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Dear CHOOSE member,
FYI-- pls distribute as you see proper.
Roberto Zicari
OMG Representative Europe
Object Management Group Information Day 2003 on
-- "Integrating the Enterprise" --
Zurich, February 26, 2003
One day onference program, and 3 tutorials:
- Prof. Oscar Nierstrasz
Object-Oriented Reengineering Patterns
- Thomas Jell
XML lessons learned - Einsatz und Integration von Middleware im
- Dr. Jim Arlow
Introduction to Model Driven Architecture
For details of the event please visit:
IAM of the University of Berne, the SCG and CHOOSE is proud to announce
the talk of Prof. Ralph Johnson.
Title: "Toward's an Architect's Handbook"
Ralph E. Johnson - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
One of the events that led to the book "Design Patterns" was an OOPSLA
workshop to investigate what kind of handbook should be used by a
architect. Design patterns were one of the things that we thought
should be
in such a handbook. But the software engineering community in general,
patterns writers in particular, are still far from an architect's
This talk will explain the vision, what is missing, a few recent books
in my opinion are big steps towards the goal, and what we should do to
fulfill our vision.
When: friday 21 February 2003 at 17h30
IAM Room 001 (opposite of the cafetaria)
Prof. Dr. Stéphane DUCASSE (ducasse(a)
"if you knew today was your last day on earth, what would you do
different? ... especially if, by doing something different, today
might not be your last day on earth" Calvin&Hobbes
OMG Object Application Awards 2003 -- 1st CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS.
This is the 1st call for submissions for the 2003 OMG Object
Application Awards.
The OMG Object Applications Awards is addressed to those
organizations and their innovative developers who have
successfully implemented object technology in their operations.
These awards are designed to publicise the best of the custom
applications using object-oriented approaches in the enterprise,
and to recognise the professionals implementing the technology.
The submission form for the Awards can be download from:
Entries must be received not later than May 2, 2003