Hi Alex,
I saw that you removed FAMIXFunction from FAMIX-Core. Is there a
particular reason for this?
But, there is a larger issue here. FAMIX-Core is not meant to be
programmed, but instead it should be generate-able from the MSE
specification of FAMIX. So, basically a test should be to create an
MSE from the descriptions from FAMIX-Core and then regenerate exactly
the same classes back.
Like this, we can make sure that it remains portable and in sync (via
Fame) with implementations in other languages.
To deal with the implementation details, there is a Famix-
Implementation package.
"Not knowing how to do something is not an argument for how it cannot
be done."
Hi All,
I am slowing uncovering a problem with Moose-All. If I make a package
(let's say Moose-OBBrowser) and make it required to another one (let's
say Moose-All).
Before saving, I always check whether there is a new version in MC. If
there is one, I merge. But for some reason, merging remove the
dependency I just added.
Simon, were you trapped by this? There is a Moose-ModuleAlgorithms-
simon_denier.19 that is not loaded by Moose-All. Just wondering.
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
Hi list
No, it's neither a contest between me and Doru, nor a sudden frenzy
for big pictures hanging on the wall.
Here it is, although it's still not a final version (in particular,
I'm not satisfied with the catch phrase at the top)
Comments are welcome, although the window is small as I will send it
tomorrow for printing.
Very important, I actually need some logos in pdf or graffle format
from the following teams/universities: SCG Bern, Lugano, VUB, Louvain
la Neuve, SOUL (to be put next to the RMoD logo)
Or I will try to reuse the ones found on the web.
I want to use EyeSee and I've some questions:
first, how to give different colors to 'Bars' into a verticalBarDiagram?
precisely, if: models := (models1 union: models2), how to say to diagram
if models1 includes: current then
current visualBar color -> #green
current visualBar color -> #red
I did this but It does not work:
|diag models removedModels|
models := ...
removedModels := ...
diag := Smalltalk.EyeSee.DiagramRenderer new.
(diag verticalBarDiagram)
y: #size;
color: [:each| models includes: each];
models: (models addAll: removedModels; yourself).
diag open.
In this method, there is: #ErrorPrintingTheObject << #labels >> 'Error
printing the object'
I do not understand what this mean. Why not "self error: 'Error
printing the object'"
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
Hi list
I am looking for any media material (picture, screenshots of tools,
slideshow, videos, podcasts) related to Moose. Some could be put on
the website for the community, and I think they should be put in a
file repository to be shared under a CC licence.
Right now I am working on a poster for Moose and that's why I need
such materials.
Hi All,
Doru emitted a request on Mondrian. I added the class
MOFigureSelection to capture when a node is selected.
Example in:
| view node1 announcer |
view := MOViewRenderer new.
view setUsefulHandlersForNodes.
announcer := view interaction.
view nodes: (1 to: 20).
node1 := view nodeForDomainValue: 1.
self deny: (node1 isSelected).
announcer announce: (MOFigureSelection event: nil on: node1).
self assert: (node1 isSelected).
Note that the message setUsefulHandlersForNodes should be sent to the
view. It is automatically sent within an easel. (maybe this is a point
we could discuss).
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu