Dear CHOOSE-Member
We are glad to invite you to another talk given by Olivier Picot, Object-ive:
6.11.03: DirectJava®: Automated Smalltalk to Java Migration Tool
For more information see below or <>
(with online registration form).
Best Regards,
The JUGS Board
DirectJava®: Automated Smalltalk to Java Migration Tool
Technopark Zurich, Room Cobol
Travel instructions: <> > Kontakt > Lageplan
direct Link to frame content:
Olivier Picot, Object-ive
17:00 - 18:15h: Talk incl. Q/A
Afterwards you are invited to a refreshment.
Java has taken the world by storm. Its vibrant and dynamic platform offers
today a real alternative to older languages, even those as established as
Smalltalk. Factors such as uncertainty in terms of vendor support, or
expert staff shortages should increase significantly the need for Smalltalk
to Java migrations. Indeed, re-development is a very costly and lengthy
alternative, frought with risks.
Smalltalk and Java show significant differences, posing problems when
attempting to automate a translation process (for instance, dynamic typing
versus static typing or the fact that blocks do not exist in Java).
DirectJava is a 4-step iterative process : Automated Smalltalk source code
analysis, Types Detection, Correspondence Repository building, and the
Translation Engine itself. Specific code translation examples illustrate
how DirectJava is able to deliver such a high degree of accuracy in
automated translation.
Case Study: CCR (Caisse Centrale de Réassurance) part of the top 25
reinsurers in the world has successfully migrated applications of over 1
million lines of code from VA Smalltalk into VA Java using DirectJava.
Olivier Picot is the founder and General manager of Object'ive, a company
specialized in Object-Oriented Technology. He has 10 years experience in
software architecture and engineering, and is the main developer behind
DirectJava, an automated translation tool from Smallalk to Java. His
experience includes software development for IBM as well as consulting in
the area of application migrations.
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6.11.03: DirectJava®: Automated Smalltalk to Java Migration Tool
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