Call for Participation - NODe 2004 Developer/Industry Track
Die Konferenz
Fünfte jährliche Konferenz für objektorientierte und
internetbasierte Technologien, Konzepte und Anwendungen für eine
vernetzte Welt.
Die Net.ObjectDays ist eine der großen internationalen Konferenzen für
objektorientierte und internetbasierte Technologien, Konzepte und
Anwendungen. Mit einem starken Schwerpunkt auf Forschung und Innovation
besitzt die Net.ObjectDays eine Tradition darin, Forscher aus der
akademischen und industriellen Welt mit Systemarchitekten, Entwicklern
und Anwendern aus der Industrie zusammenzubringen.
Die Konferenz findet in der Zeit vom *27. bis 30. September 2004* im
Messekongresszentrum in *Erfurt* statt.
Developer/Industry Track
Die diesjährigen Net.ObjectDays setzen erstmals einen Schwerpunkt auf
die Themen der *industriellen Software-Entwicklung*. Wir laden
Referenten mit fundierten Erfahrungen in der Software-Entwicklung ein,
sich mit einem Vortrag an der Konferenz zu beteiligen. Gesucht sind
Vorträge über Methodiken, Tools und Technologien. Im Vordergrund stehen
*praktische Aspekte*, das heißt es sind insbesondere Vertreter der
Industrie (im Ggs. zur Forschung) für den Developer/Industry Track gesucht.
Die gewünschten Themen umfassen die Themen der Hauptkonferenz, sind aber
nicht auf diese beschränkt. Bitte entnehmen Sie die Themen der
Hauptkonferenz dem CfP unter Für den
Developer/Industry Track mit seinem *praktischen Schwerpunkt* rufen wir
des Weiteren ausdrücklich auch zu Beiträgen zu den folgenden Themen auf:
* Softwarearchitekturen und -bestandteile (Erfahrungen mit konkreten
Entwicklungsansätzen und Werkzeugen)
* Softwareentwicklungsprozesse (Erfahrungen mit konkreten Prozessen
und Werkzeugen)
* Softwareentwicklungsumgebungen
* Softwareentwicklung im Fokus: Empirische Betrachtungen von
Projekterfolgen und -misserfolgen
* Der Umgang mit Anforderungen als Schlüssel zum Erfolg?
* Erfahrungen / technische Grenzem im Einsatz von
Plattformtechnologien in großen Entwicklungsprojekten (z.B. .NET,
Enterprise Java, ...)
* Datenhaltung für Anwendungen / Konvergenz von Entwurfsmethoden
* Sicherheit und Performance mehrschichtiger Web-Anwendungen
* Standardisierung
* Technisches Management (System-, Konfigurations-, Deployment-,
* Der Faktor Mensch in der Softwareentwicklung (hilft Aus- und
* Beherrschung von Komplexität in Software-Projekten
* Berücksichtigung der Benutzbarkeit (u.a. Usability) von
Anwendungen im Softwareentwicklungsprozess
* Wirtschaftlichkeit der Softwareentwicklung
* Aktuelle Praxistrends (z.B. nearshore-, offshore-Entwicklung,
Softwareentwicklung für multimediale, eingebettete Geräte,
Software und geistiges Eigentum)
* Erste Praxiserfahrungen mit oder Vorstellungen von neuen
Methodiken, Tools und Technologien
Der Developer/Industry Track richtet sich an Software-Entwickler und
soll den Erfahrungsaustausch innerhalb der Developer-Community
unterstützen. Gesucht sind deshalb Vorträge, die entweder einen neuen
Beitrag zur Software-Entwicklung leisten können (neues Tool, neue
Technik usw.), oder solche, die praktische Erfahrungen mit aktuellen
Themen zum Gegenstand haben.
Einreichung von Beiträgen / Termine
Um einen Beitrag einzureichen, verfahren Sie bitte wie folgt:
Füllen Sie das Formular submission.txt
( vollständig
aus. Einreichungen bitte in Deutsch oder Englisch.
