Guten Tag
Um es vorwegzunehmen, wir würden Sie als Mitwirkenden in der Open Source
Bewegung am Freitag, 24. Oktober 2003 gerne an der Universität Bern als
Teilnehmer des Kickoff-Meetings begrüssen dürfen.
Worum es geht: Wir sind im Begriff eine Plattform zu initiieren, bei
welcher sich Open Source Entwickler mit hochwertigen Lösungen einem
interessierten Publikum aus den Bereichen KMU, Dienstleister, Bund,
Kantonen, Gemeinden, Forschung und Industrie vorstellen können.
Reger Ideen- und Gedankenaustausch und die Förderung der Open
Source-Idee sowie den Aufbau von Geschäftsbeziehungen sind unsere
Hauptanliegen. Die Veranstaltung soll eine Ergänzung zu den bestehenden
Technik-lastigen Events und Manager-Tagungen bieten und nach dem
Bottom-Up-Prinzip organisiert werden. Dazu führen wir am Freitag, 24.
Oktober 2003 ein Orientierungs-Treffen durch, das uns eine Tuchfühlung
mit Entwicklern, Dienstleistern und Anwender erlaubt.
Mit besonderer Freude haben wir Wolfgang Tietz, Informatikstrategieorgan
Bund, Leiter des Bereichs Architekturen, Standards und Technologien, als
Keynote-Referenten gewinnen können. Er wird über die Erfahrungen der
Bundesverwaltung mit Open Source Software und deren zukünftigem Einsatz
beim Bund berichten. Ausserdem wird Oscar Nierstrasz, Professor am
Institut für angewandte Mathematik an der Universität Bern, als Patron
des Events seine Unterstützung dafür bekanntgeben. Und nicht zu letzt
sind Sie als Teilnehmer gefragt, Ihre Vorstellungen einer Open Source
Begegnungs-Plattform einem interessierten Publikum kund zu tun. Gerne
können Sie uns bereits im Vorfeld des Orientierungs-Treffens Ihre
Meinung und Ideen mitteilen.
Nachfolgendend das Programm des Kickoff-Veranstaltung am Freitag, 24.
Oktober 2003:
17.30h Begrüssung durch Veranstalter
17.40h Keynote-Referat von Wolfgang Tietz
18.00h Fragen an Wolfgang Tietz
18.15h Pause mit Apero und Getränken
18.30h Vorstellung des Events im Februar 2004
19.00h Offenes Mikrofon, Diskussion im Plenum
20.00h Offizielles Ende, Abendessen in einem Berner Restaurant
Die Veranstaltung findet statt an der Universität Bern, Institut für
Wirtschaftsinformatik, Engehaldenstrasse 8, Raum 001. Der Zugang wird
beschriftet sein, ein Lageplan ist unter
ersichtlich. Für Präsentationszwecke stehen Beamer und Internet-Zugang
zur Verfügung.
Wir hoffen auf ein reges Interesse und freuen uns auf Ihre Anmeldung
unter . Für
Fragen, Bemerkungen etc. wenden Sie sich bitte ungeniert an info(a)
Sie sind zudem herzlich eingeladen sich auf unserer Mailingliste
(discussion(a) zu beteiligen. Zur Anmeldung senden Sie ein Email
an discussion-subscribe(a)
Mit freundlichen Grüssen, die Organisatoren
Michael Moser <michael(a)>
Matthias Stürmer <matthias(a)>
Urs Gehrig <urs(a)>
Bei dringenden Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an Michael Moser, Tel. +41
79 377 24 88
Aktuelle Infos auf
choose-news(a) is a *moderated* mailing list for announcing
non-commercial events related to Object Technology in Switzerland.
Please send announcements to be posted to: choose-news(a)
To unsubscribe, please send the message "unsubscribe choose-news" to:
To learn more about SI and CHOOSE, see:
Dear CHOOSE-Member
We are glad to invite you to another talk given by Olivier Picot, Object-ive:
6.11.03: DirectJava®: Automated Smalltalk to Java Migration Tool
For more information see below or <>
(with online registration form).
Best Regards,
The JUGS Board
DirectJava®: Automated Smalltalk to Java Migration Tool
Technopark Zurich, Room Cobol
Travel instructions: <> > Kontakt > Lageplan
direct Link to frame content:
Olivier Picot, Object-ive
17:00 - 18:15h: Talk incl. Q/A
Afterwards you are invited to a refreshment.
Java has taken the world by storm. Its vibrant and dynamic platform offers
today a real alternative to older languages, even those as established as
Smalltalk. Factors such as uncertainty in terms of vendor support, or
expert staff shortages should increase significantly the need for Smalltalk
to Java migrations. Indeed, re-development is a very costly and lengthy
alternative, frought with risks.
Smalltalk and Java show significant differences, posing problems when
attempting to automate a translation process (for instance, dynamic typing
versus static typing or the fact that blocks do not exist in Java).
DirectJava is a 4-step iterative process : Automated Smalltalk source code
analysis, Types Detection, Correspondence Repository building, and the
Translation Engine itself. Specific code translation examples illustrate
how DirectJava is able to deliver such a high degree of accuracy in
automated translation.
Case Study: CCR (Caisse Centrale de Réassurance) part of the top 25
reinsurers in the world has successfully migrated applications of over 1
million lines of code from VA Smalltalk into VA Java using DirectJava.
Olivier Picot is the founder and General manager of Object'ive, a company
specialized in Object-Oriented Technology. He has 10 years experience in
software architecture and engineering, and is the main developer behind
DirectJava, an automated translation tool from Smallalk to Java. His
experience includes software development for IBM as well as consulting in
the area of application migrations.
