink>>on: update: from: to:
Thanks for your help.
Jannik Laval
PhD Student - Software Quality - INRIA
Certified Project Management Associate (IPMA)
Dear list
With great pleasure I have seen some new activities blossoming around
SqMoose and Famix3 in the last few weeks: porting some projects from
VW (Mondrian, Hismo), using Famix3 (Cook)...
Now it will become increasingly harder to be aware of all changes and
in particular, of current development status for each project.
Since we dont have some kind of continuous integration system right
now, I created a page on the wiki which more or less serves this
I kindly invite any current developer to contribute to this page, so
that we can have a clear picture of where the moose development is
Of course, dont forget the regular issue list for the precise, fully
described issues.