Hi Alex,
I saw that you removed FAMIXFunction from FAMIX-Core. Is there a
particular reason for this?
But, there is a larger issue here. FAMIX-Core is not meant to be
programmed, but instead it should be generate-able from the MSE
specification of FAMIX. So, basically a test should be to create an
MSE from the descriptions from FAMIX-Core and then regenerate exactly
the same classes back.
Like this, we can make sure that it remains portable and in sync (via
Fame) with …
[View More]implementations in other languages.
To deal with the implementation details, there is a Famix-
Implementation package.
"Not knowing how to do something is not an argument for how it cannot
be done."
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Hi All,
I am slowing uncovering a problem with Moose-All. If I make a package
(let's say Moose-OBBrowser) and make it required to another one (let's
say Moose-All).
Before saving, I always check whether there is a new version in MC. If
there is one, I merge. But for some reason, merging remove the
dependency I just added.
Simon, were you trapped by this? There is a Moose-ModuleAlgorithms-
simon_denier.19 that is not loaded by Moose-All. Just wondering.
[View More];._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
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Hi list
No, it's neither a contest between me and Doru, nor a sudden frenzy
for big pictures hanging on the wall.
Here it is, although it's still not a final version (in particular,
I'm not satisfied with the catch phrase at the top)
Comments are welcome, although the window is small as I will send it
tomorrow for printing.
Very important, I actually need some logos in pdf or graffle format
from the …
[View More]following teams/universities: SCG Bern, Lugano, VUB, Louvain
la Neuve, SOUL (to be put next to the RMoD logo)
Or I will try to reuse the ones found on the web.
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I want to use EyeSee and I've some questions:
first, how to give different colors to 'Bars' into a verticalBarDiagram?
precisely, if: models := (models1 union: models2), how to say to diagram
if models1 includes: current then
current visualBar color -> #green
current visualBar color -> #red
I did this but It does not work:
|diag models removedModels|
models := ...
removedModels := ...
diag :=…
[View More] Smalltalk.EyeSee.DiagramRenderer new.
(diag verticalBarDiagram)
y: #size;
color: [:each| models includes: each];
models: (models addAll: removedModels; yourself).
diag open.
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In this method, there is: #ErrorPrintingTheObject << #labels >> 'Error
printing the object'
I do not understand what this mean. Why not "self error: 'Error
printing the object'"
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
Hi list
I am looking for any media material (picture, screenshots of tools,
slideshow, videos, podcasts) related to Moose. Some could be put on
the website for the community, and I think they should be put in a
file repository to be shared under a CC licence.
Right now I am working on a poster for Moose and that's why I need
such materials.
Hi All,
Doru emitted a request on Mondrian. I added the class
MOFigureSelection to capture when a node is selected.
Example in:
| view node1 announcer |
view := MOViewRenderer new.
view setUsefulHandlersForNodes.
announcer := view interaction.
view nodes: (1 to: 20).
node1 := view nodeForDomainValue: 1.
self deny: (node1 isSelected).
announcer announce: (MOFigureSelection event: nil on: node1).
self assert: (node1 isSelected).
Note …
[View More]that the message setUsefulHandlersForNodes should be sent to the
view. It is automatically sent within an easel. (maybe this is a point
we could discuss).
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
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