Please DO NOT reply to this e-mail.
Fill in the form below and sent it to <> or register
very easy at <>.
6.11.03: DirectJava®: Automated Smalltalk to Java Migration Tool
Name: ______________________________________
Email: ______________________________________
Company: ______________________________________
Address: ______________________________________
Please check:
[ ] CHOOSE member - no participation fee
[ ] SSUG member - no participation fee
[ ] Non-Member - JUGS-events are once free of cost for evaluation
[ ] Non-Member with participation fee CHF 100.- (better: Join the
Java User Group Switzerland and take part as a member...)
Java User Group Switzerland <>
Postfach 2322, 8033 Zuerich WWW: <>
JUGS is an interest group of the Swiss Informaticians Society
(SI) <>, the swiss chapter of ACM.
choose-news(a) is a *moderated* mailing list for announcing
non-commercial events related to Object Technology in Switzerland.
Please send announcements to be posted to: choose-news(a)
To unsubscribe, please send the message "unsubscribe choose-news" to:
To learn more about SI and CHOOSE, see:
Einladung zum ersten Vortrag im Wintersemester 2003/2004:
Dienstag, 21. Oktober 2003, 17.30 Uhr
in der Uni Engehalde, Engehaldenstrasse 8, 3012 Bern, Hörsaal 001 (1. UG)
Referent: Dr. Leszek Lilien (Department of Computer Sciences, Purdue
University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA)
Developing Pervasive Trust Paradigm for Authentication and Authorization
Traditionally, authentication and authorization (A&A) in computer systems
guard only user interfaces, thus providing only a perimeter defense against
attacks. We search for an A&A approach that satisfies the requirements of
multiple lines of defense and defense in depth. After reviewing and
classifying a variety of security paradigms, we propose the paradigm of
pervasive trust. It is analogous to a social model of interaction, where
trust is constantly --if often unconsciously-- applied. In an initial study
performed in our lab, we investigate using trust for the perimeter-defense
A&A model, in which the capability to use trust ratings for users was
applied for enhancing the role-based access control mechanism.
Dr. Leszek Lilien received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University
of Pittsburgh. His research at Purdue University concentrates on trusted
computing and computer security.
28.10.2003 O. Ercetin, Sabanci University, Istanbul: Energy-Efficient
Multi-Path Routing in Unreliable Wireless Sensor Networks
Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Sabine Gerber
Institut für Informatik und angewandte Mathematik
Neubrückstr. 10, 3012 Bern
Sekr. CGG / Prüfungssekretariat, Sabine Gerber
Tel. 031 631 49 14 / Fax 031 631 39 65
E-Mail: gerber(a)
choose-news(a) is a *moderated* mailing list for announcing
non-commercial events related to Object Technology in Switzerland.
Please send announcements to be posted to: choose-news(a)
To unsubscribe, please send the message "unsubscribe choose-news" to:
To learn more about SI and CHOOSE, see:
SSUG the Swiss Smalltalk User Group in collaboration with CHOOSE is
glad to invite you to the next half-day tutorial given by J. Pelrine
(MetaProg GmbH):
"SCRUM: A Methodology to Keep the Team Going" on tuesday, October
14th 2003 from 14h to 18h at the IAM Room 001.
Scrum, one of the agile processes, has been used to develop systems and
products since 1995 on thousands of projects in hundreds of
organizations. Scrum implements in several days and delivers
increments of functionality within thirty days. Scrum wraps existing
engineering practices. Because Scrum is a development management
process, it has also been used for such projects as marketing,
research, and hardware product development.
In this talk, we'll discuss how Scrum and all agile processes work, the
theory behind them and their underlying practices of inspection and
adaptation. Then weíll look at Scrum's detailed practices of
iterations, increments of code, emergence of requirements and
design, and self-organization of teams. Through these practices,
Scrum introduces a heartbeat of regular productivity to an
organization that foments customer and engineering collaboration. If XP
is wrapped by Scrum, XP's engineering practices ensure the quality
of this code and stability of the emerging product, while Scrum
provides the organizational framework which allows development to
Ken Schwaber and Mike Beedle, Agile Software Development with Scrum
(First edition),
Alan R. Apt, 2001.
Mike Beedle, Martine Devos, Yonat Sharon, Ken Schwaber and Jeff
“SCRUM: A Pattern Language for Hyperproductive Software Development,”
Pattern Languages
of Program Design 4 , Neil Harrison, Brian Foote and Hans Rohnert
(Eds.), pp. 637-652,
Addison Wesley, 2000.
Joseph Pelrine is CO of MetaProg, a company devoted to increasing the
quality of
software and its development process. He has had a successful career as
software developer, project
manager and consultant, and has spoken about it at such diverse places
as IBM, OOPSLA and the Chaos
Computer Club. In addition to being one of Europeís most experienced
eXtreme Programming
practitioners and coaches, he is also Europe's first certified
Tutorial Fees
140 CHF for Choose member
120 CHF for SSUG members (in fact 100 CHF + 20 CHF for
80 CHF for students
200 CHF SI member
250 CHF others
SSUG Sponsors:
Daedalos Consulting AG ( ),
iFace AG ( ),
Object-Oriented Limited ( ).
Fill in the form below and sent it to tschmid(a) . You
will then receive an invoice from the University of Berne.
I want to register to the SCRUM tutorial held at Bern the 14 October
Name: ______________________________________
Email: ______________________________________
Company: ______________________________________
Company Address: ______________________________________
Company ZIP/City: ______________________________________
Please check:
[ ] CHOOSE member
[ ] SUGS member
[ ] students
[ ] SI member
[ ] Non-Member