Fügen Sie bitte ggf. vorhandene Foliensätze oder schriftliche
Ausarbeitungen Ihres Beitrags als *PDF-Datei* an. Ausarbeitungen
und Foliensätze erlauben eine bessere Beurteilung Ihres Beitrags
und Erhöhen die Chance der Annahme. Andere Formate als Plain Text
(submission.txt) und PDF (Folien, Ausarbeitungen) werden nicht
akzeptiert. Sofern Sie Ihre Einreichung komprimieren, benutzen Sie
bitte Zip- oder Tar/Gzip-Archive. Ihre Mail darf einen Umfang von
500K nicht überschreiten.
Für jeden Vortrag stehen auf der Konferenz *30 Minuten* zur
Verfügung. Bitte berücksichtigen Sie dies bei der Planung Ihres
Schicken Sie das ausgefüllte Formular sowie Ihre
Folien/Ausarbeitungen bis zum 28. Mai 2004 an
Sie erhalten bis zum 15. Juni 2004 eine Benachrichtigung über die
Annahme ihres Beitrags.
Hinweis: Die Beiträge des Developer/Industry Tracks werden nicht in den
Tagungsband der (akademischen) Hauptkonferenz aufgenommen. Falls Sie
Ihren (akademischen) Beitrag im Tagungsband veröffentlichen möchten,
reichen Sie ihn bitte für die akademische Hauptkonferenz ein. Beachten
Sie die früheren Abgabefristen im Haupt-CfP; des Weiteren gelten
abweichende Regeln für die Einreichung eines Beitrags.
Developer Committee
* Hasko Heinecke, Credit Suisse, Zürich
* Christoph Leisegang, freiberuflich, Hamburg
* Ingo Macherius, freiberuflich, Darmstadt
* Dr. Michael Merz, Ponton Consulting, Hamburg
* Prof. Dr. Arnulf Mester, Materna, Dortmund
* Stefan Mintert (Chair),, Hamburg
* Christian Noack, freiberuflich, Dortmund (vormals Daedalos
Consulting, Witten)
* Bernd Oesterreich,, Hamburg
* Fernando Schneider, Hanser Verlag, München
* Guido von Walter, Living Pages, München
* Homepage Net.ObjectDays <>
* CfP Developer/Industry Tracks
<> (dieser Text)
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Dear Colleague,
The Object Management Group (OMG) is holding a number of
Information Days in April.
The events are free of charge.
If you wish to reserve a seat, I would advise you pre-register
using the form on the Web (see below).
Programs and registration for each event are available at:
OMG Day Munich - April 20, 2004. (in German and English)
OMG Day Frankfurt - April 21, 2004. (in German and English)
OMG Day Berlin - April 26, 2004. (in German and English)
OMG Day Amsterdam - April 28, 2004. (in English)
OMG Day Brussels - April 29, 2004. (in English)
Please distribute this information as you see proper.
Best regards,
Roberto Zicari
OMG Representative Europe.
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non-commercial events related to Object Technology in Switzerland.
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20 of April! Mark this date in your agenda!
The CHOOSE executive board, the Software Composition Group of the
University of
Berne and the Swiss Smalltalk User Group are pleased to invite you to a
by Lukas Renggli ( on 'Seaside: Building Complex Web
Applications Simply'.
This event is free even the drinks after the talk! Non-CHOOSE members
encouraged to fill out the membership application form
before attending the meeting. If you want to know more about CHOOSE and
events which CHOOSE organises, please visit
NOTE: registration for this event is required because we have to
prepare the apero.
Please fill out the registration form at the end of this e-mail.
Seaside: Building Complex Web Applications Simply
20 April 2004 at 17h30
Institut fuer Wirtschaftsinformatik (IWI), Universitaet Bern,
Engehaldenstrasse 8, 3012 Bern, Hoersaal 001
Travel instructions:
Seaside is a framework for developing sophisticated web applications
in Smalltalk. In this talk I will present some of its unique features,
such as its
approach to session management: unlike servlet models that require a
separate handler for each page or request, Seaside models an entire user
session as a continuous piece of code, with natural, linear control
Furthermore I will create a small web-application as a demo together
the audience and present a complex production web-site that has been
built using Seaside. I will present the new features of the just
released version 2.5.
Lukas Renggli ( is specialist in the development of web
applications and content management systems. He is expert in Zope and
web solutions, the designer of SmallWiki, a content management
entirely based on objects. Lukas Renggli is currently working for
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Web Applications Simply
Name: ______________________________________
Email: ______________________________________
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Address: ______________________________________
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[ ] CHOOSE member
[ ] JUGS member
[ ] SI member
[ ] Non-Member
[ ] SSUG Member
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Dear Colleague,
LogOn is organizing a conference and exhibits on Java, called
"LogOn Info Day Java", in Zurich, on April 1, 2004, at the
Novotel Zurich Airport Messe.
The event is for free, but pre-registration is required.
Details at:
Best Regards
Roberto Zicari
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non-commercial events related to Object Technology in Switzerland.
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Reminder: 18./19. March, 2004, University of Zurich:
SI-SE 2004: Components - The future of software engineering?
Don't miss the occasion to hear what international experts have to say
about software components.
Talks by David Parnas, Bertrand Meyer, Erich Gamma, Sridhar Iyengar,
Heinz Züllighoven and Oscar Nierstrasz.
Half-Day Tutorials by Erik Dörnenburg and Sridhar Iyengar.
Information and registration at
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non-commercial events related to Object Technology in Switzerland.
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Dear CHOOSE members
This CFP semms not yet to have been distributed in this forum. So FYI, here it is.
Hasko Heinecke
Technology and Operations
P.O.Box 600
CH-8070 Zürich
Tel. +41 (1) 3341591
************** Net.ObjectDays 2004 (NODe´04) ***********************
5th Annual International Conference on Object-Oriented and Internet-
based Technologies, Concepts, and Applications for a Networked World
Important Dates / Submission guidelines:
Submission of Papers: April 23, 2004
Notification: May 28, 2004
Final Version Due: June 25, 2004
Conference: September 27-30, 2004
April 23, 2004 Research Papers (16 pages, LNCS rules)
has to be uploaded;
look at [For Authors]
March 31, 2004 Workshop proposals:
May 07, 2004 Tutorial suggestions
May 07, 2004 Panel suggestions
May 28, 2004 Industry papers:
June 18, 2004 Doctorial symposium (Young Researcher Workshops)
- --------------------------
Program Co-Chairs
Prof. Dr. Mathias Weske
HPI at University of Potsdam
Prof. Dr.-Helmert-Straße 2-3
14482 Potsdam, Germany
E-mail: mathias.weske(a)
Prof. Dr. Peter Liggesmeyer
HPI at University of Potsdam
Prof. Dr.-Helmert-Straße 2-3
14482 Potsdam, Germany
E-mail: peter.liggesmeyer(a)
- --------------------------
NODe´04 - Official Successor Conference to JavaDays, STJA, JIT
Fair and Conference Centre Erfurt, Thuringia, Germany
September 27 - 30, 2004 / kongress(a)
hosted Conferences in 2004:
- CIA`04 International Workshop on Cooperative Information Agents
- ICWS´04 International Conference on Web Services Europe
- GSEM´04 International Conference on Grid Services Engineering
and Management
- MATES´04 German Conference on Multiagent System Technologies
The Main Conference
Net.ObjectDays is one of the major international conferences on
object-oriented and internet-based technologies, concepts, and
applications. Based on a strong research and innovation focus,
Net.ObjectDays has a tradition in bringing together leading
researchers from academia and industry on the one hand and
system architects, developers, and users from industry and
administration on the other hand.
Constantly evolving and increasingly powerful information and
communication technologies have substantially changed the nature
of global relationships, sources of competitive advantage, and
opportunities for economic and social development. The Internet,
and associated communication technologies have turned the globe
into an interconnected network of individuals, firms,
organizations, and governments, communicating and interacting
with each other through a variety of channels.
These developments pose increasingly complex challenges to the
computer science community in general and the software community
in particular. One of the most important aspects is characterized
by buzzwords like on-demand computing or adaptable computing.
The basic idea is to assemble, configure and compose software at
runtime to provide individual solutions to solve one-of-a-kind
issues in an adequate, reliable and cost-effective way.
Given this background, the focus of Net.ObjectDays 2004 is on
methods, concepts, languages, and tools for efficient, reliable
and adaptive composition of software artefacts to provide
value-added services, i.e., to provide the scientific and
technological basis for making on-demand computing a reality.
Recent developments in different areas contribute to this
technological basis, for instance web services, service
composition and grid computing, but also in software generation,
domain engineering and related approaches. Along this line,
the topics of the conference include but are not limited to:
- Software Methodologies for service composition
- Semantic Web Services
- Ontological Engineering
- Grid Services infrastructure
- Functional and non-functional properties
- Service Registry design
- Standardization issues
- Framework technologies and platform developments
- Software Reusability
- Domain Engineering and Software Product Lines
- Object-oriented technologies and concepts
- Architecture-centric development
- Component-based approaches
- Agile Processes and Agile Modeling
- Generic Programming
- Model Driven Architecture
- Software Patterns and Frameworks
- Software Quality and Testing
- Aspect-Oriented Software Development
- Generative Programming
- Component Market Places
- Middleware, especially EJB, CORBA, Web Services, .NET, Jini
We invite submissions in the following categories:
- Research papers
- Case studies from industry
Electronic submissions are strongly encouraged; please upload a
self-contained PostScript file or PDF file; details will be
announced shortly.
Papers must be original contributions that have not been published
previously, nor already submitted to other conferences in parallel
with this conference. The length of the paper cannot exceed
16 pages, and the paper should be in such a form that it can be
immediately included in the proceedings without major revision.
The layout has to match the formatting instructions of Springer
LNCS that can be found at
Papers that do not match these formatting instructions will not
be considered. Papers must be in English. Submissions received
too late and submissions sent by fax will not be considered.
We plan to publish the conference proceedings in the
Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science series.
The title page must contain a short abstract and a classification
of the topics covered, preferably based on the topics above.
Please also specify the paper category. The paper must clearly
state the problem being addressed, the goal of the work, the
results achieved, and the relation to other work. It must be
self contained.
Program Committee
Witold Abramowicz, PUE, Poland
Budak Arpinar, U Georgia at Athens, USA
Mehmet Aksit, U Twente, The Netherlands
Colin Atkinson, U Mannheim, Germany
Ken Barker, U Calgary, Canada
Boualem Benatallah, UNSW, Australia
Lodewijk Bergmans, U Twente, The Netherlands
Frank Bomarius, Fraunhofer IESE, Germany
Alejandro Buchmann, TU Darmstadt, Germany
Fabio Casati, HP Labs, USA
Pat Croke, HP, Ireland
Jos de Bruijn, U Innsbruck, Austria
Andreas Dengel, DFKI, Germany
Schahram Dustar, TU Wien, Austria
Bernd Freisleben, U Marburg, Germany
Kurt Geihs, TU Berlin, Germany
Reinhard Gotzhein, U Kaiserslautern, Germany
Volker Gruhn, U Leipzig, Germany
Heinrich Hußmann, TU München, Germany
Mario Jeckle, FH Furtwangen, Germany
Gerti Kappel, TU Wien, Austria
Stefan Kirn, U Hohenheim, Geramy
Ryszard Kowalczyk, SWIN, Australia
Falk Langhammer, Living Pages Research, Germany
Peter Liggesmeyer, HPI U Potsdam, Germany
David Lorenz, Northeastern University, USA
Frank Maurer, U Calgary, Canada
Gero Muehl, TU Berlin, Germany
Jörg Müller, Siemens AG, Germany
Dirk Mutig, Fraunhofer IESE, Germany
Josef Noll, Telenor, Norway
Roy Oberhauser, Siemens AG, Germany
Andreas Polze, HPI U Potsdam, Germany
Michael Rosemann, Queensland UT, Australia
Günter Ruhe, U Calgary, Canada
Roland Seiffert, IBM Deutschland, Germany
Andreas Speck, U Jena, Germany
Michael Stal, Siemens AG, Germany
Mihaela Ulieru, U Calgary, Canada
Laurentiu Vasiliu, DERI, Ireland
Jari Veijalainen, U Jyväskylä, Finnland
Gottfried Vossen, U Münster, Germany
Guido Wirtz, U Bamberg, Germany
Leon Zhao, U Arizona, USA
Organization Net.ObjectDays
c/o tranSIT GmbH Ilmenau, Langewiesener Str. 32, 98693 Ilmenau
Tel./Fax: +49 (0)3677 8451-00 / -20
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non-commercial events related to Object Technology in Switzerland.
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Dear CHOOSE Members
FYI -- pls distribute :
As one of the events in the seminar series Distributed Software Systems by
the Department of Computer Sciences and Telecommunications of the University
of Applied Sciences Solothurn North-western Switzerland,
a J2EE Day will take place
on Wednesday 11st May 2004 in Olten on the theme 'J2EE - Architecture and
practical Use"
with the participation of Sacha Labourey, JBoss Core Developer.
Have a look to (Early bird registration by 11th April 2004:
Fr. 60.-- discount)
See you in Olten
Best regards
Cl. Rubattel
Claude Rubattel, Software Eng. SWS, Dipl. El. Eng. HTL / EUR ING
University of Applied Sciences Solothurn North-western Switzerland
IT Application Development
Post address: Riggenbachstr. 16, CH-4600 Olten, Switzerland
Working place: Sälipark, Louis-Giroud-Str. 26, CH-4600 Olten
Phone: 0848 821 011
Direct: 062 38 82 512
Fax: 062 38 82 593
choose-news(a) is a *moderated* mailing list for announcing
non-commercial events related to Object Technology in Switzerland.
Please send announcements to be posted to: choose-news(a)
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To learn more about SI and CHOOSE, see:
The CHOOSE executive board and Compuware AG are pleased to invite you to
a half-day presentation
by Wim Bast (Compuware Corporation, Amsterdam) on
'The essence of MDA'.
Please note, that this is not a regular CHOOSE SIG-Beer event:
- The event will take in Olten (see below), not in Bern
- we charge a registration fee (see below)
Non-CHOOSE members are encouraged to fill out the membership application
form ( before attending the meeting. If
you want to know more about CHOOSE and the events which CHOOSE
organises, please visit
NOTE: registration for this event is required, as seating is limited.
Please fill out the registration form at the end of this e-mail.
Registrations will be considered on a FCFS basis.
The essence of MDA
Tuesday, 9. March 2004
Congress Hotel Olten
Travel instructions:
Registration fee:
CHF 20 for CHOOSE and JUGS members
CHF 50 for SI members
CHF 100 for non-members
Participants will receive a signed copy of Wim Bast's book MDA
Explained: The Model Driven Architecture: Practice and Promise.
Wim Bast (Compuware Corporation, Amsterdam)
08.30 -- 9.00 Registration + Coffee
09.00 -- 10.30 First part of the talk
10.30 -- 10.45 Coffee break
10.45 -- 12.00 Second part of the talk, Q + A
The presentation 'The essence of MDA' will discuss the following
* The goals and the essence of MDA.
* The balance between high productivity by abstraction and the also
needed detailed control in software development.
* How to realize the goals of MDA: the architecture of MDA tools and
modeling languages.
* What is not MDA and why so many misunderstandings exist about MDA.
* The relation between OMG standards like UML, MOF, XMI, OCL, CWM and
Wim Bast is Chief Architect at Compuware's Application Development and
Integration Centre in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Bast is responsible
for the core architecture of Compuwares Java development and
integration solution, Compuware OptimalJ. He has worked for the Company
for more than seven years, primarily focusing on integrating standard
technologies, such as MDA and Java, into Compuware's tools. As
Compuwares main technical representative at the Object Management
Group, Bast is directly involved in the development of the Model Driven
Architecture (MDA) and its related standards, such as Meta Object
Facility (MOF). He initiated the submission of the MOF 2.0 Query, View
and Transformation Request for Proposal to the OMG. Bast is Compuwares
MDA expert, specializing in programming and modeling languages, as well
as meta-modeling. He is co-author of the book MDA Explained: The Model
Driven Architecture: Practice and Promise. He is a respected speaker on
the topics of Unified Modeling Language (UML) and Model Driven
Architecture (MDA). Prior to joining Compuware, he worked as an
information analyst and developed tools for meta-data exchange between
development and design tools.
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Name: ______________________________________
Email: ______________________________________
Company: ______________________________________
Address: ______________________________________
Please check:
[ ] CHOOSE member, fee: CHF 20
[ ] JUGS member, fee: CHF 20
[ ] SI member, fee: CHF 50
[ ] Non-Member, fee: CHF 100
We will encash the registration fee on site. Please keep our live simple
and don't show up with 200 franc notes :-)
No-shows will be billed!
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To learn more about SI and CHOOSE, see:
The CHOOSE executive board is pleased to invite you to a presentation by
Lukas Renggli ( on 'Seaside: Building Complex Web
Applications Simply'.
This event is free for all SI-CHOOSE members, even the drinks after the
talk! Non-CHOOSE members are encouraged to fill out the membership
application form ( before attending the
meeting. If you want to know more about CHOOSE and the events which
CHOOSE organises, please visit
NOTE: registration for this event is required. Please fill out the
registration form at the end of this e-mail.
Seaside: Building Complex Web Applications Simply
20 April 2004 at 17h30
Institut fuer Wirtschaftsinformatik (IWI), Universitaet Bern,
Engehaldenstrasse 8, 3012 Bern, Hoersaal 001
Travel instructions:
Seaside is a framework for developing sophisticated web applications
in Smalltalk.
In this talk I will present some of its unique features, such as its
approach to session
management: unlike servlet models that require a separate handler for
each page or
request, Seaside models an entire user session as a continuous piece of
code, with natural,
linear control flow. Furthermore I will create a small web-application
as a demo together with
the audience and present a complex production web-site that has been
built using Seaside.
Lukas Renggli ( is specialist in the development of web
applications and content
management systems. He is expert in Zope and web solutions, the
designer of SmallWiki, a
content management application entirely based on objects.
Lukas Renggli is currently working for
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Web Applications Simply
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Email: ______________________________________
Company: ______________________________________
Address: ______________________________________
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[ ] CHOOSE member
[ ] JUGS member
[ ] SI member
[ ] Non-Member
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non-commercial events related to Object Technology in Switzerland.
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To learn more about SI and CHOOSE, see:
The CHOOSE executive board is pleased to invite you to a presentation by
Simon Moser (The SEE Group) on 'Initial Software Project Cost Estimation'.
This event is free for all SI-CHOOSE members, even the drinks after the
talk! Non-CHOOSE members are encouraged to fill out the membership
application form ( before attending the
meeting. If you want to know more about CHOOSE and the events which
CHOOSE organises, please visit
NOTE: registration for this event is required. Please fill out the
registration form at the end of this e-mail.
Initial Software Project Cost Estimation
Monday, April 5, 2004 @ 17h30 - 19h00
Institut fuer Wirtschaftsinformatik (IWI), Universitaet Bern,
Engehaldenstrasse 8, 3012 Bern, Hoersaal 001
Travel instructions:
Dr. Simon Moser
17h30 - 18h30 Talk and Q/A
Afterwards you are invited to a refreshment.
Software projects are notoriously difficult to schedule and
estimate. This is true for new development as well as for the
integration and adaptation of standard software or components. While
reasonably precise estimates may be based on models of the business
requirements (using UML or equivalent modelling languages), the process
of establishing such models is itself a difficult undertaking and .
painfully costly. A possibly useful alternative is offerd with Pre-UML
based estimation of the System Meter Method. Although still not able to
come up with good estimates from the project's name alone, its modelling
requirements are modest. The precision of those estimates ranges from
+/-20% to +/-35% at a 2-Sigma confidence level.
Simon Moser is an expert in cost estimation and is the originator of the
System Meter. He defended his PhD thesis on Measurement and Estimation of
Software and Software Processes in 1996 at the University of Bern. He is
currently Chair of the SEE Group, which specializes in Software Engineering
and Estimation.
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I want to register to the following event: Initial Software Project Cost
Estimation (April 5)
Name: ______________________________________
Email: ______________________________________
Company: ______________________________________
Address: ______________________________________
Please check:
[ ] CHOOSE member
[ ] JUGS member
[ ] SI member
[ ] Non-Member
choose-news(a) is a *moderated* mailing list for announcing
non-commercial events related to Object Technology in Switzerland.
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